Unlike Catholicism, the Greek Orthodox Church does not have a strict doctrine on Purgatory. While Roman Catholicism encouraged ecclesiastical hierarchies, the Greek Orthodox Church emphasizes the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth and the incarnation of the second person of the Trinity. Moreover, the Eastern Orthodox Church prohibits its priests from marrying.
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Jesus of Nazareth is the incarnated second person of the Trinity
Throughout the centuries there have been many different opinions about the doctrine of the Incarnation. This teaching states that the Eternal Word (God) has become incarnate in human form. The idea is derived from the Latin verb incarno, which means “to make flesh.”
The doctrine of the Incarnation is rooted in Scripture and is a key aspect of traditional Christian faith. There are a number of essential truths about the Incarnation that can help you better understand Jesus of Nazareth.
The prologue of the Gospel According to John states that the Word of God became flesh. This is the simplest of the trinity. The doctrine of the Incarnation states that the full divine nature has been united with the full human nature of Jesus of Nazareth.
Mary inherited Adam’s mortality
Having a good understanding of the concept of original sin may lead one to ponder why the Catholic Church, and the Orthodox Church in particular, have no explanation for the nebulous notion of the Immaculate Conception. Among the major issues in the debate is whether or not Mary was conceived in sin. This question is a hotly contested issue in the Greek Orthodox Church and the Church of Christ as a whole. The Greeks viewed original sin as a personal sin, while the Catholics espoused the notion that all men were culpable for Adam’s sin.
For the Orthodox, the first place to start is by citing Tradition. The Orthodox Church claims that God intervenes directly in history, and that man is a participant in deification. In the end, each person bears the responsibility for his own sins.
Byzantine rite is the most widely observed
Originally based on the city of Byzantium in Cappadocia, the Byzantine rite has developed a full communion with the Bishop of Rome. Byzantine rite is used by many Eastern Christians, including Greeks, Russians, Ruthenian, Melkite, Bulgarian, Hungarian, and Ukrainians. In addition, some Eastern Catholic Churches use other forms of Byzantine Rite.
Byzantine Catholics show a great reverence for the Eucharist. In Byzantine churches, the altar is usually in the middle of the sanctuary, and surrounded by icons. The altar may also be adorned with silk or velvet coverings.
Byzantine Catholics perform prescribed fasts, and abstain from animal products. They also receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, which is performed before the iconostasis. Byzantine Catholics also venerate the burial shroud of Christ.
Eastern Orthodox priests cannot marry
During the twentieth century, Eastern and Roman Catholic Churches began to improve their relationship. However, many questions remain about the peaceful coexistence of East and West. A survey by the Public Religious Research Institute in 2018 revealed that the majority of U.S. Eastern Orthodox Christians support marriage equality.
While the Eastern and Roman Catholic Churches share the same God, they believe in different doctrines. For example, the Catholics believe in purgatory and Stations of the Cross, while the Greek Orthodox believers do not.
While the Catholics and the Orthodox churches are both Christian, they are not required to marry. Some Orthodox organizations, including the emerging Orthodox-Catholic Church of America, allow married men to be ordained as priests and deacons. These organizations, however, have their own traditions and rules. The Orthodox have no formal policy on transgender issues.
Purgatory doctrine is absent from Orthodoxy
Despite all the hoopla associated with purgatory, the Orthodox Church does not claim to believe in it. Rather, they believe in a process called “purification” that occurs after a person’s death. This process involves clearing one’s moral debt with God. After death, some people will receive temporary punishments.
The Orthodox Church has a rich literature concerning the history of the soul’s events after death. This includes testimonies from a number of ancient Fathers. Several writings were produced during the Council of Florence in 1439. Some of these were written to reply to a Latin teaching on purgatory.
The Orthodox also have a First Homily that is cited as a source of translation. This document is the most concise piece of Orthodox doctrine on the subject.
Rome encouraged ecclesiastical hierarchies
During the first century of the Common Era, the Roman Church was a political and cultural center of the Roman Empire. It was also the site of the martyrdoms of Saints Peter and Paul. It was also a center of pilgrimage for Christians. It was also a place where the apostles were buried.
The Roman Church was divided into various ecclesiastical hierarchies. These included the College of Bishops, which shared responsibility for the governance of the Church with the Pope. It was also possible for women to be ordained into the hierarchy.
The clergy of the Catholic Church assumed increasing power. They were immune from taxation and civil courts, and took vows of celibacy. In some cases, they were assigned to a parish to care for souls. They were also given benefices, which were used to pay for their education.