Many ask God why He chooses certain individuals over others? Scripture indicates that all human beings are sinful and are in need of salvation through Jesus Christ’s grace. Therefore, He chose some before the creation of the universe to receive grace-based salvation via Jesus Christ as their savior.
Not because He judged them more worthy, but out of His love for them and to keep His promises.
God chose Abraham as the father of many nations to fulfill a very significant role; according to Saint John Chrysostom, this one man would serve as our salvation’s means.
God chose Abraham at a critical juncture in human history – after both flood and Babel when humanity rebelled against Him – when humanity had united against Him and refused His commands. At that point He searched for someone who would trust in his promises and obey his orders – someone like Abraham with unwavering faith and obedience was his choice.
This incident illustrates why we should never question God’s sovereignty. While we can never know why He chooses or doesn’t choose particular people at any particular moment, we can rest assured that His decisions are made solely with His good pleasure in mind and never doubt His wisdom and knowledge in knowing exactly what He’s doing.
Remind yourself that God is a loving being who wants all his children to find salvation in Him. Rather than forcing anyone into accepting His Son, He offers grace instead. Our job as disciples of Christ should be to respond as Abraham did: with complete trust in Him. Therefore it’s essential that you always read the word of God and pray for wisdom.
Noah is a popular baby name, and it’s easy to understand why. This biblical figure, who built an ark to save himself and his family, represents faith and obedience – qualities which often resonate with people going through difficult times. Noah represents someone who walks closely with God who eventually receives rewards for their faithfulness.
The Bible reports that Noah lived to 950 years old. Many Christians look up to Noah as an example for how to lead a faithful and obedient life and show others how to be disciples of Jesus.
As a leader and father, Noah provided his family with strong guidance. His example can serve as an inspirational model for those struggling to find their purpose in this world – be it new parents or those going through hard times; Noah’s tale can provide the encouragement needed to keep moving forward with your lives.
The Noah story can be found throughout Genesis and several deuterocanonical books, such as 2 Enoch, Tobit, Wisdom Sirach and 4 Maccabees. This biblical account of an apocalyptic flood closely parallels an earlier Mesopotamian account; likely drawing on ancient literary sources when writing their version.
The Book of Job is an important and complex text from the Bible which explores suffering and its purpose, asking why God allows evil and suffering in the world. Joni Mitchell wrote a song entitled ‘Job’s Sad Song’ as a response to Job.
Job is a man who endures untold suffering but remains true to his faith and devotion to God, believing that his trials are part of God’s plan to perfect him. While his friends assume they are punishments for some transgression on his part, Job maintains his righteousness despite their perceptions. Through poetic discourses with both friends and God regarding his situation.
God restores Job’s life and gives back more than he lost, showing His great compassion towards those who remain true and pure in their beliefs. Additionally, it reminds us of Jesus Christ suffering for humanity while showing that our Father is kind and forgiving.
The Book of Job is an ancient text which examines some of the deepest issues pertaining to God and human suffering, compelling readers to reconsider traditional ideas about His policies regarding suffering and develop greater trust in His power over creation.
As seen in Daniel 1:17 of the Bible, God chose Daniel and his three friends Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego for some astounding reasons. For one thing, they flourished in Babylon where they outshone all other magicians and astrologers when it came to dream interpretation (Daniel 1:17).
They showed great courage by refusing to bow down before the image of King David even when this would mean being sent into a lions’ den, remaining faithful to their Lord and earning admiration from both him and King David for their faithfulness. This earned them an escape route and eventually admiration from both.
Daniel’s final prayer, at the end of his life, was an extraordinary display of faith and trust in God. By imploring Him not to turn His “kind attention from Your city and Your temple” (Daniel 6:25) but instead let His face shine upon Jerusalem, Daniel expressed his faith in a sovereign God who controls all things.
Scripture clearly and unequivocally states that God chooses who and when it pleases Him and has planned all along to achieve that end goal – our understanding may never fully comprehend why, but we can trust He always acts with absolute perfection, omniscience, and justice in mind when making these choices. To question or deny them is to mock His majesty – hence why it’s crucial for Christians to gain an understanding of what Scripture reveals about His electing love.
Mary stands as an outstanding example of being used by God as an instrument of His will. Chosen from all eternity as a young girl to become his Mother, her response was both simple and respectful when approached by an angel telling her what would happen: “May it be done according to Your word”. Mary did not seek her own benefit or glory but allowed God to use her in whatever ways He saw fit – without complaint or argument she accepted the hard task of bearing Jesus Christ without question or protest.
The biblical account of Jesus’ birth reveals key details about why God chose Mary as His Mother. She was virginal and descended from David; this fulfilled prophecies in Isaiah 7:14 and Micah 5:2.
Mary was chosen as Christ’s vessel precisely because, unlike Adam and Eve, she never freely chose sinful acts for herself. Thus she provided the ideal vessel for His Incarnation.
God was also preparing Mary for the coming of Messiah through her relationship with Joseph. A census decree required Joseph and Mary to travel from Nazareth, their place of birth, to Bethlehem Ephrathah – where prophet Micah predicted Messiah would be born – so as not to violate Caesar Augustus’ decree and miss their appointment for census duty.
God was most clearly orchestrating all these elements for the coming of His Son in an absolutely miraculous fashion, yet His ultimate motivation in choosing Mary remains unknown. Perhaps He looked through history’s women and knew she would accept His grace without resistance – making the Immaculate Conception possible.
Paul’s conversion is one of the most remarkable events in Bible history. After being converted, Paul went on to be one of the most important early Christian missionaries and influential church leaders, yet prior to this event he was an outright persecutor against Christians, even seeking arrest warrants from the high priest in Damascus so he could go after believers there.
Paul began preaching to gentiles despite earlier persecution, becoming one of the first gentile apostles accepted into the early church. This profound decision changed his life dramatically.
Paul offered an explanation based on the Old Testament: when God made promises to Abraham, rather than generically conferring them to all his descendants of Israel, He did so covenantally for those whom he chose as His own people.
And this is why the Old Testament is essential to understanding what happens in the New Testament: it provides us with a foundation to comprehend how God’s salvation operates, emphasizing his sovereign choice to save only those he sees fit while rejecting others.
Paul’s theology of election is essential to understanding God’s work. He defends God’s sovereignty against Arminians who hold that He looked down time’s corridor and saw faith or merit in some individuals that He saw none in others; these were chosen.