While a burial service by proxy is not allowed, there are exceptions to this rule. For example, in a case where the incineration of the body is forced due to a compulsion, a burial service by proxy is allowed. If this occurs, a special permission from the diocesan bishop must be obtained. Further, a burial service by proxy is not allowed if the deceased person had been a practicing Orthodox Christian.
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Exceptions to burial service by proxy
Among the extenuating circumstances where burial service by proxy is permitted are when the body is incinerated for a legal or ethical reason. In these situations, special permission from the diocesan bishop must be sought. However, the exceptions to burial by proxy are generally rare and usually aren’t used. For this reason, the decision on whether or not to allow burial by proxy should be made by a person who has full knowledge of the rules and practices of the Orthodox church.
In general, the Orthodox Church does not allow suicide victims to be buried in the church. However, certain circumstances may allow a funeral service to be held in a church. A suicide victim may be eligible for an encyclical or a Liturgy of Death by a priest or a masonic order. A deceased person who had committed suicide may also opt to have a masonic service.
During Great Feast days, burials should not take place. For example, the body should not be brought into the temple until evening. Moreover, the body should not be brought in to the temple on Holy Saturday or Sunday of Pascha, as these are considered holy days. Moreover, funerals are not celebrated during Holy Week, as the body is not brought in until evening. During Holy Week, a funeral by proxy is not acceptable.
Requirement for reverent disposition of ashes
Catholics believe in a more reverent disposition of a deceased loved one’s remains. In addition to entombment, they prefer to have the funeral rites take place with the body present. For this reason, they do not consider scattering, keeping the ashes at home, or dividing them between family members. A Catholic can have cremated remains scattered or kept in a cremation niche. Regardless of the method, the remains should be placed in a suitable container.
Ultimately, a Christian’s ashes should be buried. Burial is the most appropriate expression of the Christian’s faith in the resurrection. By entombing the ashes of the departed, the Church offers to the Father in Christ the seed of his or her body which will rise in glory. This principle is especially important in Catholic churches. The Catholic Church does not approve of any other method of disposing of ashes, including scattering or preserving them.
The orthodox church has very specific guidelines on how to dispose of ashes. While the Catholic Church approves of cremation, it doesn’t allow scattering or keeping ashes at home. This is because ashes are a form of the body and are the vehicle of the deceased’s soul and Holy Spirit. Dispersing ashes or cremated remains is considered a desecration and robs the family of a meaningful memorialization.
Origins of orthodox church and cremation
Although cremation is a modern convenience, the Orthodox Church has remained opposed to it, looking back to early burial practices. As a Christian faith, we value the body and anticipate its bodily resurrection. In addition to the aforementioned ethical concerns, cremation contradicts Christian teaching and practice. Here are some reasons why the Orthodox Church opposes cremation. In short, cremation is wrong.
The Orthodox Church views cremation as a denial of bodily resurrection and prohibits the interment of the remains in a church building. The Church teaches that the body is a temple of the Holy Spirit and that all believers receive the Body and Blood of Christ during their lifetime. In addition, the body becomes holy in preparation for eternal union with God. While there are many benefits to cremation, there are also some drawbacks.
As for the reasons for avoiding cremation, Orthodox Christians believe that it harms the environment. Traditionally, the dead body is buried, but many adults have chosen to become Orthodox. While many Orthodox churches do not re-baptize adults, it is possible for them to become catechumens. These adults are then admitted to Holy Communion. Cremation is a modern term, derived from the Latin word cremare, which means “to burn.” As opposed to Orthodox Christian beliefs, cremation carries a gravestone.