How Did God Come to Be?

how did god come to be

There is no easy or single answer to this question, yet many find comfort and strength from believing in a supreme power.

The Bible teaches that God has always existed; He is infinite, personal and powerful – which means he cannot be created or destroyed and has no beginning or endpoint.

Origins of the word “God”

Ancient cultures believed in an all-powerful deity who created and protected all things, with beliefs rooted in oneness and interconnectivity. Today, many still adhere to these concepts, which provide strength and hope during trying times. “God” plays an integral part of these beliefs; its origins vary; for instance, Greek was its original language but later it spread around Europe through Old English, Dutch, and German translations of this term.

The Bible proclaims God to be the ultimate reality and our source of life and sustenance. Through Him we exist and breathe; He is both our judge and protector at once; however, some traditions hold superstitions which hold that any mention of God would be seen as disrespectful or even sacrilegeful.

Some scholars have asserted that the word “God” derives from Latin; however, this has yet to be proven. While Germanic roots could account for its possible origins, no evidence for its use in early Jewish, Hebrew, Christian literature or manuscripts can be found anywhere and it does not appear anywhere amongst Latin documents such as Codex Argenteus or Old English Guth.

Scholars have attempted to link “God” with its Sanskrit root meaning “invoke,” but this theory has been disproved as there are various roots to “god.” Additionally, it would be impossible to connect them linguistically.

In the Bible, “God” is usually referred to either by Yahweh or Elohim depending on which translation one uses. Jews frequently used Theos as Greek for “God”, and eventually this term became preferred among Christians who saw it as more accurate translation for Yahweh or Elohim in Hebrew.

Theologians and philosophers have assigned various characteristics to the God of Christianity, Judaism and Islam. These attributes include omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence, perfect goodness and divine simplicity – many first described by ancient Greek philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle and Zeno of Citium who later inspired St Augustine, Al-Ghazali and Maimonides among many others.

Jesus Christ

According to the Bible, Jesus Christ was God’s only begotten son and the Savior of mankind from sin. Jesus stands alone because He created both heaven and earth simultaneously through creation and redemption – something known as incarnation. Throughout the Old Testament prophets foretold of Christ coming as Savior from sin; Christ is God himself manifested among humanity as both Savior and Creator God!

Before Christ was born, God existed solely as a spirit. At some point He assumed human form and lived like any other person for around three years – performing miracles like walking on water and creating bread from nothing as well as raising people from their graves, something no one had done before in history – according to Scriptures. During that time He healed sick people and taught while performing miraculous feats like walking on water or even creating it all out of nothing! Furthermore He resurrected dead individuals – something no other individual had done before in history before Him! Moreover the Bible states this is something no other person has ever done before!

After this period, Jesus was crucified outside of Jerusalem and died for all humanity’s sins, before being resurrected and ascending into heaven where He currently resides until His return.

There have been various explanations given as to how God came into existence, with some views drawn from ancient philosophers’ writings such as Plotinus’ view that the universe was an overflow of divinity while evil existed outside form – known as via negativa in antiquity and medieval Europe.

Other views stem from Christian and Muslim theologians such as Maimonides, Augustine of Hippo, and Al-Ghazali; their ideas have varied degrees of support among modern scholarship; some thinkers such as Moltmann and Kitamori believe God is affected by our world; however others contend He doesn’t care because He doesn’t possess emotions or desires of His own.

Some Christians try to understand God’s origin through the concept of a triune God. This belief system encompasses three Gods – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Christianity views this idea as being fundamental.

God’s creation of the universe

The Bible asserts that God created all that exists within it – both spiritual beings such as angels and humans, as well as physical matter – in its entirety. Jesus himself testified to this reality during His ministry on Earth. Furthermore, scripture asserts that Adam and Eve were also created by Him at an earlier point in time.

Some scientists maintain that before the creation of the universe there was nothing, which then gave rise to it through natural physical processes. They believe in an infinitesimally small beginning for space-time known as the Big Bang; however, scripture teaches otherwise; according to it there was always something or someone before anything even began, an eternal Creator existed before all was made visible in time and space – an assertion confirmed by science today.

One of the key tenants of biblical creation doctrine is God’s intention of making all things beautiful for His glory – an idea which can be found throughout scripture, such as Isaiah 43:7 and Ephesians 1:15-18. However, many Christians misinterpret what this term “glorify” means; some treat “glorify” like it means making something beautiful by adding decorations – that would be equivalent to turning an ordinary room into a palace! God’s glory transcends mere aestheticism!

Another characteristic of biblical creationism is that God’s creative work is logically consistent. He created the universe over six days that were each approximately 24 hours in duration – contrary to what secular scientists believe, who hold that life arises spontaneously from nonliving material.

In addition, the Bible teaches that God remains unchanged throughout time; He does not comply with physical laws like other elements in creation and thus stands apart. Some theologian philosophers have taken this to mean that He is incorporeal (immaterial), personal being who gives moral obligation; while others argue he is greater still and therefore the ultimate cause.

God created in seven days. During the initial two, light was separated from darkness to form day and night, land was formed, plants flourished and animals and humans appeared. On day 3, 4, 5, & 6, He created sky animals and water creatures before on days 5&6, He brought on land animals & people before resting on day 7. Although He could have continued with His creation process further on day 7, He ceased creating as his work had reached its completion – hence resting.

God’s love for mankind

Christianity professes that God loves humanity in multiple ways. One example of His great affection for humanity was Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on our behalf at Calvary. Additionally, His plan for humanity involved sending his only son as an act of love so all who believe can be saved – an action which further demonstrated His devotion.

Christian theology understands God as an eternal and unchanging entity that possesses all three characteristics of an ultimate force: power, knowledge and pleasure. Furthermore, He knows every thought and emotion felt by his creations while remaining ever present and caring – this omnipresence represents his ever-loving care for humanity that surpasses all boundaries in time and space.

God’s love forms the bedrock of Christian faith. Scripture often centers around this theme, offering hope and comfort for those facing life’s trials. Christian faith also embraces resurrection of the dead as an important belief, providing assurance that our lives will be forever altered when Jesus returns again.

Since antiquity, theologians have assumed an infinite God for granted; however, not always to its logical conclusion. Augustine for instance lived a century prior to Pseudo-Dionysius, yet still described Him as ‘beyond all being and knowledge” (On True Religion 36:67).

Meister Eckhart of the 13th and 14th centuries made this idea more plausible by distinguishing between an all-pervasive God (Gottheit deitas) and the worshipped godhead (Gott, Deus). According to Eckhart, neither represents an ultimate god who transcends being and knowledge (Sermon 27).

Jesus used his sermon on the mount to illustrate God’s great love for humanity. He stated that, because “My Father loves me and has given me his only Son so that all who believe will not perish but have eternal life”, as an expression of this love from above. This truly shows God’s incredible devotion.

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