Orthodox Christians understand and respect the differences between clergy ranks in the Church. This is seen in various ways, from the way they dress and use precious stones. The hierarchy in the Orthodox Church has many ranks, and ordinary people who want to be closer to God may take a position of worship with the blessing of a clergyman. However, some people find the hierarchy to be oppressive. This article will discuss some of the problems associated with the Orthodox Church hierarchy.
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Problems with Orthodox church hierarchy
While the rise of Christianity has made the Orthodox Church one of the most influential Christian denominations in the world, the church still faces many challenges related to its structure. The famous “clash of civilizations” by Samuel Huntington posits that Christianity ends where Islam begins, and that Orthodoxy begins where Europe ends. While Western Christianity has largely avoided addressing this issue, the Orthodox Church has yet to overcome its autocratic medieval heritage and promote democratic principles within its ranks.
One problem is the Orthodox Church’s anti-Orthodox stances. These beliefs were supported by a number of elderly Hierarchs holding important positions, who were themselves taught by professors. Yet this view was soon thrown into question by important research on patristic sources. The church’s anti-Orthodox stance is now largely irrelevant due to the vast amount of evidence pointing to the Church’s ecumenical and patristic role in the world.
One recurring problem is ethnocentricism, or the unholy alliance between nationality and Orthodoxy. In traditionally Orthodox countries, such as Australia, this is especially apparent. In Australia, the Orthodox Church places its emphasis on shaping the expatriate community and neglects to consider its needs as a whole. Nevertheless, it has done a lot of valuable work in education and social welfare, but these projects tend to be limited to its own ethnic group and not the wider community.
Characteristics of orthodox church hierarchy
Orthodox Church hierarchy is composed of two levels – the patriarch and the ecumenical patriarchate. The ecumenical patriarchate has executive authority, but cannot make decisions affecting the whole Church without consultation with the Holy Synod. The hierarchs and the patriarch are responsible to the holy synod, and meetings of the holy synod are presided by the patriarch and must be attended by at least half the membership.
Bishops and archbishops are elected by a special assembly of the church. There are two ways for the Holy Synod to select a candidate for a metropolitanate: through election by the clergy or by the laity. In each case, the candidate must be a member of the church’s Holy Synod. The Patriarchate, however, has the right to dispute a candidate’s eligibility.
There are other appointive bodies within the orthodox church hierarchy. In the Church of Alexandria, the highest authority is the Holy Synod. This body formulates the rules for the church’s organization, faith and order. It is composed of members elected by the Holy Synod. Each councilor serves a specific role. While the Patriarch is the head of the Church, the Holy Synod has the ultimate authority over the hierarchy.
Relationship between orthodox church hierarchy and monasticism
The Orthodox Church does not recognize any religious orders. However, it does recognize different styles of monastic life. These may include a more liturgical life or a more mystical one. They may also be more open to the world and less strict, or may be more open to spiritual guidance. Whatever the style, monasteries must have a certain level of maturity. In the past, the Orthodox Church has had a great relationship with monasteries.
Monks may also hold positions in the Orthodox Church. Some are ordained priests, and others may be ordained deacons. In the Eastern Orthodox Church, the priestly office is known as tonsure. Tonsure is a ritual that cuts the hair of monks. It was once considered a Sacred Mystery. Monastics have a book called the Euchologion which contains information about this and other Sacred Mysteries.
The Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew highlighted the relationship between the Orthodox Church hierarchy and monasticism. This relationship is ecclesiastical and ontological. The Ecumenical Patriarchate is committed to maintaining this unity and functionality. This relationship is a complex one. However, the relationship between the two is important for the continuity of the Christian Church.