Are you interested in knowing more about the orthodox church? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Read on for the facts on orthodox church beliefs, schism, and celibacy. Or, if you’re looking to join a community, here’s an overview of the orthodox church. You can also check out our article on the Catholic Church and Orthodox schism.
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Orthodox church
The Orthodox Church is comprised of many different ethnicities but is truly one church. The ethnic designation is a reflection of a parish’s jurisdiction under the authority of the bishop. There are over six million Orthodox in North America, and over 250 million worldwide. There are also many different sects within the Orthodox church, including the Eastern Catholic Church, the Armenian Apostolic Church, and the Greek Orthodox Church.
When attending a traditional Orthodox church, you will be expected to stand for most of the service. While some Orthodox churches don’t have chairs, many still do, which means that you can’t just plop down and have a seat. Although standing for three hours can be challenging at first, long-term standing gets easier over time. For example, Orthodox churches may have two or three choirs that play a variety of musical styles.
Orthodox church celibacy
The orthodox church has long been averse to the idea of married men being priests, but this is changing today, thanks to an ecumenical dialogue. In an effort to explain why the Orthodox Church only requires celibacy for bishops and monks, Cardinal Stickler cites several recent studies that dispute this notion. Cholij and Christian Cochini, in particular, are responsible for putting the debate in perspective.
While the Western Catholic Church permits the marriage of bishops and priests, the Orthodox Church does not. Orthodox bishops are celibate. Only men can be patriarchs, bishops, and priests. In fact, only one married priest has ever become a bishop in the United States, James Papaioannou. Eleni Paris, a marriage and family therapist, married a priest because she wanted a “strong faith man” and believed he could serve the church well.
Orthodox church schism
The term orthodoxy has many meanings. It means “sacred” or “right”, and is often used pejoratively. It’s also a term for zealotry. The split between the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church dates back to the 1920s, when traditionalist orthodox churches broke communion with mainstream eastern orthodox churches over a disagreement over the calendar. Both sides claim their beliefs are orthodox, though their differences are only minor.
Orthodox church in Russia
In the 20th century, Orthodoxy in Russia went into decline, but has since returned, emboldened by a broader population. The reasons for this are varied, but some of them are related to COVID-19. Orthodoxy in Russia is a place of retreat from the secular world. It provides a haven of moral clarity. Despite the challenges it faces, Russian Orthodox Christians are resilient, and there is hope for the future.
The newly-elected patriarch must prove that he is free from civil authorities, cares for Orthodox education, and is willing to stand up to the propaganda of amorality in Russia. He must be willing to fight the propaganda that aims to promote amorality, and admit to compromising with the regime. But if the newly-elected patriarch is truly repentant, he will do so. In the meantime, he will face many challenges as he seeks to maintain the Orthodox Church in Russia.