Where Did Orthodox Church Start?

Where Did Orthodox Church Start?

where did orthodox church start

If you’re wondering where the Orthodox church started, there are a few places you can consider. These locations include Alexandria, Constantinople, and Jerusalem. Read on to learn more about these places. When you’re done, you’ll have a better idea of the roots of this church.


The Eastern Orthodox Church began in Constantinople. The city’s geographical position made it a prime candidate to lead the missionary work in the East. Its missionary activity expanded the empire’s territory, but also brought the faith to the lands of the barbarians. This expansion of the church also brought the faith to places such as Russia, Serbia, Bulgaria, and the Dodecanese islands. The Eastern Orthodox Church’s missionary work was also a key factor in bringing the faith to places such as Finland, Estonia, and Western Europe.

Originally a single church, the Orthodox Church has branched into various branches, each with their own history, doctrine, and tradition. The Eastern Orthodox Church’s history spans centuries, from the Mongol invasions of Russia and the fall of Constantinople to the Turk conquest of the Christian Balkans and Communist subjugation in the twentieth century. From its base in Constantinople, Orthodox Christianity has spread throughout Central and Eastern Europe, including Armenia, Serbia, Croatia, Ukraine, and parts of present day Russia.


According to Christian tradition, the orthodox church was founded in Alexandria, Egypt. The Patriarchate was based in Alexandria. At the time, it was small and ruled by Greek-speaking bishops. In the late 18th century, it became part of the Ottoman Empire. The Patriarchate of Alexandria was deposed by the Holy Synod of Constantinople, but Alexandria’s church survived.

Alexandria was home to the patriarchate of the early church, which was granted the second highest position after Rome. It had jurisdiction over Egypt, Libya, and Pentapolis. It also had more than a hundred bishoprics. The city had an extraordinary library, and the schools of theology and philosophy were renowned. Alexandria also had a large community of monks who were famous throughout the Christian world.


Antioch was the first Christian city, where the orthodox church was founded by Saint Peter. There, the Apostles Paul and Barnabas began preaching to Jews and Gentiles alike. There was much controversy in the community, however, and a number of heresies developed in the early church. Some of the most notable of these heresies include Gnosticism, docetism, and Montanism. Other heresies include those of Paul of Samosata and theodore of Mopsuestia.

After the persecutions in the fifth century, the patriarchate moved to various locations around the Near East. By the 13th century, it was based in Mardin, Turkey. Later, in 1933, it was moved to Homs, Syria, and in 1957, to Damascus, Syria.


The history of the Christian Church goes back to the first century when Jesus gathered his followers to form a church. This church was not isolated to Judea, but rather took Our Lord’s command to “go into all the world and preach the Gospel” to all people. His words were meant not only for the people of the first century, but for the entire Mediterranean world. This led to the creation of colonies of Christians in the major Roman cities.

The early Church was based in the Patriarchates of Alexandria, Antioch, Jerusalem, and Rome. Later, the Church of Antioch was founded by Saint Mark and Saint Paul. Other churches were based in Africa and Asia Minor.


The Orthodox Church is an ancient Christian denomination with more than 200 million members, located in the Eastern part of Europe, Greece and the Caucasus. For centuries, it coexisted with the Catholic Church, which originated in Rome. A series of disagreements led to the Great Schism, which divided the two main branches of Christianity. Both sides blamed each other for causing the division.

Initially, the church had two main branches, the Eastern Church and the Western Church. The eastern Church and the western Church recognized their own bishops and leaders. The Western Church excommunicated Michael Cerularius, and the Eastern Church excommunicated Leo III.


The Romanian Orthodox Church was formed by the merger of Romanian Wallachian and Moldavian Metropolises. In 1966, Nicolae Ceausescu visited the Neamt Monastery and visited a Romanian Orthodox church. In 1863, Romanian became the sole official language of the church.

The Romanian Orthodox Church enjoyed freedom of religion after the fall of the communist regime, which helped it to prosper. The Romanian Orthodox Church was able to build many great monasteries. These monasteries have continued to exist today. Some of them are located in Wallachia: Arges, Arnota, Caldarusani, and Hurezi; and in Moldavia, Dragomirna and Moldovita. These monasteries played an important cultural role in Romania.


The Serbian Orthodox Church is a traditional and largely religious institution. In the early years of the 20th century, the Church faced a number of challenges, including the rise of communists and the Nazi occupation. As a result, the Church turned to the right, siding with nationalistic right-wingers, including Draza Mihailovic’s Tchetnik movement. It showed this preference in its rituals, which included mentioning the King’s name in each liturgy. However, the socialist state’s clash with the Tchetnik movement deprived the Church of political backing and subsidies.

The church has played a pivotal role in Serbia’s history. It helps to preserve the national identity, tradition, and heroes. It has a particularly strong role in Serbian politics, and is a central part of national culture. Its role in society has grew as the dissolution of the old system sparked a political atmosphere of discontent that reinforced the church’s role in politics. In turn, the church became a place of refuge for nationalists and other opposition groups, and it invested legitimacy in a segment of the Serbian intelligentsia.

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