Cancer is a serious illness with potentially life-threatening consequences, but you can reduce your risk by eating healthily, engaging in physical activity and limiting tobacco and sun exposure.
Many traditions hold the view that sin and brokenness entered the world after God first created it, leading to things such as cancer being caused by physical flaws that go haywire.
Table of Contents
1. He is a perfect Father
Religious individuals sometimes feel that cancer is part of God’s will for them and question if their illness is punishment for sins, failings of character, or perhaps their entire lives. Others believe if they pray enough or adopt the appropriate attitude their cancer will go away – this belief derives from Judeo-Christian tradition which states that sickness and death were brought about through disobedience to Him and brokenness (such as genetic mutations that lead to cancer).
The Bible does not specifically name cancer as such, yet there are references that could equate to cancer–such as King Hezekiah’s boil (2 Chronicles 20:6-8)–which might have been cancer. Furthermore, scripture also speaks of God healing all disease including cancer while He is on Earth.
An all-powerful and all-knowing God could eliminate all suffering if He wanted. Instead, His plan may involve evil now or later on in eternity – yet He doesn’t. For Christians in particular, it is vitally important that they realize if cancer runs in your family then that does not make Him an ideal parent.
2. He is a loving God
As soon as suffering strikes, people often believe that God must be angry with them or that suffering is part of a plan or punishment from Him. Yet contrary to popular belief, Scripture clearly indicates that illness and death result from sin; yet many believers still adhere to their belief in a loving god of the Bible.
This perspective can lead to strange assumptions about God’s nature. For instance, some might argue that cancer deaths indicate He is not loving. Others even go as far as to say He wouldn’t allow such suffering for His children if He really were.
But this can be a risky idea. First of all, it assumes that God as described by Scripture is the only true god; however, according to scripture there are multiple gods with specific characteristics – for instance the Bible talks about God as loving and truthful (Ephesians 2:4-5), holy (1 John 1:5), compassionate and kind (2 Corinthians 1:3) among many more!
Bible Scripture shows us that God is all-powerful (Revelation 4:8), so He could easily prevent cancer or any other diseases from taking hold in His creations.
Bible teaching demonstrates God’s love most clearly through Jesus Christ. If He were truly loving, it should follow that He would willingly heal all who ask for healing – yet He only does so if someone trusts in Him and repents of their wrongdoings; when this happens He delights at seeing how his grace can heal their bodies.
3. He is a good God
Many religious people find it hard to comprehend a just God would allow them to face diseases such as cancer. Some may assume their illness is punishment for something they did, while others may view it as part of a divine plan used by Him to teach a lesson or bring them closer.
The Bible does not specifically mention cancer, but does reference sickness and disease. For instance, King Hezekiah suffered a terrible boil (2 Kings 20:6-8), which could be read as cancerous in its manifestation. Jesus healed many illnesses while on earth such as leprosy and blindness.
But for an atheist or non-believer, questions remain regarding why God allows evil such as babies being born with cancer? After all, His plans wouldn’t go as smoothly without these little ones dying from childhood leukemia; and why didn’t He stop it then and there?
4. He is a merciful God
God is merciful towards those that fear Him and call on His name, but His mercy extends particularly abundantly toward those that revere it and fear its creator. Mercy fuels compassion while providing light in an otherwise darkened world; kindness is extended freely without conditions attached, while forgiveness helps people move past hurtful words or actions and allows for reconciliation between victims and perpetrators of wrongful behavior.
Religion often holds that God did not cause cancer directly, but that its causes lie elsewhere: sin (disobedience and trying to become equivalent with God). This belief often appeals to those who feel they’ve gotten what they deserve as it suggests that better behavior could prevent cancer or another illness altogether if only bad actions were stopped or started doing good ones instead.
But this perception is incorrect; although cancer isn’t mentioned directly in scriptures like Hezekiah’s boil (2 Kings 20:6-8), when used to refer to diseases that could potentially qualify as such such as Hezekiah’s. When used here it refers to malignant tumors which spread rapidly, destroy organs and lead to death.
Nothing can ever alter God’s eternal character of mercy in Heaven, Earth or Sheol. His mercy is infinite and boundless: an immensity of divine pity and tender compassion for all His children on Earth; yet He will punish those responsible even through future generations.
5. He is a just God
As Christians look out upon the world and witness suffering caused by disease, violence, crime and premature death they often become disbelieving that God doesn’t remove this suffering in his name; after all He promised he would.
Good question! In the Bible, God is described as both just and gracious – an apparent contradiction because if He were strictly righteous He would punish those who deserve punishment while if He were more generous He may overlook wrongdoings.
Many people abandon faith because they believe God does not respect human lives and allows suffering and evil as part of His plan – after all, He rules over everything and can stop it at will! This tension leads many people away from belief.
Cancer and all diseases and evil are part of the curse of sin. Cancer, like all diseases and evil, stems from mankind’s fall into sin in Genesis 3, when they attempted to make themselves as equal as God; God responded by subordinating his creation to futility and corruption.
Natural disasters, animal cruelty and human murder all fall under this curse of sin. Skeptics of Christianity often point to these natural events as proof of an unseen or distant deity who could liberate this beautiful world from its suffering once more if only people would believe! In reality, God does exist and He can free this wonderful planet from its bonds once again!