Jobs are any form of work which generates income. Jobs include carpentry, hairdressing and taxi driving – among others – though some specialized careers such as guitar making are even available; see above.
Ben Elohim only appears two times in the Bible: Genesis 6 and Job. These sons of God do not refer to angels but humans.
Table of Contents
Job 1:6-8
As with many Biblical texts, “sons of God” can have multiple interpretations. One traditional and often held belief was that these phrases referred to fallen angels (demons). While this view prevailed among most Judaism and early Christianity adherents, context shows otherwise: Genesis 6 refers to angelic hosts while Job uses the phrase to refer to Satan; never did Jesus use such terminology when discussing himself as God’s son!
Job’s life changed drastically when the Lord sent an extraordinary lightning bolt from heaven and destroyed all of his herds and sheep – an enormous blow for someone considered immensely wealthy. Job immediately fell on his face in worship; although his emotions and circumstances were raw at this moment in time, his faith remained firm.
Satan then said to the Lord: ‘Have you considered My servant Job? For there is none like him on Earth – someone with impeccable character who fears God and shuns evil.”
Satan replied that Job’s position in life was due to his goodness; therefore he hasn’t committed any sin and that had he not been such an upright man, God would have removed the hedges around him.
Lord replies by permitting Satan to attack Job and his family but only up to what may be taken. In addition, He promises that He will restore everything Job has lost-plus more!
At the time of creation, God used words to shape and then give life to everything (Job 38:4). In Hebrew, “ruach” stands for breath or spirit – when considering God as an entity it becomes readily evident that He also has one!
This word picture provides us with a key to understanding Job 1:6-8’s reference to “sons of God.” In Hebrew texts without using the definite article and treating “sons” as plural noun, one interpretation could take it that this refers to angels; such an interpretation would fit with other uses of “sons” such as Psalm 29:1 and Job 38:7 where there are references to heavenly hosts.
Job 2:1-2
The Bible uses “sons of God” (ben elohim) twice to refer to angelic beings: Genesis 6 and Job respectively. Both passages indicate this term is intended to be taken literally; Enochic literature, Dead Sea Scrolls (4Q180 Genesis Apocryphon Damascus Document Jubilees 2 Baruch Josephus and Jude all understood this concept correctly as well as Jesus who used this terminology Himself! Furthermore it can also be found referred to in New Testament.
The traditional interpretation is that the sons of God were once angels who fell from grace and became demons, an interpretation favored by many Bible teachers, including Peter and Jude themselves. Additionally, this viewpoint can also be found among Evangelical and Pentecostal churches today.
But this interpretation is flawed. First, it violates sola scriptura exegesis: Scripture consistently uses angels as its definition of sons of God in scripture, so to consider other meanings is an absurdity. Second, it presents an incorrect understanding of who the sons of God really are in Job’s account: their roles and responsibilities on Earth are more significant than any potential demigod status in Heaven.
These men, despite their lofty status, remained subject to the laws of the Universe and were required to report back periodically to God about their activities; specifically on Earth where Satan wielded such great power. As revealed by this passage, Satan was only allowed to go so far before reporting back to God for review and correction. That explains why He could restrain Satan; He could touch Job’s bones but not his life. People who claim Genesis 6’s sons of God as being demonic angels that have fallen from grace can create a very dangerous view of Scripture; such an interpretation doesn’t support itself in Scripture at all.
Job 3:8-9
Job was in anguish over his suffering. No one, not even God, could provide answers as to why this was happening to him and where relief could be found from those causing trouble in this life. While asking this question he never considered suicide but rather learned the lesson of special reliance upon Him rather than expecting instantaneous relief for his issues.
Job was unaware that his discomfort was part of an all-out spiritual war taking place between good and evil forces in Heaven. Satan attempted to test Job’s faith by convincing him he did not believe God to be just; furthermore, Satan wanted to paint God’s character in an unfavorable light and undermine Job’s strong integrity.
Noteworthy is the fact that when “sons of God” appears in scripture it refers to angels. This fact has been verified through numerous passages in both the Old and New Testaments as well as other ancient Jewish writings such as Targums of Philo and Pseudo-Jonathan as well as Hebrew Lexicons; although not exclusively.
Job was present when God asked Him what the matter was; in attendance were his sons as well as Satan himself representing their unfallen realms within the universe of God – such as Adam was given authority over in Genesis.
God questions Job on whether he can recognize himself as one of God’s sons rather than seeing himself as the victim of his troubles. Inquire whether Job sees himself in terms of thought before birth.
Job was indebted to God for creating him, yet did not wish for relief from God through prayer or curses. Such understanding comes only through relationship with Christ – this explains why Job did not curse Him outright or die during his sufferings.
Job 38:7-9
Job 38 is often used as proof that the “sons of God” mentioned in Genesis 1 and 2 are angels; however, this interpretation misses the point. These men were never referred to in any other biblical passage as “sons of God”, so taking this one passage out of context and applying any interpretation other than mortal human is misinterpreting scripture and engaging in unbiblical exegesis.
God challenges Job to examine his knowledge of the universe and is curious as to whether or not Job comprehends that He existed prior to creation occurring as an idea and then manifested as physical reality. Additionally, God asks if Job understands that “sons of God” are his creations and don’t come from elsewhere.
Job would realize this if he knew these truths; then, he’d see how God was present when the earth’s foundations were being laid and at the time of Creation of both heavens and earth. Additionally, Job would see that He has an intimate connection with all His creation, enabling Him to find value in suffering while trusting in His plan for him.
This term “sons of God” in this passage translates from Hebrew bene-haelohim (plural of ben-el). Although this phrase appears frequently throughout scripture and early translations translate it as angels, in every other context when used by scripture it refers to mortal humans rather than angels.
There are other indicators which support the claim that Job’s sons of God were not angels. Other scripture references birth language as seas and precipitation as examples, and also discusses inanimate objects giving praise and singing songs in praise of their Creator; all this adds up to evidence suggesting bene-haelohim (sons of God) means angels in this context rather than humans.