![does god still love me even though i keep sinning](https://i.imgur.com/ZpUugKG.png)
Sin is an offense against God who lives inside you as a born-again believer, so when you commit any kind of wrongdoing it must be repented of promptly! You should make amends with God as soon as possible!
Only Jesus can truly save you and that means trusting him alone for salvation. He will forgive your sins, strengthen your faith and meet all of your needs.
Table of Contents
1. God is a just God
One thing that sets God apart from other powers is His justice, an aspect often misconstrued or overlooked. People tend to misinterpret His justice as harshness or meanness when in actuality it simply expresses His righteous character – like being all-powerful and loving He is also just. Understanding this aspect of Him provides peace knowing He will deal with any injustice authoritatively and fairly.
God’s justice can be seen through his actions to address the root causes of evil and bring about righteousness, such as protecting the poor and standing up for oppressed groups (Deuteronomy 15:4; Psalms 10:17-18). Furthermore, His punishment of sinners in Scripture shows His non-partisanship – Luke 13:3-5 and John 5:21 provide evidence.
Understanding that God is just can give us strength and hope when facing temptation or repenting after we do sin, and can also help prevent future sinful behaviors. One important way in which this works is that when we continue sinning we vex or disturb God’s Holy Spirit who resides in all born-again Christians – one reason to quickly repent when we sin!
As Christians, we should live lives that reflect and promote God’s justice. This means assisting the poor, helping those in need, standing up for those being oppressed, fighting for righteousness and praying fervently that His justice would prevail in our world – praying fervently will give us confidence that His justice will eventually take hold; even if it takes some time he is just and his justice won’t become corrupted as it’s founded in his love and mercy – He loves righteousness so fervently that it will always fight for its victory!
2. God is a loving God
As much as you want to obey God, your sinful nature keeps sabotaging your efforts. No matter how hard you try and pray that the Holy Spirit helps you overcome temptations such as youthful lusts, pride, anger, criticism and discouragement – they keep coming back! Trying harder may help, but often these battles seem lost and futile.
God doesn’t overlook your sin; instead He wants you to seek repentance and ask Him for mercy – which He freely offers. His love for you remains undiminished despite your transgressions; however He will punish any actions contrary to His will.
Example: He expelled Adam and Eve from Eden for eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (Genesis 3:23), yet this punishment wasn’t motivated by anger but by His great love for them.
If you find yourself regularly falling into sinful behaviors, make time to spend alone with God and get to know Him better. Focus on who Christ Jesus is as your identity; identify any situations or activities which lead to temptation – then take steps to avoid those things! Furthermore, share your struggles with a Christian friend so they can pray with and encourage you.
Keep in mind that God cannot be mocked; though people may claim they are repenting when in truth they aren’t, He knows your heart and will punish if there is no genuine sorrow for your sins.
The Bible states that God no longer remembers our sins (Hebrews 8:12), so if you continue sinning, don’t think God has forgotten. Instead, seek his forgiveness and remember that His love for you is unconditional – regardless of what actions or behavior may cause Him to love us less or more! Putting your trust in Jesus ensures his eternal affection will always remain secure!
3. God is a merciful God
God is gracious, and He wants us to reciprocate by showing kindness toward one another. When we’re saved, His grace becomes a gift that allows us to walk in His ways despite the fact that our sinful nature wants otherwise. Temptations arise constantly in our hearts and minds, making it hard for us to remain faithful when drawn toward things which go against what the Bible teaches. Sexual immorality, impure thoughts, envy, discouragement anger greed are all temptations known as lusts that cause believers to lose control over their actions which leads them down this path toward despair and defeat.
The Bible instructs us that instead of succumbing to temptations, prayer and fasting are tools we can use to fight back against them. By changing our focus, these practices allow us to begin seeing how powerfully God is working in our lives. Prayer and fasting allow us to call on His mercy which He promises not to forget His covenant with our fathers (Deuteronomy 31:8).
Praying and fasting show God that we truly repent of our sins. God may forgive certain offenses when repentant believers truly demonstrate repentance, while He won’t be fooled by those faking it with superficial acts of penitence; He knows if someone is just pretending and will punish accordingly.
On judgment day, when we stand before God and He judges our lives and deeds, He will evaluate everything we’ve ever done and judge whether we have fulfilled His commandments or not. If not, however, due to Christ’s death and sacrifice on our behalf God’s mercy triumphs over judgment – but only while alive! At death our fates are sealed forever so hopefully there is still time for repentance and receiving his mercy before that happens.
4. God is a just God
According to biblical teaching, justice is synonymous with righteousness. God himself personifies this ideal through his very being; justice defines Him perfectly. Jesus encapsulated this quality through perfect love (1 John 4:16), perfect goodness (Psalm 106:1) and perfect justice (Isaiah 61:8) – traits we only possess partially ourselves.
The Bible describes God as an impartial judge who does not show partiality nor accept bribes; He administers justice equally among his creatures with special consideration for those living in poverty and oppression (Micah 6:8). God’s justice is fair; rewarding those who do good while punishing evildoers – an essential aspect of his holiness.
People often misunderstand God’s justice, believing that He must punish everyone for their sins – an error known as legalism. Furthermore, many believe that his punishment for us will be so severe as to destroy his loveliness altogether. Therefore it’s essential for believers to grasp biblical definition of justice so they can better comprehend that it forms part of his nature and character.
Keep in mind that God’s justice does not determine his forgiveness of us; rather, Jesus Christ’s work on the cross allows Him to forgive us and our acceptance of his sacrifice is what assures our justice and forgiveness.
As we sin, we vex and displease God’s Holy Spirit which lives within our newly converted souls. If we displease Him too much, there is the possibility that we could be rejected by him and subjected to eternal punishment He has prepared for those who refuse His gift of salvation.
Understanding God’s justness can provide great comfort when facing injustice or evil in the world. Knowing that an all-powerful, all-knowing being will deal with these situations in a just manner provides us with security during a time when injustice seems rampant throughout society and culture.