Orthodox Church Symbols

orthodox church symbol

What is the orthodox church symbol? Here are a few examples: the Sign of the Cross, the Fish symbol of the Eucharist, the Three-fingered cross, the Sun, and more. What do they mean? Find out more in this article! And don’t forget to share your own favorite symbol! We’d love to hear about it! Hopefully, this article will help you better understand the symbols of the Orthodox Church!

Sign of the Cross

The Sign of the Cross has many meanings in Orthodox Christianity. While the traditional Cross has two arms, the Orthodox church symbol uses three bars. In some Orthodox churches, this is the primary shape for a cross. The Cross also symbolizes the death of Christ. The sign is a reminder of death and of the sacrifice he made on the cross. It is also an important Christian symbol, and has many Christian associations.

In the Orthodox church, the Sign of the Cross is used to express prayer and petition. It is done three times in a row. Some Orthodox Christians make sweeping motions while others make a small, simple sign. Whether a church uses three hands, it is still an important symbol of Christianity. In the early years of Christianity, the sign of the cross was only used by priests and clergy, although some people began to reverse the hand action.

Fish symbol of the Eucharist

The fish symbol is one of the oldest Christian symbols, and it was used in the first century as a secret insignia. It became a common symbol for Christ in literature and art, and was perhaps inspired by the apostles’ nickname of “fishers of men” and the miracle of feeding the five thousand in Matthew 14:13-21. In the Orthodox church, the fish symbol means Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Savior.

The fish symbol is also found on a number of objects, including the fresco, the crucifix, the chalice, and the sacrament of Holy Communion. One such object can be seen at the Kircherian Museum in Rome, where it is part of a grouping of symbols. These include a T-form anchor, a cross, a good shepherd carrying sheep, and the five letters of the Greek word Ichthys.

Three-fingered cross

The orthodox Church uses the Three-fingered cross as a symbol of the Holy Trinity, God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. According to Orthodox Church tradition, the Trinity is not three separate gods but one. In fact, God the Father and the Son were never incarnate; instead, they were issued from the Godhead. Thus, the Holy Trinity is one force and honor that receives obeisance from the entire creation.

The origin of the Three-fingered cross is obscure. It is the result of a medieval controversy over the position of the cross on the hands of Catholics and Orthodox Greeks. In the Orthodox Greek Church, the gesture of making the cross is always made with the right hand, but this is not necessary; priests and parishioners could be left-handed and still make the sign of the cross. In the Middle Ages, the gesture of the cross was used in a similar fashion to the one used by Protestants.


The sun has many meanings in the Orthodox Church. Besides being a sign of the Lord, the Sun has many other symbolic uses as well. A blasphemy victim may use the Sign to alert the speaker. Other uses include making an unsaid prayer, wishing someone luck, and performing a sport competition. The meaning of the sun varies from religion to religion, and the different symbols that represent it are often used in different ways.

The early history of Christianity shows that many people interpreted the sun as a god. Early church historian Tertullian mentions that people thought Christians were sun worshippers. The association with sun worship was established again after the death of Constantine the Great. St. Augustine writes that people of the Manichean religious sect mistook Jesus for the physical sun. Even after the death of the first emperor, Pope Leo the Great complained about people bowing to the sun.


The Moon is a familiar orthodox church symbol. It represents many things, including the font of baptism, a cradle in Bethlehem, an infant Christ, the Holy Grail, and the victory over Islam. The crescent moon has also been used as a symbol of the Church during war and in the Old Testament. But what does the crescent moon symbolize in modern-day Christianity? Let’s explore some of the myths surrounding the moon and Christianity.

First of all, it represents rebirth. New things replace old. Death is followed by birth, and the moon is associated with both goddesses of childbirth and figures from the Underworld. This imagery is the most common representation of the Moon in Orthodox art. In fact, the moon is found in churches and on coins, as well as on icons and crosses. But it is also a powerful symbol that can symbolize the spirituality and perseverance of the Orthodox Church.


Often referred to as the archangels of the orthodox church, angels were created with free will by God. Many of them were praised and exalted during the Creation, but others rebelled against their creator, choosing evil over good. These angels were eventually cast out of heaven with their chief, Lucifer. Angels are also celebrated separately, with Michael and Gabriel celebrating on September 6 and March 26, respectively. On November 8, the entire angelic choir is celebrated.

Traditionally, angels are depicted as being six-winged and many-eyed beings. However, it is unlikely that angels can exist both on earth and in heaven at the same time. The Orthodox Church teaches that angels do not have divine immortality. Instead, their immortality depends on God’s will. Therefore, the angels of the orthodox church symbolize the glory of God and the power of his grace.

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