Getting a tattoo may not be the best idea if you are a member of the Greek Orthodox Church. In fact, it is against the ceremonial law and God’s wishes. You might have been thinking that getting a tattoo is a good idea because it is a great way to commemorate a life event or a special occasion, but you are wrong. In fact, getting a tattoo can be a form of painkiller, which is not a good idea according to the Greek Orthodox Church.
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Getting a tattoo is not encouraged by the orthodox church
Getting a tattoo is a popular trend in today’s world. Nevertheless, the question remains whether Christian tattoos are acceptable to the Greek Orthodox Church. This article will try to address this question, giving reasons why it is not recommended.
The Orthodox Church is not opposed to tattoos, but it does not recommend them. They are a form of body mutilation, which is not approved by the Orthodox Church.
Tattoos are not only a form of body mutilation, but they are also a violation of Church canons. In the early days of the Christian church, body piercing was considered a sin. During the time of emperor Constantine, tattoos were forbidden on the face, hands, and calves.
Today, most people know little about the history of Christian tattoos. They choose a Bible verse or story to tattoo, often on their favorite body part. Usually, they use stylized crosses or other religious symbols.
Tattoos are against the ceremonial law
Apparently, tattoos are in the naughty list of the Orthodox church. However, they may not be in the Bible. Although they were popular in the ancient world, the tattoo heyday ended when Christianity arrived on the scene. In fact, it was only in the 18th century that tattoos made it to the English-speaking world.
The most interesting part is that it is not just the clergy who deal with the minutiae. Various forms of tattooing were practised by Germans, Slavs, and Romans in the days before Christianity. The ancient Hebrews were also known to be tattoo connoisseurs, and theirs was a venerable body of work. In fact, tattoos were so prevalent in ancient times that the emperor Constantine issued a writ of enjoinment to a group of hardened criminals. The fact that it was a Christian who had the honor of inking the deal may have been a coincidence.
Tattoos are a mechanism for inflicting pain in order to tolerate more pain
Getting a tattoo is not the only time the ancient Greeks wore jewelry from holes in their arms. The early Church has a long tradition of rejecting tattoos and other forms of body modification. Using the body as a tool to inflict pain is one thing, but there’s no need to do it for the sake of doing it.
Tattooing is not only a temporary form of self mutilation, but also a potentially lethal affliction. As a result, tattoos are not allowed on the face, hands, legs, and calves. But this doesn’t mean tattoos are for the faint of heart. In fact, the odds of contracting hepatitis from a reputable tattoo artist are virtually nonexistent. Tattoos are also a way to display the name of Christ on your body.
As with most rituals of the olden days, tattooing was an avocation. In the ancient world, people tattooed their bodies in many different places, mainly to commemorate important occasions. However, the most common uses were to display the name of Jesus and the names of family members.
God’s desire to avoid tattoos
Traditionally, tattoos have not been accepted by the Greek Orthodox Church. However, there are some exceptions to this rule. Often, it’s the case that tattoos are used for repentance.
Tattoos are a form of self-mutilation, and are considered an act of sin. This is because the human body is a temple of God. Therefore, one’s body must be clean and orderly. Keeping one’s body free from tattoos is important.
There is a Biblical prohibition of images on a person’s body. The purpose of this prohibition is to encourage reverence for the body. This does not mean that one cannot decorate one’s body; it simply means that the body must be kept in good shape.
The Bible describes followers of the prophet Baal who pierced their bodies to contact Baal. Many Christians also suffered a criminal penalty for branding. Some Christians also use satanic symbols, which are considered unacceptable by Orthodox Christians.