God allowed Israel’s slavery in Egypt for an overarching plan that included redemption through Moses. By suffering through such long years in slavery, they would be ready for their redemption when it finally came.
The Bible records that Abram was aware that his descendants would become captives in another land before receiving the promise of the Promised Land, perhaps as an afterthought from God.
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God’s plan
Answering why God allowed the Israelites to be enslaved for 400 years is more complex than punishment or reward; according to Scripture, He had a plan which combined elements of both. We need to first recognize that He has a purpose for everything. From Romans 8:28 we see this truth fulfilled: all things work together for good in those who love the Lord, according to His will.”
Note that this passage was revealed to Abram during his covenant, not as a warning, but as an affirmation of God’s goodness. Keep in mind that in those days slavery was common practice in almost every country (Israel included). Although God did not approve or promote owning people as part of bondage arrangements, He allowed it as one way for His people to gain the land promised to them by Him.
God tells Abraham in Genesis 15:13 that his descendants will become strangers in an unfamiliar land and servants there; this time will be one of great difficulty and hardship for them.
This passage from Genesis is of immense significance to understanding Israel’s history, serving as its point of departure. The Bible serves as both prophetic and historical reference, documenting how God fulfilled his promises to Abraham and his family while building them into an exceptional people destined to become great nations among other nations in time.
Egypt suffered four hundred years after Isaac turned five due to Ishmael’s mocking; this number corresponds to what Abraham predicted would occur as part of their covenant agreement.
God’s punishment
God did not intend for the Israelites’ enslavement in Egypt to be seen as punishment for their sin, but rather part of his plan to bring them to the Promised Land and glorify Himself. Their stay in Egypt allowed them to grow into a large and powerful nation while experiencing various hardships that helped deepen their faith in his power and providence. Whether or not the Israelites could have avoided living there without jeopardizing his plans is impossible to say; their journey there could have been caused by several factors including famine, Joseph’s power position and God’s providence in protecting family of Israel itself – which cannot be explained when all factors combined together are taken into consideration.
God promised Abraham in Genesis 12 that his descendants would sojourn in a foreign land before eventually inheriting the Promised Land, explaining their lengthy stay in Egypt and their eventual entry into Canaan. Furthermore, this gave Amorites who resided within Canaan an opportunity to repent before God judged them harshly.
An important purpose of Israel’s time in Egypt was fulfilling God’s promises to Abraham. Galatians 12:40 notes this fact by noting how these 430 years – from Abraham’s move to Canaan until their Exodus from Egypt – all fell within God’s plan.
Rabbi Meir Simcha HaKohen, an influential nineteenth-century Jewish scholar, proposes that 400 years in Egypt was not punishment but purging. According to him, Israelites who had so much sibling rivalry and self-centeredness prior to being enslaved needed time in the crucible in order to become one cohesive people again; also it helped them recognize they depended solely on God for everything, realizing He alone could be trusted with everything they had been through.
God used Israel’s captivity as part of His plan to lead them back into their Promised Land. It enabled Israel to grow into a large nation, punish Amorites who lived there, and learn to trust in God instead of their own strength and power.
God’s mercy
God foretold at Abraham’s covenant ceremony in Genesis 15 that his descendants would become strangers in a foreign land and slaves of an influential nation, only for him to ultimately punish those responsible and release them with vast possessions as rewards from his judgment. Additionally, He promised Abraham would live a long and fruitful life.
Though God allowed their people to remain slaves for four hundred years in Egypt, He wasn’t punishing them – rather this was all part of His plan! God allowed this in order to facilitate Moses leading an exodus out. God foresaw their bondage but didn’t plan it directly – rather, it resulted from Joseph’s brothers jealousy, his journey into Egypt himself, and other events; nonetheless He permitted it because it aligned with His ultimate plans of redemption.
Pharaoh was disturbed to see the Israelites expanding rapidly, and sought ways to control their numbers by making them slaves. Furthermore, he feared they might pose too great a threat to Egypt’s economy and needed them under his control as soon as possible.
At first, Egypt seemed like a good idea, but quickly turned out to be a bad decision. While leaving a comfortable and safe environment can be daunting, that was exactly what the Israelites did – starting their long journey that culminated with Moses delivering them from slavery.
Genesis 15 reveals why Israel spent so long in captivity: God was waiting until sin of those nations had reached a certain threshold before giving them their promised land, showing that He is patient and kind in His actions towards them.
The Bible often describes Egypt as the “house of slavery”, reminding us that God desires for his people to be free. He did not want the Israelites to remain captives too long and so worked to bring them out from slavery as soon as He could – making sure that they would remember this journey and trust in Him when facing challenges in life today. This lesson remains relevant today!
God’s love
God’s love for Israel was so great that He allowed slavery even during a time when slavery was common practice, yet He still showed His unconditional, impartial, infinite, and eternal affection towards them. Although He didn’t advocate for it or approve of it specifically, He allowed it because He understood how Israel would grow as a nation while being subjugated to foreign peoples like Egypt – slavery being their best protection from becoming too strong as soon as its numbers increased and strength did as well.
God shows us His great love in the Old Testament as He protects and rescues his people from harm. Moses and Aaron were sent by Him to deliver His people from Egypt, demonstrating His power, sovereignty, faithfulness, and even killing all firstborns there – an indication of His sovereignty over life and death – showing His ultimate commitment to doing what’s right even if that means suffering for awhile for those He loves. It was in such ways that He showed His faithfulness over time: killing firstborns was proof enough of that fact alone! God never wavers when it comes to doing what’s right – no matter the cost to those He loves!
The Bible also tells us that God foresaw that Abraham’s descendants would endure 400 years of slavery prior to entering the Promised Land – though this wasn’t seen as punishment from Him; rather, Genesis chapter passage explains this situation so nations occupying land that Israel will inherit would reach their full measure of sinfulness and let their full measure of it out on Israel as they did so before entering their promised homeland.
One theory suggests that Israel’s 400 years in Egypt allowed them to multiply and develop into a powerful nation, and demonstrated God’s sovereignty by giving time for Amorites, native inhabitants of Canaan, to repent of their sins and return to Him.
However, the most compelling justification for Israelite slavery lies within God’s plan and His promises to Abraham; this enabled God to strengthen and prepare them for their Exodus journey as part of His sovereign and faithful will; furthermore it allowed Him to punish Egypt while showing their power and grace at work in this way.