St. Jerome on Friendship
The friendship which can cease has never been real.
+ St. Jerome, Letter III: To Rufinus the Monk
St. Jerome on Friendship Read More »
The friendship which can cease has never been real.
+ St. Jerome, Letter III: To Rufinus the Monk
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“You may see many women widows before wedded, who try to conceal their miserable fall by a lying garb. Unless they are betrayed by swelling wombs or by the crying of their infants, they walk abroad with tripping feet and heads in the air. Some go so far as to take potions, that they may insure barrenness, and thus murder human beings almost before their conception. Some, when they find themselves with child through their sin, use drugs to procure abortion, and when (as often happens) they die with their offspring, they enter the lower world laden with the guilt not only of adultery against Christ but also of suicide and child murder.”
— St. Jerome, Epistula 22
St. Jerome: You may see many women widows before wedded . . . Read More »
”Dwell not in the temple of idols . . . Do you not hear the great St. Paul, who says in other words, ‘Do not read either the pagan philosophers, or the orators, or the poets; do not repose in the study of their works.’ Let us not be too confident that we shall not believe the things we read. It is a crime to drink at the same time of the chalice of Jesus Christ and that of the demons.”
— St. Jerome
St. Jerome: Dwell not in the temple of idols . . . Read More »
“May your actions never be unworthy of your words, may it not happen that, when you preach in church, someone might say to himself: ‘Why does he therefore not act like this?’. How could a teacher, on a full stomach, discuss fasting; even a thief can blame avarice; but in the priest of Christ the mind and words must harmonize.”
+ St. Jerome
St. Jerome: May your actions never be unworthy of your words . . . Read More »
“The proud sin greatly who, after studying secular literature and having turned to the Holy Scriptures, consider all that they say to be the Law of God, and do not endeavour to come to know the thoughts of the prophets and apostles, but seek out from the scriptures inapropriate texts for their own thoughts, as if this were a good work, and not the most defiled kind of study: to distort the thoughts of Scripture and submit them to their own intentions, in spite of obvious contradictions… It is proper to children and charlatans to try to teach that which they do not know.”
–St. Jerome, Letter to St. Paulinus
St. Jerome: The proud sin greatly . . . Read More »