What Does Orthodox Church Mean?
The term “orthodox church” is used to describe a group of people who are members of the Orthodox church. This group of people adhere to the creeds and norms of Christianity and is a spiritual community led by the Holy Spirit. It is a divine-human communion governed by Bishops.
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Orthodox means adhering to accepted norms and creeds
An Orthodox church is a Christian church that follows the accepted norms and creeds of the early Christian Church. It is one of three main groups of Christians, the others being the Roman Catholic Church and the Protestant Church. This type of church is also known as the “original Christian Church” because it adheres to Christian doctrines and practices from the first century.
The truths of the Orthodox Church are found in the Scriptures and the Sacred Apostolic Tradition, which were given to us by God Himself. These Sacred Sources are essential for correct teaching, worship, and the fulfillment of God’s promises to us in Christ. God the Father sent Christ to save humanity and to reign forever in the Ecclesia, which He founded.
The Orthodox believe that Tradition is the witness of the Spirit. Christ said that the Spirit would guide us into all truth. Our devotion to Tradition is rooted in this divine promise.
Orthodox is an organic community guided by the Holy Spirit
The Orthodox church is a community of believers who worship God through the liturgy. This liturgy draws the faithful into an experience of communion with the triune God, uniting them with one another and the saints of all time. Through this communion, they are blessed and filled with a deep sense of God’s presence. Only Orthodox Christians can receive Holy Communion, but non-Orthodox Christians are welcomed to attend worship services and participate in the celebration of Jesus Christ.
Orthodox Christians practice sacramentalism, which emphasizes the sacramental life of the church. Baptism, the primary sacrament, is performed by triple immersion in water in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The second sacrament is anointing with Chrism, which is a sacramental oil. In addition to Holy Communion, there are many other sacraments such as Confession, marriage, and anointing the sick.
The Orthodox Church is an organic community guided by the Holy Spirit. While the Patriarchate of Constantinople is the head of the Eastern Orthodox Church, it is not a centralized organization. It is an organic community that follows the Holy Spirit and the teachings of Christ. The common faith and communion in the sacraments help to maintain the unity of the Church.
It is a divine-human communion
The Orthodox church is a divine-human community that worships one God as three persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. These three divine persons have one essence and are therefore one God. As a divine-human communion, the Orthodox church is a place where man grows in the divine life. Unlike many other religions, Orthodox Christianity recognizes that time and space do not break the unity of the Church, and its membership does not only include those who live on earth. The church is, instead, a divine-human communion where all those who have lived with God have shared in the divine life.
Orthodox Christians believe that each human being is uniquely and wonderfully made by God. As such, we can never be totally depraved. Our “image of God” is unchangeable. The life of the Church is our opportunity to fulfill our human fullness. We are always called by name in the Sacraments, and each person is given the opportunity to grow in the fullness of the Christian life.
It is a prophetic voice
The Orthodox Church must stop being the Diaspora Church and become a missionary Church. It must become a prophetic voice in the West. It must embrace the nuances of Western culture and be a beacon of hope for the world. This is no easy task, but it is not impossible.
In the past, patriarchs of the Orthodox Church have spoken of the need for Christian responsibility to the earth. But the institutional administration of Christianity has often failed to hear this voice. The clergy and parishioners fail to hear the Church’s call to take action to protect the earth. Ultimately, this lack of listening to the Church’s prophetic voice contributes to the deteriorating state of the world.
Theological institutions are also prophetic voices. These schools can use biblical and theological reflection to address specific issues that confront the Church and society. The development of a prophetic voice is an act of stewardship, and it mobilizes resources to address pressing issues in the context in which it exists. For example, the seminaries of nine Majority World countries have implemented different strategies to develop a prophetic voice.