God takes vows very seriously, and demands we fulfill them without breaking them or using loopholes like swearing anonymously or telling someone.
Making deals with God shows our arrogance in thinking we can take control of things He already is in control of and is also an act of deception that could lead to hellfire.
Table of Contents
What is a Vow?
Vows are solemn promises or pledges made with an earnest heart, such as those taken during wedding ceremonies to vow their marriage “til death do us part.” Politicians might pledge lower taxes. Religions such as Judaism and Buddhism frequently use vows either positively or negatively to pledge commitment to them or pledge them otherwise. Negative vows involve voluntary pledges not to perform certain acts or refrain from engaging in certain behaviors; similar vows are typically taken before God as witness, with numerous examples found throughout scripture. Jephthah pledged his daughter in exchange for God helping him defeat the Gibeonites; Hannah promised herself to Yahweh if she gave birth. There are numerous examples in Scripture where people failed to fulfill vows made; it’s generally considered that one should keep any such pledge unless it’s wicked or foolish and should respect any such vow he or she makes, such as Hannah dedicating herself to Yahweh should they have one son. Unless made maliciously or foolishly, anyone making such promises should try not to break them – such as Hannah vowing allegiance upon giving birth.
Vow comes from the Latin verb vovere, which translates to “give one’s word.” A vow is an act of sacred voluntariness to dedicate oneself or members of one’s family or community to an obligation beyond normal social or religious requirements. Hannah of Hannah in Samuel’s Old Testament story made this promise, vowing that should God bless her with a son she would devote herself entirely to serving him – if the promise proved impossible she vowed that she would pay a penalty promptly upon breaking it if necessary. Hannah made her vow by giving her word but she could never keep her promise. Deuteronomy states that one may break this obligation upon prompt payment of penalty payment due.
1st Vow is one way
Vows are promises made solemnly and unwaveringly to God that cannot be broken, similar to promises or oaths; however, the term “vow” implies there will be no room for backpedaling on it. For example, in Les Miserables Jean Valjean vows out of love for both Fantine’s daughter Cosette and God that this action will bring greater good for them both in the future.
One can only commit themselves firmly to vows that lie within his control, such as not drinking wine or cutting his hair, for example. A vow made to abstain from eating pork or entering church would require help from outside sources for fulfillment, therefore making the promise unenforceable.
However, vows may not always serve the greater good; sometimes they can serve a supererogatory purpose, as evidenced when someone takes the Nazirite vow in Numbers 6:1. This commitment requires them to abstain from certain foods and activities for an indeterminate period of time – perhaps an example could be Abraham vowing to sacrifice Isaac in Genesis 22:3. Such acts of obedience could qualify as vows.
Another aspect to be considered is that an individual cannot break any vow they made under Divine law or First Table precepts, for instance by exchanging better animals for inferior ones – the penalty must be paid if breaking one is committed against.
Last, it is essential that vows be upheld with good faith. This means never making promises that he knows are unfulfillable or will cause harm to other people; additionally, before making one without fully considering its ramifications first – so as to prevent making a costly error and inadvertently hurting those around them.
3rd Vow is one way
A vow is an act of devotion made voluntarily before God, in which one promises either to do something or refrain from doing something in the future. A vow may involve something good but can also refer to bad acts, as long as its fulfillment can be seen through. A commitment made under vow must not be broken, otherwise this could constitute sinful behavior.
“Vow” refers to an act of creation wherein man makes a promise before God to do or not do certain actions (William of Auxerre, Sum. Aur. III, xxviii, qu. 1) but cannot be taken by an individual whose will has been restricted as they cannot fulfill what was promised in their vow.
On the other hand, one may pledge something to God outside of religious practices. For instance, someone can pledge to say prayers or abstain from food for an agreed-upon period as part of a nonreligious vow – this pledge may or may not involve faith but it still represents a promise that they will do something good.
As stated by King Solomon (Ecclesiastes 5:3), vows do not belong solely to latria or religion but can refer to any virtue or act that can serve as the subject of vows. As a result, any act demonstrating virtue can become the object of one. For this reason alone, unfaithful promises displease God greatly and must be kept by its fulfillment if made.
Spiritual prelates do not possess the authority to command what would offend God; yet they may forbid any conduct contrary to nature’s laws. Thus those under their supervision are unimpeded from taking vows since even lesser bonds cannot surpass greater ones.