Among the many orthodox saints, St. Basil, St. Paul, and St. John the Evangelist are some of the most famous. But which one should you choose as your personal patron? Read on to discover more about them. You’ll also discover the stories of how these saints came to believe in Jesus.
St. Nicholas
The fourth century saw the birth of a great Christian hero known as St. Nicholas. He was well known for his passion for the gospel and for challenging idolaters to repent. This was during the time of Diocletian’s persecution of Christians. He was later thrown into prison along with other Christians.
The true Saint Nicholas pointed to Jesus and was a great pious man who interceded for those who were suffering. His intercession to the Christ God saved many people, including sailors who were traveling to the Holy Land. In one case, sailors were in danger of drowning during a raging storm, and Saint Nicholas interceded on their behalf, praying for calm seas.
St. Paul
The Book of Acts presents an idealized picture of Christian unity, but it also reflects internal dissension in Jerusalem. While the book briefly describes the persecution of Christians and the arrest of Paul, it largely blames the persecution on external enemies. Ananias the High Priest accused Paul of heresy and imprisoned him, but Paul argued his case by claiming the right to be tried in Rome. Paul spent two years in prison, awaiting trial in Rome. The Christian church in Rome was then under the leadership of Porcius Festus, who was a emperor from 60 to 62 C.E.
Paul was an important figure in the early Christian church, serving as the first interpreter of the Good News for the Gentiles. He wrote more New Testament books than any other writer and is often called the chosen vessel of Christ. The church also calls Paul the Apostle of the Nations and the Teacher of the Whole World.
St. Basil
Saint Basil was an Orthodox saint who believed in Jesus. He was a champion of the Orthodox Faith, a father to monks and a keeper of the poor and hopeless. His letters and preaching exemplified his belief in Jesus, and he was an exemplar of a bishop. He lived in a world where many heretics lived, and he fought them with his mouth and letters. During his life, he endured many challenges and afflictions. He was also the victim of divisions within the Church, and had to put up with a lot of ridicule and calumny.
Basil was born to a wealthy family in Cappadocia. His mother was Saint Emily, and his grandmother was named Saint Macrina the Elder. His maternal grandfather was a Christian martyr, and his maternal grandmother, Macrina, was a follower of Gregory Thaumaturgus. He and his siblings were raised by Macrina, a woman who devoted her life to the Christian faith.
St. John the Evangelist
Despite the claims of many orthodox Christians, the Gospel of St. John is not the original source of the Christian faith. The Gospel of John is a compilation of writings attributed to different disciples of Jesus. Its language, however, implies a much later date. Also, there is no historical evidence that John the Evangelist was in Ephesus at the time Jesus was born. Further, the letters of St. Paul to the Ephesians do not mention the Gospel of John.
While there are many legends about the life of St. John, there are some facts that have been preserved. He is one of the apostles of Jesus, and was associated with the Holy Virgin Mary. He often traveled to Jerusalem with Peter, and he was associated with the beloved disciple. He was also a prominent Christian leader after the Resurrection. After Jesus’ Ascension, John was involved in the founding and guidance of the church. He is also associated with the healing of a lame man in the Temple.
St. Nicholas of Myra
The Council of Nicaea met in 325 A.D., and it decided to deal with a heretic named Arius. According to tradition, Nicholas slapped Arius and restored him to his position as Bishop. As a result, the heresy did not spread to Myra.
Nicholas was known for intervening for the poor, those who were falsely accused, and those in danger. His divine goodness was so powerful that it was believed to cure sickness and restore the dead. In addition, his life was God-pleasing, and he fell asleep peacefully in the Lord. His body remained uncorrupt and was surrounded by fragrant myrrh. His relics were then moved to Bari, Italy.