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St. Joanna the Myrrhbearer
Orthodox tradition celebrates the life of St. Joanna the Myrrhbearer, a woman who brought myrrh to the tomb of Jesus after His death. Legend has it that eight women carried the myrrh, and eight women are commemorated on the Sunday of the Myrrhbearers, two Sundays after Pascha. Today, the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod also recognizes St. Joanna as a Myrrhbearer, and she is celebrated on August 3.
Among the other orthodox saints, St. Joanna is the most revered of them all. She is considered to be the first eyewitness to the Resurrection and the first to proclaim it. The story of her life is an inspirational one. She is an example for us to follow, and we should try to emulate her.
In addition to her role as the first proclaimer of the Resurrection, St. Joanna was also the first to bring good news to the apostles and myrrhbearers. Her role was to bring the Resurrection to the world.
St. Junia
This book is a compilation of over 300 sayings by fifty Orthodox saints. These saints come from Egypt, Palestine, Serbia, Russia, and other parts of Eastern Europe. It also includes western Church saints from France and Italy. The book is suitable for anyone who wants to learn more about the Orthodox faith.
St. Isaac of Nineveh
During the sixth century, St. Isaac of Nineveh served as a bishop in Egypt and then retired to a life of solitude. His writings have been a blessing to the Church for fourteen centuries. He was a man of great learning and spirituality who was a true ascetic. His writings are the result of his experiences and practice.
The Seventh-century Bishop of Nineveh (also known as Abba Isaac), grew up in Nineveh and began his monastic life at an early age. At first, he entered the Monastery of St. Matthew, where he remained for a period of time. He eventually left the monastery to live alone in a cell. However, his brother, who had become the abbot of the monastery, begged him to return to communal life. Soon, God called him to rule over the Church in Nineveh.
In his writings, St. Isaac cites the Orthodox Fathers as his primary sources. His writings gained greater authority and recognition as his name became more popular. His writings have become a spiritual manual for generations. While most contemporary Nestorians rejected his three theses, his writings have remained popular in Orthodox monastic circles.
St. Joanna
In the Gospel of Luke, we read about St. Joanna, one of the women who traveled to the tomb of Jesus after His death. She anointed Jesus with myrrh, and subsequently heard the angels proclaim the All-Glorious Resurrection. She also helped Jesus by recovering the head of Saint John the Baptist, which Herod had disposed of.
Icons often depict St. Joanna with a walking stick, which she used in her earthly life. The walking stick has now acquired a heavenly significance. In iconography, it symbolizes her new role as an evangelist. In other words, her walking stick, originally a Tau-shaped crosier, is no longer a symbol of her earthly life, but a window into Heaven.
Among Orthodox saints, St. Joanna is revered by the Orthodox Church for her love of God. Her name is derived from the Greek word “maxim,” which means prayer. Moreover, St. Joanna was a strong believer in a good life, and many people believe her teachings to be true.