How to Get Baptized in the Orthodox Church

For a child to get baptized in the Orthodox church, the process will be a little different than if they were to be christened in the Roman Catholic or Anglican Church. Those who are baptized in the Orthodox Church will be given the name they were baptized with. This will include their Godparents, Objects of baptism, and the time of the ceremony.
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Objects of baptism
The Eastern Orthodox Church uses several objects to represent the sacrament of baptism. These objects all have a symbolic meaning and express the importance of the Christian faith. The baptismal font is the traditional vessel that holds the water for baptism. The font is a stone or wood vessel that is used to immerse or pour water over a baby’s head. The font has been used in church services for centuries and is often made from marble, stone, or metal.
Holy Baptism is a sacrament and is a gateway into the Christian faith. As such, it must be performed with reverence and true faith. Traditionally, baptism takes place in a baptistery of a church, although it may be performed at home with the permission of the bishop. The baptismal basin should be deep and wide, and the water used for the sacrament should be sanctified.
Godparents required
When getting baptized in the Orthodox Church, the child must have a godparent who is also Orthodox Christian. The sponsor must also be a member of the church’s parish and in good standing. The godparents must also sign a Baptism Preparation Form and return it to the church office at least a month before the proposed date. If the form is not returned, the Baptism date cannot be finalized.
Traditionally, baptisms require two godparents. A male godfather and female godmother are usually chosen. One of them will be the sacramental Godparent and the second godparent will be an honorary Godparent. The godparents need not be related, but they should be Orthodox Christians who love the child and want to bring up the child in the Orthodox Christian faith.
Time of ceremony
The Time of Baptism Ceremony in the Orthodox Church begins with the baptism of the candidate. The candidate enters the font in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In this way, he joins Christ in His burial and resurrection. The font is a symbol of his spiritual womb, and in it, the candidate is ‘born again’ as a child of God. After the ceremony, the newly illumined child of God is given a cross, which symbolizes his incorporation into Christ.
Orthodox Christians receive Holy Communion after being baptised. This practice is rooted in the story of Noah and the flood. When God flooded the earth, He made Noah build an arc, which was used to baptize people.
Objects of sacrament
The objects of sacrament are the physical things used to perform the sacraments. In the Western tradition, the priest performs the actions, while in the Orthodox tradition, the priest and the people participate in the creative process. The actions of the priest are the visible part of the sacrament, while the Holy Spirit is responsible for filling the person’s soul and body with sanctifying grace.
Baptism is important for salvation. It is a means of salvation for the individual and cleanses them of the sins they’ve committed. However, there are circumstances when immersion is not possible, such as when a newborn is in an incubator. Therefore, baptism by sprinkling or anointing the baby with water is an acceptable alternative. During the ceremony, the person gets to say, “I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”
Objects of baptismal robe
The baptismal robe is a white garment worn by the newly baptized for at least a week, following the baptism ceremony. In the Eastern Orthodox Church, the baptismal robe is removed after eight days. It is similar to the Western alb and is tied at the waist. Adult women may also wear a veil, while infants may wear a white gown, bonnet, or blanket.
Before the baptism of a maiden or mature woman, the priest pours holy chrism into the baptismal font. The priest then confirms the baptized by anointing her forehead with the holy chrism. After confirming her baptism, the priest immerses her in water three times, wearing the white baptismal robe. Nuns used to anoint baptized women in the past.
Olive oil used in sacrament
Olive oil is an ancient symbol that carries special meaning in the Bible. It is used for worship, in sacrifices, and as a means to pray for the sick. It also represents joy and abundance. In the Catholic Church, olive oil is used during the sacraments of baptism, confirmation, and the anointing of the sick. There are three types of olive oil used during the sacraments.
Olive oil is also used to anoint an infant during the sacrament of baptism. The oil symbolizes the Holy Spirit and is mixed with balsam, a symbol of Christ’s aroma. The oil is applied to the child during baptism to consecrate it to God’s service. This is a very serious ceremony, and olive oil takes first place in the sacrament.