Orthodox Christians observe daily rituals in order to remember and pay homage to our Lord. This includes fasting, attending the Divine Liturgy, and making prostrations. We are also reminded to use greenery and incense on certain days. In addition, we are encouraged to venerate icons of our Lord and pray for those who are sick.
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Fasting is a spiritual discipline of the Orthodox Church. The Christian Orthodox Church suggests 180 to 200 days of fasting in a year. However, there are some exceptions to this. There are several major fasting periods of the calendar including the forty day Strict Fast, the seven week Ember Days, and the two day Nativity Fast.
Aside from Lent, the Orthodox Church also enforces fasting on the day before certain feast days. The day before Pascha (Easter) and Christmas Eve are among the highest celebrated days of the year.
In the ancient times, Friday and Wednesday were considered days of abstinence. On these days, Christians were required to refrain from eating until sunset. Meat and dairy were forbidden, and the meal could only contain bread, salt, and herbs.
Making prostrations every day
Prostrations are a traditional gesture of submissiveness to God. This type of submission is used by many religions. Among Orthodox, prostrations are made during worship and during home prayers. However, the Orthodox Church does not require prostrations for adults, children, and the sick.
It is important to know when to make prostrations. For example, during the Compline service of the Great Lent, the whole congregation makes prostrations. There are some other times when the Orthodox Church does not allow this practice.
Another time when prostrations are not allowed is on the Great Feasts of the Lord. If you are not physically able to make full prostrations, you can substitute metanias.
Venerating icons
Venerating icons is an important part of the spiritual life of Orthodox Christians. They view icons as a visual representation of the Bible stories. Icons also serve as a means of bringing man into contact with a genuinely divine presence.
It is a common practice in many Orthodox households to display an icon in a prominent spot in their home. This is typically in a corner known as the “icon corner”. The main purpose of this corner is to hold household prayers.
Often there is a vigil lamp placed in this corner. When the lights go out, someone keeps it burning. A priest often visits the home on significant feast days.
Attending the Divine Liturgy
Attending the Divine Liturgy as part of daily rituals for orthodox Christians is something that every Orthodox Christian must do. The Liturgy is a sacred ceremony that commemorates the Last Supper of Christ. It is also a celebration of Christ’s life and death.
To attend the Divine Liturgy as part of a routine schedule, you should make sure to plan ahead. Having a proper schedule will help you avoid any distractions. This may mean adjusting your travel plans and taking time off work.
You should study the calendar and find out when the various feasts and services are. You should not miss the most important one, which is Pascha.
In the Orthodox Church, incense is burned in sacred ceremonies and rituals. It has many spiritual and historical meanings. For example, it was used for healing, purification, attraction, and exorcism. Aside from that, it can also be used to sanctify a space.
There are various types of incense, including Old Church Incense, which is a mixture of oils and resins. Other types include myrh, frankincense, and styrax. These ingredients are used in religious rituals to create a special atmosphere or to attract God.
In the Church, incense is used in the blessing of the holy oils, in the elevating of the host and chalice, during the singing of Gospel canticles, in procession with the Blessed Sacrament, and in other rites. It is burned in a censer or in a hand censer. Typically, incense is accompanied by a sweet fragrance. This is because the sweet smells of incense have cleansing properties.
Amongst the Orthodox community, the use of greenery in rituals of worship is not restricted to the clergy. It is a common sight to see young and old alike sporting a plethora of wildflowers. This is in stark contrast to the ultra-religious Jews who forbid the planting of flowers on the tomb of a deceased loved one.
The use of plants in rituals has long been a subject of study, with most of the research focused on the more mundane rituals of the day. Some of the more interesting uses include the ceremonial laying of flowers on graves and the aforementioned floral merriment. As is the case with most scientific discoveries, it is impossible to claim definitive knowledge of the origins of the practice.