The Orthodox Church is a Christian religion with the belief that Jesus Christ was a real historical figure. The Orthodox Church teaches that he was crucified, descended into Hades, rescued souls held there, and rose from the dead. This event freed humanity from the power of Hades, and allowed us to return to the earth in the form of a man. This is known as the Resurrection of Christ.
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Orthodox saints
According to the Orthodox Church, any person who has lived and died in the name of Jesus Christ is a Saint. Some of them have been canonized as Saints by the Church, but every baptized Orthodox Christian is a Saint and belongs to the royal priesthood established by Christ when He formed His Church. The canonized Saints are exemplary examples of how to live the life of Christ. They include Saints like the Virgin Mary, John the Baptist, writers of the Gospels, and Saint Basil.
The New Testament is the center of the Orthodox church, and focuses on the person and work of Christ. It contains four Gospels that tell the life of Christ, as well as twenty-one epistles that deal with Christian life. The Acts of the Apostles contain stories of the early Church, and the Book of Revelation contains a symbolic description of Christ’s future return. The Gospels are vitally important to the Orthodox faith, as they serve as proof that Jesus Christ is the perfect revelation of God.
Orthodox saints are men who have reached theosis
In the Eastern Church, theosis is a stage in the spiritual life in which believers strive to imitate God. Orthodox saints have achieved this state by avoiding sin and living according to their created nature. They are also characterized by total unity with God through the power of the Holy Spirit. Moreover, they have fought for their faith and applied scriptural virtues to achieve theosis.
The orthodox church refers to these people as saints because of their sanctity. By becoming a saint, a person has reached the highest point of spiritual advancement. Therefore, it is fitting to honor those who have reached theosis and believe that Jesus Christ is the only way to eternal life.
Orthodox saints avoid unnatural development of the soul
According to Orthodox Christian teaching, the purpose of the saints is to imitate God and live a life of deification. The saints avoided the unnatural development of the soul and lived a natural life, always looking to God. Through the Holy Spirit, they achieved total union with God.
In Orthodox theology, the human being is a microcosmos unified with the macrocosmos, the living metaphor of the whole creation. Orthodox Christians live a life of sanctification, which is characterized by virtue and love for others. The Saints have reached theosis by living sinless lives and implementing scriptural virtues.
In an attempt to prevent abuse and harm, the Ecumenical Patriarchate issued special encyclical letters, or tomoi, to address concerns about certain saints. One of these letters addressed the popularity of St. Nicodemos of the Holy Mountain.
Orthodox saints spread the message of the Incarnation of the Word of God
The orthodox faith is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. Orthodox believers are not allowed to change their beliefs and practices to fit into modern society. They are also expected to keep their bodies pure and undefiled. Orthodox marriage is also a sacred sacrament of the Church. It is the union of a man and a woman in union with Jesus Christ. Orthodox marriage is an important moment in the life of two Christians seeking salvation.
Orthodox saints are examples of sincere faith
The Orthodox Church is known for the saints of the East. These men were inspired by the Holy Spirit to keep the truth handed down to them by the apostles and to experience living communion with God. This has created a great number of saints whose lives, while still on earth, mirror that of a Christian.
The Orthodox Church asserts that it is the one true church of Christ, tracing its origins to the original apostles through an unbroken line of apostolic succession. While Protestants and Roman Catholics share many beliefs, there are a number of differences between them and the Orthodox Church. Orthodox thinkers affirm the Trinity, the Bible as the Word of God, and many other biblical doctrines.