Mary was an impressive young woman. She put her trust in God’s guidance over her life, knowing she must remain pure and free from original sin like her Son Jesus Christ.
Her parents were dedicated to God and His Word, instilling in her from an early age that it is her duty to serve Him and follow His will for her life.
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She was a virgin
Mary was chosen by God as His vessel to give birth to Jesus, so He bestowed upon her the special grace of Immaculate Conception which meant she was protected from original and ongoing sin throughout her life.
Mary’s humility and faith played an instrumental role in her being selected as Jesus’ mother. She trusted in God even when His plan seemed impossible, never questioning or disputing what Gabriel told her; Mary is an inspiration in terms of having great faith – her story can teach us much about ourselves!
God chose Mary as Jesus’ mother for another important reason – her lineage traced back to David and she came from Nazareth in Nazareth. Micah predicted Bethlehem was where the Messiah would be born (Luke 2:1-7).
Mary had also engaged Joseph from their respective lineages; this meant he was descended from David, making Mary eligible to be called Israel’s daughter (Genesis 3:15).
Mary was not only a virgin; she led an extraordinary life. Church Fathers often refer to Mary as an example we should all emulate.
Although many may ask why Mary remained virgin throughout her life, answering this question can be complex and hard. In order to truly comprehend why God chose Mary is by looking at all aspects of her existence.
Some have asserted that Mary’s virginity was crucial because the Son of God cannot come into this world through sinful means. However, this statement is inaccurate as Mary did not commit any sin during pregnancy nor did she have sexual relations until after Jesus had been born.
She was from the tribe of David
Mary was chosen by God to become pregnant with Jesus, giving birth in Bethlehem and raising him in Nazareth before attending his crucifixion and ascension into heaven. Although Scripture doesn’t provide us with much detail on Mary’s later life, Catholic and Eastern Christian traditions hold that she was raised into heaven after death through an event known as Assumption or Dormition of Theotokos.
Mary was a devout Jew who worshiped only one true God, familiar with Old Testament prophecies and promises. When Gabriel appeared to her he told her she had found favor with Him and would bear a son called Jesus who would become King over all nations of earth forever and ever.
Mary was not arrogant with God’s messenger from heaven, but simply inquired how it could happen – which was perfectly natural given she was still virginal at this point. His angel responded that the Holy Spirit would come upon her and the power of God would overshadow her – perhaps because Mary knew about the Messianic prophecies and promises, she likely made an oath to dedicate any child that God sent to serve His purpose.
Joseph initially misinterpreted Mary’s pregnancy as breaking their vow. When he realized this fact, he considered filing for a quiet divorce but an angel persuaded him not to do so – explaining that Mary was pregnant through the Holy Spirit and therefore her child wasn’t considered sinful; rather it fulfilled Isaiah 7:14!
Mary quickly accepted God’s mission after hearing of His divine visitor’s explanation, accepting her role as Mother of Jesus despite any feelings of mismatch between herself and the position. Mary accepted to become his mother even though it wasn’t natural or right for her; Mary being from Nazareth instead of Jerusalem didn’t deter her, since these humble origins would help Jesus identify with his people more readily.
She was from Nazareth
Mary was not what most would imagine as being God’s mother; rather she was an ordinary and modest Galilean town girl living a modest existence and working as a peasant. She belonged to an anawim community of Jewish women living impoverished lives of devotion while dependent upon God for survival; Luke in particular depicts Mary as one who practiced prayerful faith.
God selected Mary to be His son’s mother because she was perfect and sinless, giving her His preservative grace so He could enter her womb (Crucificate). Mary was truly God incarnate, making Her selection not just miraculous but also rational.
God chose Mary not only because she was perfect and free of sin, but for other reasons as well. First, she belonged to David’s lineage as prophecies indicated that his family would provide the Messiah (see Psalm 89:20-28). Second, Joseph from David’s family offered an engagement ring which enabled them to travel together to Bethlehem as per prophecies that Jesus would be born there ( Matthew 1:5-17).
Mary was greatly comforted by an angel’s visit, for it showed God’s favor towards her. According to Luke 1:28, Mary received words from heaven telling her not to fear because God was with her: she would become pregnant with Jesus who would go on to become famous as “The Son of the Most High”, reigning over his father’s house for ever and never losing power (Luke 1:28).
Mary may have been deeply troubled by these words from an angelic messenger; nevertheless, she embraced God’s will and thanked Him for this beautiful news. Instead of resisting, or telling the messenger “This can’t possibly be!” Mary accepted what God had given her as her gift, accepting this role that He had entrusted to her while at the same time preparing herself for what He expected from her role in society.
She was a good person
The Bible describes Mary as being an exemplary and loyal servant of God, having been raised by parents committed to Scripture who instilled within her an attitude of obedience toward whatever He asked of her. When Angel Gabriel came and informed Mary she would bear Christ, Mary did not question his words nor doubt them but accepted it joyfully and with thanksgiving.
God chose Mary because of her goodness as one of the main factors in His decision for her to become Jesus’ mother. Her obedient spirit and strong faith made her an excellent candidate for this most sacred of roles; although her devotion wasn’t automatic; rather it required intense spiritual effort when faced with difficulties during Jesus’ ministry.
Mary was unique among women of her time by being a virgin; this fact was crucial as the conception of God’s Son must occur supernaturally, without human interference. Yet despite her purity, Mary still expected to marry Joseph and raise his children, which became an immense responsibility when Joseph discovered Mary was pregnant; in fact, Joseph nearly divorced her after learning this news until God interceded and sent an angel directly to speak to Joseph directly about this situation.
God chose Mary due to her lineage. Numerous prophecies from the Old Testament predicted that He would send someone from David’s lineage as His chosen Savior – this requirement being essential in fulfilling all God’s plans for humanity’s salvation.
Mary was a devout Jewish woman who observed the laws of her religion, ensuring she kept a pure heart while giving birth to Jesus Christ. Mary understood the sacrifice involved in raising Him as Christ was her son’s mission and accepted it with joy.
She was also known to be both humble and courageous; throughout her life she endured much persecution for her faith, often being misunderstood by those around her. Yet she persevered through these difficulties knowing they were necessary for mankind’s salvation.