Those who love God are patient and steadfast in the midst of suffering. They do not always think of their sins. Instead, they are constantly aware of the holiness of God. It is this holiness that makes them aware of their sinfulness. Thus, it is good to emulate the patience and steadfastness of the saints.
Those who love God are patient and steadfast in times of suffering
These orthodox saints quotes about Christianity emphasize the importance of enduring trials in the pursuit of the divine. Jesus promised that those who endure to the end would be saved and rewarded. Likewise, those who forsake God will face eternal torment. While suffering can be painful, suffering is an opportunity to learn more about God and His love.
Patience is a virtue that God has taught His followers since the beginning of time. For example, God’s patience was evident when He removed Adam and Eve from Eden due to their sin. While they were left naked and ashamed, God remained patient with them, promising that they would one day see their savior. God was also patient with Abraham, Noah, and Moses in the Old Testament. The Apostle Paul also wrote about patience in the New Testament.
Patience is a virtue in which we must learn to imitate Christ. If we wish to imitate Him, we must endure bodily illness and the scorn of men. Patience is essential if we are to be true Christians.
The martyrs, who suffered for their faith, were exemplary examples of this virtue. During the torture they endured, they did not sigh or moan. They were simply talking to God. But their patience paid off.
The Holy Spirit is a gift that comes from God. It helps us discern the spirits that inhabit us. By being able to distinguish them, we can learn about God. As we become more receptive to Him, we are also more aware of our imperfections and our shortcomings.
In our suffering, we must remember that we are not alone. Christians must seek support and encouragement from the saints. Their example inspires us to stay faithful in the face of adversity. If we love God and we are patient and steadfast, we will persevere through whatever comes our way.
Orthodox Christianity differs from the conventional denominations of the West in that it offers a more Christ-centered spiritual life. A perfect example is St. Silouan of Mt. Athos. He addressed the needs of contemporary man in a way that is relevant to our time.