During the fasting days of the Orthodox calendar, can orthodox saints eat meat? In some cases, the answer is yes. However, consuming meat during the days of fasting would interfere with the self-control necessary to abstain from sensual pleasures and passionate desires. It would also hinder the ability to control the inborn sexual appetite.
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Orthodox saints eat meat on fasting days
Orthodox fasting days are traditionally days when Orthodox Christians refrain from eating certain types of food, like meat, for a period of time. These fasting days are an essential tool for the Christian to control the temptation of gluttony and other passions. The absence of such foods helps us to focus on the spiritual life.
Fasting for Orthodox Christians is observed on Fridays and Wednesdays. On these days, the fast should last at least six hours. However, on certain days, like Mondays, fasting is prohibited entirely. This fast is in honor of the fleshless ones. For example, many parishioners fast from noon until three o’clock in the afternoon, which is when Christ died on the Cross.
Orthodox Christians must eat meat on fasting days only when they need to. The rules of fasting vary from person to person, so it is important to choose a fasting discipline that best suits the circumstance. Some Orthodox Christians choose to fast on Wednesdays and Fridays all year long, while others follow other fasting disciplines.
Throughout the fasting season, Orthodox Christians consume smaller meals and go to confession. Fasting prepares the body and soul for the feast that follows it.
Orthodox saints eat fish
Orthodox Christians traditionally do not eat meat during the Orthodox Fast (OF). This is a necessary part of the religious fasting process and is essential to self-control and abstinence from passions and pleasures. However, in some cases, fish is eaten during OF.
Fish is one of the few foods that Orthodox Christians eat on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, as long as it does not have a backbone. Fish is also allowed during the Holy Week and on other Fridays during Lent. The most restrictive of these lents is the Assumption Lent, which starts two weeks before the Assumption. The rest of the lents allow for fish or seafood consumption, but no meat or other animal products during this time.
During Great Lent, the Orthodox Christian Church recommends a fast from meat and dairy products. They also recommend abstaining from eggs and poultry during Holy Week. However, this fasting practice is not mandatory and is flexible depending on your personal circumstances. There are also certain times when meat is not permitted during Lent.
Fasting, as part of the Orthodox tradition, is an important way to grow spiritually. In addition to the physical benefits of a fast, the discipline of fasting can help you avoid gluttony and other passions.
Orthodox saints eat dairy
The fast of the Apostles begins on the second Monday after Pentecost and lasts until June 29th. This fast is not strictly a fast like the Great Lent, but it is more lenient than the Great Lent in many ways. For example, a fast in this season may be allowed to include fish and oil on Tuesday and wine on Saturday. Monasteries generally keep this rule even during the non-fasting seasons of the year, especially when they come before the Dormition of Mary.
While many people may find these rules incredibly rigid, they were written with all the faithful in mind. While monks do not eat meat, they do eat dairy products. These rules were written in different circumstances than those of today, so the spirit of the rules is more important than the letter.