All Saints Russian Orthodox Church of Las Vegas is a parish of the Orthodox Diocese of Western America and San Francisco, serving a diverse community from Russian, Eritrean, Ethiopian and other Eastern European backgrounds.
In Russia, the Russian Orthodox Church experienced harsh persecution during Communist rule. Nonetheless, in the 20th century it began to recover strength and restore ties with its mother church.
Orthodox Church
The Russian Orthodox Church is a traditional Eastern Christian denomination and the largest of all Eastern Christian churches, boasting over 20 million members worldwide.
It served as the primary church in both Russia and the former Soviet Union.
The Russian Orthodox Church is a reverent and traditional religious community that worships Jesus Christ through prayer, Scripture readings and hymns. It consists of priests, bishops and lay members alike in communion with one another.
Orthodox Christians believe Christ to be the son of God and Savior of all peoples. Those who worship Him are known as Christians, and must live their lives according to His teachings.
Orthodox churches throughout the world commemorate the feast of the Nativity, commemorating Jesus’ birth. In some traditions, there is a candlelight procession or liturgy that includes readings from scripture.
Holy Week is a period of intense preparation and fasting leading up to Easter, when Christians remember Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection. Services are held daily during Holy Week, culminating in Pascha – a solemn ceremony commemorating Christ’s triumph over sin and mortality.
Orthodox Christians observe Lent, which runs from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday and involves abstaining from meat, dairy products, wine and olive oil. Additionally they practice almsgiving – giving food, money and goods away to those in need.
All Saints Russian Orthodox Church is a religious organization based in Las Vegas, Nevada and operates within the Miscellaneous Denomination Church sector of the Membership Organizations industry.
This business is estimated to generate $27,810 in annual revenues and employs around 5 people at its single location.
The Russian Orthodox Church is one of the oldest and most esteemed Christian denominations, founded by Apostle Andrew in 1299. It also ranks among the largest and most influential Eastern Christian congregations.
In its history, the Russian Orthodox Church has faced many difficulties, both internal and external. During 1917’s Russian Revolution, Bolsheviks perpetrated unprecedented persecution on its members; thousands of clergy, monks, and laypeople were either killed or imprisoned.
Following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, churches enjoyed much-needed freedom from government control and many important historical buildings were restored. Under Mikhail Gorbachev’s leadership, a new era of political and social stability emerged which saw the re-opening of old churches and establishment of Orthodox monasteries.
At the same time, however, there remain several challenges for the Russian Orthodox Church today. These include an increasing number of non-Orthodox who may not be familiar with their faith and some Orthodox who feel unwelcomed in their native land.
These matters are overseen by the Russian Orthodox Church’s Holy Synod, consisting of seven permanent members and chaired by the Primate of the Moscow Patriarchate. This body serves as the highest governing authority within ROC.
The Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) is governed by its own set of laws and regulations, such as canon law and an administrative structure known as Patriarchal Administration. This body is headed by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, whose primary responsibility it is to safeguard and defend the rights and interests of members within the Russian Orthodox Church.