Many have attempted to answer this question by studying religion and philosophy, watching documentaries or consulting experts; but ultimately the only real way for individuals to discover an answer lies within themselves: their pursuit of meaning and purpose in life.
Sin is the source of corruption; an act which defiles purity. Sin breaks God’s laws, character traits and ways thereby disobeying Him and subverting them for personal gain.
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Lucifer may have a bad rep, but he actually is an admirable being. A powerful angel, he was expelled from heaven along with millions of other deviant angels because of his rebellion against God and although his influence can lead to sinful behaviors in others, he does so out of free will rather than out of ill intention.
Lucifer began as an angel of beauty and intelligence, well-positioned on God’s throne until pride led him away from Him and into rebellion against Him. Lucifer wanted to become like Him and convinced other angels to join his rebellion – according to Isaiah 14:12-15 this rebellion marked the start of sinful behavior on Earth.
After an epic struggle, Satan’s rebellion was ultimately defeated and cast from heaven along with one-third of angels. Yet Satan continues to operate today as leader of all devils – as evidenced by evil rulers such as Tyre, Babylon, Persia Greece and Rome who follow his rules without question.
The Bible states that Satan knows our weaknesses and can exploit them to deceive us, while God judges people and nations according to their obedience or disobedience of His laws. Therefore, Christians should refrain from passing judgment on Satan but instead trust in His judgment instead.
Satan is not responsible for creating sin; rather he is the architect of evil. Sin refers to any activity which violates God’s laws or violates free will; when God judges people or nations for violating these laws (Ecclesiastes 12:14), rather than punishing sinners (see Ecclesiastes 12:14).
Lucifer is actually Latin translation of Hebrew “hyll”, which translates as “morning star.” KJV translators chose this term due to knowing Latin better than Greek or Hebrew, though had they known more about its original Hebrew translation they might have chosen something else altogether. Still valid today and unlike modern Bible versions which may alter passages for their own ends or misrepresent biblical facts, Jerome’s version remains valid today.
Judeo-Christian traditions recognize Adam and Eve as the original human couple and parents of all humanity. Adam and Eve were created with free will, bringing sin into the universe with them. Many mistakenly blame God for human evil when murder, theft and lying are choices made by humans themselves; natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods and famines also result from our decisions.
God placed Adam and Eve in an idyllic garden designed exclusively for them; He stipulated only one prohibition – they weren’t to consume from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Satan encouraged Adam and Eve to disobey God’s order, which led them to disobey it despite it introducing sin and death into their perfect creation.
Some theologians have asserted that God allowed this to occur intentionally so as to give humanity true freedom; this argument, however, disregards His omniscience and omnipotence and it cannot allow individuals the liberty of making choices which could either be beneficial or detrimental for society as a whole.
Bible scholars explain that Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Their intention was to become like Him by breaking His rules; unfortunately they were wrong, their actions brought death and sin into our world, passing it down through generations.
Importantly, Adam and Eve were real people and not symbolic figures. Scripture shows their descendants all the way up until Jesus, who was virgin-born and sinless. God created sin because He wanted humans to choose whether or not they wanted to follow Him as their Creator.
Though many question why God allows evil into His creation, the answer lies within His plan for redemptive salvation – as more worshipers would come flocking toward Him if sin existed more freely in the world.
God’s wrath
God has shown His anger against humans through natural catastrophes and through the destruction of those who rebel against Him; one of the best known instances was Sodom and Gomorrah’s destruction as an example. Additionally, his wrath can manifest as sickness, suffering, and death among humans.
Many people mistakenly view God’s wrath as punishment for sin; however, His anger is much broader in scope – He is responding to man’s disobedience by drawing them closer into a relationship with Him and His plan for us all. While His response may appear harsh at first glance, ultimately all will benefit.
Sin first manifested itself in Heaven when Satan rebelled against God. Sin spread into our world with Adam who rebelled against his creator by disobeying. Today, “sin” refers to any act which goes against God’s laws and standards – Romans 1:28-32 lists some common acts as well as Galatians 5:19-21 lists more specific sins that people commit.
God knew Adam and Eve would disobey Him and this would change His perfect creation, yet He chose instead to create children who would freely choose Him as followers. Nonetheless, Adam and Eve disobeyed and passed along their sin to their descendants.
Stage two involves God unleashing His wrath against those who offend. This may come in the form of sickness, misfortune, natural disasters such as hurricanes and tornadoes; He revealed His anger through Noah’s flood and destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.
God is never sudden or out of proportion in his wrath; rather it often comes along with other characteristics, like patience and longsuffering. Furthermore, His anger always stays proportionate with other attributes like love and compassion; when His anger is unleashed it always fits proportionately with the offense committed against Him. Most importantly though is remembering that His anger always falls on those who violated his laws; that is why he allows them to experience it before condemning them to hell.
God’s grace
The Bible reveals God as an immensely generous and merciful being who cares deeply for his creation, providing everything needed for their survival. Additionally, He is both omniscient and omnipotent; He knows everything and controls everything for His purposes – yet still allows evil to occur for some reason – offering Christians comfort that His grace covers any sin they commit.
Many people ask how and why sin entered our world, but it’s essential to keep in mind that everything God created was good (Genesis 1:1-31). Unfortunately, He foresaw that humans He created would rebel against Him and break His rules, thus altering what He had created.
Sin first began in heaven with Satan’s rebellion against God (Ezekiel 28:11-19). Satan was once an exalted angel but became prideful and wanted to be like Him, leading other angels astray until all were expelled from heaven by their leader – Satan himself included!
God gave Adam and Eve one restriction when He created them: not eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil as a symbolism to remind them they weren’t God himself and under His rule. However, Satan used similar techniques as those he employed against angels by promising they’d become like Him by eating from this forbidden tree if they indulged their temptation. Eve and Adam succumbed to Satan’s deceitful promises of becoming godlike if they indulged themselves with temptation, leading to their fall into sinfulness against their creator and King!
While many may blame God for allowing sin into the world, He actually had a plan in mind for its arrival. He knew that sin’s presence would bring redemption, restoration, and healing – he could have stopped it happening but instead wanted to test their faith by testing how faithful their followers were in Him.
God granted humans and angels free will at their creation, so that they could choose whether or not to follow his moral standards and obey his commandments. He communicated his moral standard but left it up to their will; He never forced or coerced people into sinful behavior – James 1:13 states this clearly: ‘God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble’