From books like Richard Dawkins to internet activists who question faith, the question, “Who created God?” remains a perennially asked one. This misconception that God is an infinite being perpetuates this inquiry.
The Bible portrays God as being all-powerful, all-present and morally good, creating all things from nothing out of nothing (ex nihilo). Thus proving that He does not belong to our realm but is rather beyond human comprehension and does not require being created from scratch!
Table of Contents
1. The Bible
The Bible is considered sacred text by two of the world’s major religions – Judaism and Christianity. It serves as God’s revealed word and contains key teachings on creation, salvation, and redemption – making Christianity distinct from other religious groups in that regard. Additionally, Christianity holds that all creation is an act of divine mercy, showing His goodness and glory through its existence.
Importantly, the Bible informs us that the creator of our universe is an active God who takes an interest in taking care of his creation. He sustains everything that exists and can reveal to man how everything was made. He alone knows everything there is about ourselves and where our place in creation lies.
At its heart is the realization that while all creation can point towards God, only the Bible provides the true message about Him. God shows His power with creation of universe but understanding His omnipresence requires reading the Bible and believing its words.
Furthermore, the Bible clearly connects creation to Christ. Saint Paul writes in Colossians 1:16 that all visible and invisible things were made through Jesus “and for him”. Thus Jesus represents the ultimate expression of divine creativity: all creation obediently obeying his commands to come into being, while all remaining objects heed His will obediently obeying him obediently as his Lordship demands it of them all obediently (Psalm 148:3-5 proclaims this truth with praise: Praise Him sun and moon, praise him all you stars of light! For He established a new heaven and a new earth for himself alone to rule and rule them all!). This fact reveals God as their sovereign Lordship over everything around them all as he alone holds power over all things (Psalm 148:4-5 proclaims this fact by telling all its inhabitants what their duties entail compared with all who owned its owners!). Therefore Psalm 148:3-5 exclaims this: Praise him sun and moon! for He established a new heaven and earth for himself alone!). Psalm 148:3-5 states “Praise Him!” since they belong entirely as its owner.”
2. Science
The Bible claims that God is its Creator, and modern science validates this statement. Scientists can now determine that the Big Bang wasn’t due to random chance, but was instead orchestrated by Him directly. Furthermore, scientists know that our universe was designed specifically for life to exist, further supporting this statement that we were made by something greater.
Scientific evidence supports the Biblical account of creation, but many skeptics oppose God and argue there is no need for Him. Skeptics frequently assert that scientific analysis is always tentative and cannot be used as proof, while also noting if there were an intelligent creator, we would have found him long ago and his creation wouldn’t remain hidden so long; they further assert that Scripture contains myths and legends without any basis in reality.
Christian philosophers have come up with several arguments to demonstrate the existence of God, including the cosmological argument and ontological argument. The former relies on causality; that anything exists must have a cause, be it physical matter or events in nature; Aristotle suggested matter originated from an uncreated divine substance which Plotinus and Spinoza later adopted.
Ontological arguments center around human experience and reasoning. Meister Eckhart noted that to experience God directly requires spiritual union with him – thus necessitating the universe be created so it may be experienced; flaws like evil must also exist outside divine purpose being misunderstood by humans.
The Bible begins with these words: “In the beginning God created the heavens and earth.” According to this account of creation, Yahweh represents an all-powerful Lord whose great authority spans across all of creation. Yahweh appears over 7000 times throughout Scripture as evidence of its power over life on Earth.
3. History
History, or the study of past events, is a vital aspect of world understanding. It helps us gain an insight into the development of civilizations, peoples and cultures leading up to present day; learn from past errors to avoid repeating them again in future; but more than that reveals God’s hand at work throughout it all.
God is the author of history and He alone can direct it as He sees fit. Furthermore, as its creator He holds absolute sovereignty over everything that transpires on this Earth and He knows best what will take place in its future (Genesis 8:22 and Jeremiah 29:11). Furthermore He plans for both physical and spiritual creation to bring about an orderly universe full of peace, righteousness, and joy (Revelation 21-22).
Although some believe God used evolution to form the universe, this goes against what the Bible teaches. According to its teachings, the universe was formed from nothing in six days – not over billions of years – by God himself who has always existed and been at work within it all.
Hebrew for “create” is “yasar,” which literally translates as shaping or forming. Similar to how potters shape clay into vessels or figures, early Church fathers interpreted Genesis 1:1 as meaning that God created everything out of nothing – including this universe! They believed this phrase meant just this when reading of Genesis 1 and 2:17 as they read: ‘In the beginning God created heavens and earth.”
Old Testament passages convey this idea of an all-powerful Creator through God using the term yasar to describe His relationship with creation. According to these passages, when He spoke, creation took form and brought order out of chaos.
Because God created all that exists, the Bible commands us to worship Him. However, throughout history humans have failed to properly acknowledge their Creator – as Paul states in Romans 1:25. Paul refers to people who “changed truth to lie” by serving creature rather than Creator who has blessed forevermore!
4. Religion
Religion is an integrated set of beliefs and practices practiced by a collective of people, used as an approach to life and its purpose. Many religions believe that God created all aspects of existence for a specific reason; according to scripture He took personal care in nurturing His creation – it’s our job as humans to glorify Him with everything we create – so this explains why everything in existence has its purpose here on Earth!
Most Christians hold that the Bible is the word of God and is our source for faith and practice. Revelation presents God’s creative act as evidence of his omnipotence, wisdom and love – it’s traditional to attribute creation by God the Father; redemption to Christ the Son; and sanctification by Holy Spirit.
Some ancient philosophers such as Plotinus (204/5-270 A.D.) held that the universe was an inevitable manifestation of divinity emanating from God over time; its first manifestation being its highest expression while subsequent emanations became less real over time. This negative approach to describing God (known as via negativa) endured well into medieval periods.
Romans 1:22-25 vividly describes mankind’s response to God as their Creator: they changed what was true about Him into a lie and worshiped and served Creation instead of its Blesser – which remains true even today.
Christian thinkers from early church to reformers of the 16th century typically believed that God could not experience suffering. However, this doctrine has recently come under reconsideration by Moltmann (a former German prisoner of war) and Kitamori (a Japanese philosopher). They propose that while He may experience emotions such as happiness and sorrow, He does not allow these to dictate His behavior; suffering is therefore necessary but does not make Him more admirable; on the contrary it enables various forms of love; they further argue justice does not require passibility ; rather a perfect being can remain immovable regardless of world events.