Many churchgoers who have been part of it for some time may have answered this question already, while for others it may still be open.
Answer to this question is straightforward: Jesus was human who experienced temptation and ultimately died physically. But God remains immortal and eternally powerful.
Table of Contents
1. He is the son of God
Jesus claimed a variety of titles in the Bible, with one being that of “son of God.” Although its meaning remains unclear, most Christians take this phrase literally; many consider this term to imply that He was actually God in human flesh – this being known as hypostatic union and integral to Christian doctrine.
This belief stems from Jesus being part of the Trinity and considered divine son by some Christians; however, not all do agree on this doctrine; for instance nontrinitarian Christians do not subscribe to it since this would mean Jesus wasn’t truly separate from his Father and Holy Spirit.
The Son of God concept may be hard to grasp, yet it remains key in Christian faith. It allows Christians to relate more closely with Jesus and understand his work for humanity’s salvation. Additionally, this idea plays an essential role in Trinitarian beliefs: that there is only one God represented by three distinct persons.
This concept rests on the fact that God is all-powerful, all-knowing, and ever present; He also represents love and mercy. However, in the Old Testament God could often be seen as an oppressive power capable of punishing those who disobeyed him; during Jesus’s ministry however we saw a much softer side to Him due to Him being God himself.
2. He is a human being
Jesus came to Earth as a man but never lost His divine nature – when He returned to heaven He returned to where He once resided prior to becoming human, never losing the ability to perform miracles, nor hearing prayers (Acts 1:4) from people today.
As He lived among us, He demonstrated His divine nature through many miraculous works that demonstrated His divine nature – for instance healing sick people, controlling weather conditions, multiplying food and money supplies, prophesying future events such as His return as judge to divide those who accept him as their savior from those who do not (Revelation 19:20).
Jesus often used the term, “Son of Man”, in reference to Himself because this symbolized that he was both human and divine. This term can be found in Isaiah 7:14 which mentions birth from a virgin of Messiah being born later. Additionally, Immanuel refers to “God with Us”.
One reason Jesus came down from heaven as a human was so that He could comprehend what we go through as human beings, such as his statement “Foxes have holes, birds of the air have nests but I have nowhere to lay my head” (Matthew 8:20). Jesus understood what it’s like to struggle against sin through faith alone and He knows first-hand our trials because He experienced them Himself – making Him our ultimate advocate and faithful high priest for our struggles.
3. He is a prophet
The Bible often refers to Jesus as a prophet. His Hebrew name, meaning “savior”, and his ministry as an apostle were testament to this fact. He warned of coming judgment, forgave sinners, performed miracles, predicted his own death and resurrection – actions which prove that Jesus was indeed an authentic prophet.
Jesus taught about God and the kingdom of heaven. His claim that he and the Father were one was seen by some Pharisees as blasphemy; its effect has still not subsided to this day. Additionally, He taught about a merciful God who forgave sinners – his teachings having had an impactful impact on countless lives worldwide.
Jesus was not only a teacher; he also fulfilled Old Testament prophecies as an accomplished prophet. He walked with God, prayed to Him, and dedicated his spirit at his deathbed to Him as part of a better new covenant he established.
The Bible refers to Jesus in various ways, including Son of God and Lamb of God. Lamb of God refers to his role as an atoning sacrifice for sin; this shows his equality with the Father as a divine person. Additionally, Jesus was known as Word of God which signifies his equal role in creating this universe.
Although Jesus and God appear similar, it is vitally important to comprehend their distinctions. While Jesus is part of the Godhead, he differs significantly from Father or Holy Spirit – although their relationships can be complicated to explain through Trinity doctrine. While distinct entities, both Jesus and Father share oneness within themselves.
4. He is a teacher
Jesus taught about God’s love for humanity, the dangers of evil and forgiveness. He instructed his disciples to preach and teach this good news of salvation, performed miracles and forgave sinners as well as rising from death to appear to his disciples after his death; all these events led to Christianity emerging.
Jesus left an indelible mark on his followers, many of whom even became martyrs for their faith. His teachings were grounded in Old Testament scripture and included many spiritual lessons based on those texts; others, however, challenged traditional values and beliefs; among them were The Golden Rule which required people to treat others the way they wish they themselves were treated and The Great Commandment which stipulated we love our neighbor as ourselves.
Jesus certainly shared many characteristics with God, yet is not identical to Him. God is all-powerful and all-knowing while Jesus was limited by human limitations on Earth. Nonetheless, He healed people, walked on water, created fish and bread to feed himself and raise the dead as well as calm storms while suffering and dying to atone for mankind’s sins.
Some scholars argue that Jesus serves as the mediator between God and men, as described in 1 Timothy 2:15. According to this view, Christ can intercede for humanity’s sins by forgiving them – however this contradicts Scripture which asserts there is only one true God and that Jesus does not represent or replace him.
5. He is a savior
A savior is defined as anyone who rescues others from danger, pain or trouble. Jesus Christ was humanity’s ultimate Savior when He came to Earth as our sacrifice for sins (Hebrews 2:14). Jesus stood apart because He could relate directly with humans while also speaking truth about God and our world – something no other person was ever able to do before or since. Belief in Him alone saves lives.
At the heart of Christianity lies Jesus as our savior and Redeemer – who alone can forgive our sins with authority from his father in heaven. Jesus alone can save us, living up to His name “God Saves.” Through Him alone can people find freedom from their sins according to Scripture.
This is an important question and a difficult concept to grasp for some people. While some teachers have taught that God the Father and Jesus are two separate entities, this is simply not true. These two have always existed as part of one triune God which the Bible teaches – an essential belief every Christian should understand.