If you’re interested in the virtues of love, you’ll appreciate these quotes from the orthodox saints. Here are a few examples: St. Isaac the Syrian, St. Bridget of Sweden, and St. John of God. These saints, and many others, emphasized the importance of love in their lives. They were also strong believers in the concept of self-sacrifice.
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St. Bridget of Sweden
The piety and wisdom of St. Bridget of Sweden are often attributed to her piety and love for God. She was born in Sweden to noble and pious parents. When she was thirteen, she was married to Ulf Gudransson and had eight children. Later, she became the patron saint of Sweden, Europe, and widows.
She became a widow at the age of 41 and prayed to God for guidance. In time, she founded a new religious order. During this time, her mystical experiences became more intense. Her visions became so vivid that she documented them in her Revelations of St. Bridget of Sweden, which became very popular in the Middle Ages. Artists sought to depict her visions.
St. Basil
Orthodox saints have often expressed their feelings regarding love. According to their beliefs, love is the most important virtue. Those who love God and neighbor are worthy of the Holy Trinity’s presence in their hearts. If we are to love others, we must love God first. Love for God will grow as we practice His commandments.
Love will lift our soul and give us a deep sense of joy. It will make us serve our neighbor better than we serve our own needs. Without love, we will never see God and his divine love.
St. Methodius
In the apostolic mission of the Church, holiness is the incentive to love, and this holiness is a source of particular fecundity in the world. The Virgin Mary, who lives an example of maternal love, is a model for all who cooperate in the mission of the Church.
St. Methodius is the patron saint of marriage and of children, and his life is a source of great inspiration for all Christians. A powerful, yet gentle man, he was also a strong fighter for the faith. As one of the four original doctors of the Church, St. Cyril was also a martyr and steadfast in his beliefs. He was known for asserting that Mary is the Mother of God.
He urged Christians to imitate Christ in joyful hope and lively charity. In doing so, they seek to emulate the poor and suffering Founder of the Church. Likewise, they seek to serve those who suffer, just as Christ plied His hands with carpenters’ tools to serve the poor and the suffering. While Christ had no knowledge of sin, He was born to atone for the sins of all people. In this way, the Church embraces sinners and strives to be holy, yet she remains continually on a path of penance and renewal.