Catholics and Orthodox Christians are very similar and there are some commonalities that they share. One example is that both churches believe in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. However, the Roman Catholics and the Orthodox differ on whether or not the bread and wine change into the Body and Blood of Christ. It is also important to note that the doctrine of Purgatory is not part of the Orthodox Church.
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Purgatory doctrine is absent from Orthodoxy
The Eastern Orthodox Church isn’t in agreement with the idea of purgatory. Its representatives believe that after death, the souls of many are freed through prayers of the living. However, it is not officially accepted.
In the Orthodox Church, there is a great deal of literature concerning the history of soul events after death. This is not something to be confused with the occult.
Purgatory is an intermediate state where dead souls undergo purification before entering Heaven. According to the Roman Catholic Church, it is a place where souls are helped by acceptable altar sacrifices and suffrages of the faithful.
Although the Catholic Church has acknowledged the existence of purgatory, many Protestant and Orthodox churches have disputed its existence. The concept of purgatory is not well understood, and many Christians have found the concept to be ambiguous.
Bread and wine do not change substance
Catholics and Orthodox Christians agree that the Eucharist is a sacrament. However, the two churches disagree on the extent to which bread and wine in the mass change into the body of Christ.
The Holy Catholic Church holds that bread and wine undergo a transformation known as transubstantiation. This change occurs during the act of consecration and makes the bread and wine become the body of Christ. Transubstantiation was defined by the Lateran Council in 1215. It has since been accepted by the Vatican II council and is incorporated into the official teaching of the Roman Catholic Church.
The term “transubstantiation” was first mentioned in the 11th century, and by the 13th it was well understood. Although the word is not found in the Bible, the phrase transubstantiation has been used by theologians to explain a change in substance and appearance.
Real presence of Christ in the Eucharist
The doctrine of the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist is a Catholic teaching. It asserts that the bread and wine consecrated at the Mass contain the body and blood of Jesus.
This sacramental presence of the Lord is an objective reality, and the Church sees it as a substantial and sacramental presence. But the doctrine has been disputed by Protestant Reformers and other Christians. In recent years, there has been some confusion about the real presence in Catholic circles.
During the Year of the Eucharist, a fresh theological reflection was launched on the role of the Eucharist as a sacrifice. However, there are still some disputes and controversies. One of the most disputed issues is the use of the phrase “Real Presence” in the Bible.
Papal supremacy
Papal supremacy is a doctrine of the Catholic Church. During the 11th century, the popes claimed universal jurisdiction over all bishops. This position is a source of disagreement between Catholic and Orthodox Christians. Theological disputes between the two Christian communities have centered on papal primacy.
The Roman Catholic Church has always recognized the primacy of the Roman Pope. At the First Vatican Council, in 1870, the image of the Pope as the head of the Catholic Church was defined. However, the papacy is not universal and it does not imply the absolute authority of the pope. It is a guiding principle in the relationship between the Church and the State.
Although a majority of theologians agree that the Pope has authority over all the bishops, there is a division in the orthodox churches on whether this translates into the exercise of papal primacy. Papists, on the other hand, argue that the Church’s primacy is divinely instituted.
Commonalities between the two churches
Catholics and Orthodox Christians have many commonalities, but there are also differences. These differences are often overlooked by people. Whether you are a member of one or the other, you need to understand these differences if you want to be successful in your faith.
The most obvious difference between the two is how you are taught about your relationship with God. Orthodox Christianity emphasizes the importance of personal relationships with Christ. They see rational thought as a helpful tool, but not as the essential element in Christian living.
The Orthodox Church believes that ordination is a gift from God. It is a mystery that passes on the grace and authority of Christ to the succeeding bishops. It is a moment of Pentecost. This rite occurs when anointing with oil is administered.