Why Are You Giving Up on God When Nothing Happens?

giving up on god when nothing happens

Have you been praying and wondering why the Lord hasn’t answered them yet? Romans 8:28 assures us that everything works together for our good who love him.

Trusting God even during times of difficulty is the true test of your faith; Job, David and many prophets knew this all too well.

1. You’re blaming God

People often blame God for what they don’t like or understand in life; but this logic falls apart when one considers that He loves us so deeply and wants what is best for us.

Consider Hannah from the Bible; she was devastated that she couldn’t conceive with her husband, yet had been unsuccessful at trying. Hannah turned to God in prayer for something specific – Samuel! God answered her request by giving Hannah one of Israel’s greatest prophets and leaders who became one himself during an important period for Israel’s history.

Elijah provides another great example. Instead of waiting for direction from God before running away and hiding, he ignored His presence and care all along. But just when he felt ready to give up, He touched and fed him before assuring him He wouldn’t abandon him.

As Christians, we must also keep in mind that God does not operate according to our terms. He reigns supreme over everything that happens; yet He is not directly behind bad and negative events in the same way He supports good ones (James 1:17). He provides gifts to us all – even bad ones (James 1:17).

Last of all, it is essential that we remember that God does not cause sicknesses or deaths of loved ones and friends. He does not hold grudges against anyone and doesn’t punish anyone. Instead, He loves each of us unconditionally and wants what’s best for all of us – so stop blaming Him for any difficulties in your life, and start trusting in Him instead – He can handle them and even use them to show His glory; He’s your Father after all – trust Him and he’ll take care of everything!

2. You’re blaming yourself

If you find yourself blaming yourself, you might think the bad things that have happened to you are your fault. Perhaps your job search was unsuccessful or perhaps illness prevented access to treatment; regardless, seeing yourself as the source of these difficulties is all too common – but this self-flagellation doesn’t serve any useful purpose whatsoever.

Instead, it is crucial to recognize where these thoughts originate and learn to let go of them. They could be coming from critical voices in your life, society’s expectations or your own self-perception; once this has been identified and released from you can you begin replacing these negative statements with realistic and healthful self-talk.

Keep in mind that no matter how hard you try, no matter your illness or situation may ever become the fault of just yourself alone. By taking a step back and viewing things objectively, perhaps there could be other explanations why certain events occurred to you.

At times, to deepen our faith we must step away for a bit and strengthen it by waiting patiently for God to speak. Once He did so he was able to say: ‘Thou are the one who gives and takes away.

If you’re struggling to move towards the promise of your life, take heart. Your Father is with you every step of the way and loves you more than anyone. Surround yourself with encouraging people and find ways to feed your soul with God’s word such as reading scripture, podcasts or Christian music; these resources will strengthen you during difficult times – All-Access or Plus members only can access this content now – login or upgrade now to take advantage of this content!

3. You’re blaming others

Ofttimes when we give up on God, it is because we’ve put too much trust in ourselves instead of in him; believing that our good deeds owe us something – contrary to what the Bible teaches. If this belief arises for you too, take a good hard look inward to discover where it may have originated from.

Most people are adept at placing blame elsewhere; it can become an easy habit when we become close with others. We might blame our partner for money problems, our doctor for health concerns, the government for social issues or even nature itself for natural disasters.

At its core, blaming others can only attract more negative situations into our lives and is ultimately harmful for all parties involved – including ourselves! If we believe someone else is responsible for how we feel then we don’t need to deal with the situation at hand and instead can hide behind blameshifting as a form of avoidance from addressing our own worries, fears and frustrations.

Time has come for us all to move beyond blame and embrace an understanding approach to speaking about others’ circumstances. Once we can see someone’s position more clearly, then we can empathize with their suffering, listen carefully to their side of things and offer them some mercy if needed.

By accusing someone else, we are inferring they are somehow bad, which isn’t necessarily the case. While their actions may have caused us to feel upset, there could be deeper motivations behind their behavior that we simply can’t comprehend.

No one can completely comprehend why certain events happen in life, making it hard to accept when answers don’t immediately present themselves. Patience and perseverance will pay off eventually – eventually someone will find the answers we seek.

4. You’re blaming yourself

Playing the victim role is a waste of energy; it only leads to further suffering and hurt, while keeping you from learning important life lessons from pain and struggle. Instead of dwelling on what cannot be changed or forgiven yourself for whatever has already occurred.

At times of struggle and distress, it can be invaluable to surround yourself with people who can keep you positive. Doing this will ensure you do not lose faith in a God who cares for you. Additionally, reading Scripture regularly can provide your mind with truthful reminders that can uphold and uphold. Furthermore, finding resources like podcasts, books and videos which strengthen faith can also be beneficial.

As part of your own personal issues, another reason you might be turning away from God could be due to physical health concerns like bipolar disorder, depression or anxiety; relationship difficulties; or having difficulty with work. If life doesn’t give you what you desire from it, you might begin to believe that He doesn’t care.

When experiencing difficulties, ask yourself whether what’s happening is due to choices made or part of God’s grander plan. Remember that He gives and takes away, yet He always remains near, hoping to heal hearts and restore hope in your heart.

Elijah failed to heed God’s direction and ran off in fear; when he reached his lowest point, however, God came and touched him and strengthened him. God is with you even during life’s most trying moments and won’t abandon or forsake you; He knows your needs and can strengthen faith for heaven as opposed to earthly desires; trust Him and surrender yourself completely!

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