The Ethiopian Orthodox Saints are some of the most revered men and women of the Ethiopian faith. Each is known for his or her extraordinary achievements, as well as for their devotion to God. They have also become symbols of strength and wisdom. Their stories offer important lessons about the human condition and spiritual growth.
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Walatta Petros
Walatta Petros is a saint in the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church. She helped drive out Portuguese Jesuit missionaries from Ethiopia in the 17th century. After her death, her disciples wrote a biography of her life. This is the earliest known book-length biography of an African woman written by Africans before the nineteenth century.
The story of Walatta Petros is told in a unique, ecstatic language. In one passage, she argues forcefully with male leaders of her country. During her lifetime, she established seven religious communities. There are 27 miracles. These miracles include dramatic healings and more down-to-earth assistance.
Walatta Petros became a nun when she was 25. Her family was very religious. They had three children who died in infancy. Eventually, Walatta Petros joined a monastery on Lake Tana.
Frumentius, a Syrian apostle, was one of the first to introduce Christianity to Ethiopia. His zeal and influence were such that he was able to bring many rational sheep to the spiritual pen of Christ. In addition, his missionary activities led to the establishment of many prayer places.
Frumentius was born in Tyre in the fourth century. He was a student of philosophy and theology from Tyre. After becoming a priest, he went to Ethiopia to learn the language of the Ethiopian people. As a result, he translated the New Testament into the Ethiopic language.
Frumentius’s work with the Ethiopian people gained him the name Abuna (Father of Peace). He was ordained a bishop by Athanasius the Great. The first church to be established in Ethiopia was in Axum.
Saint Barbara is the patron saint of young women. She is also the patron of architects, stonemasons, artillerymen and geologists. Her feast day is on the 15th of May. In addition to this, she is venerated as a young woman and as an ascetic.
As a woman, Barbaros was converted to Christianity, and was later a monk. She lived in the temple of Portaitissa, and offered her services in the temple. After her death, her remains were still intact, and she showed signs of holiness. During the first years of her death, she spent her days in the presence of a holy icon. However, her life was cut short by the persecution of the Latins.
Barbaros is a part of the Panagiotes the neomartyrs. Among the other Panagiotes the neomartyrs are: Anastasios of Nauplion, Neomartyr Kyprinos, Venerable Theokleto, Hieromartyr Phokas, Venerable Synkletike and Venerable Theodosios.
Tekle Haymanot
Tekle Haymanot, Ethiopian Orthodox Saint, is one of the most famous saints. He is regarded as the founder of the Debre Libanos Monastery in Ethiopia. During the medieval period, this monastery was the leading religious institution in Ethiopia. Today, it remains a popular burial site for many Ethiopians.
The legend of the saint begins with his birth during the reign of King Soliman. His parents were rich and God-fearing. In a vision, they saw an angel of the Lord announcing his birth.
When Tekle was a child, his father taught him religion. He then traveled to the north of Ethiopia to receive a religious education. After nine years, he became a priest under the Egyptian Bishop Cyril. Afterward, he went to the Iyasus Mo’a Monastery in Lake Hayq.
Debre Libanos
Debre Libanos is an Ethiopian orthodox monastery. It is located in the Oromia region of Ethiopia. The monastery sits on a hillside terrace surrounded by a gorge. The monastery is 100 kilometers northwest of the capital Addis Ababa.
In the late 13th century, Saint Tekle Haymanot founded the monastery. He meditated there for 29 years. He is the patron saint of Ethiopia. His name is engraved on the Book of Saints of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church.
When he died in the year 1313, Tekle Haymanot was buried in a cave above the monastery. About sixty years later, he was reinterred in the monastery. At that time, the monastery was renamed to Debre Libanos.
The monastery is situated on the Blue Nile drainage system. It is a major pilgrimage destination for Christians.