The Serbian Orthodox Christians are known all over the world for their love for Christ. Their faith in Him has been instilled in them from the very beginning and it is still very much a part of their lives. One of the things that makes them unique is that they are the only Orthodox Church in the world that does not use the Gregorian calendar. This is because they are one of the oldest Christian denominations. It is also very important to them that the church is still very much in tune with the way of life of the people in the country.
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Patriarch Irenej oversees dioceses in Serbia
The Serbian Orthodox Church has its origins in the Balkans and has been in existence for centuries. It is considered to be the most widely practiced religion in the country. However, it is not the state’s official religion. A number of Protestant groups, along with the Roman Catholic Church, also represent slightly more than one percent of the population.
Historically, the Serbian Church has been influenced by Greeks, Ottomans and Austria-Hungarians. In the 18th century, many Greeks viewed the Serbian Church as a source of protection. As a result, the church was often given preferential treatment.
Following the breakup of Yugoslavia, the dioceses of Serbia passed under the jurisdiction of the Patriarch. The church also received tax exemptions.
The Kum
The Kum of Serbian Orthodox Christians is a sacred institution. It is a tradition that can be traced through generations. Traditionally, a Kum acts as a spiritual parent for a couple.
During an Orthodox wedding, a Kum serves as best man. He also serves as a godparent for a couple’s children. This role is an important one. However, it is not a typical role.
There are several reasons for this. First, the word Kum is not used by all Serbs. In some regions, it is more common to say “Godfather” instead of Kum. Also, the word Kum can mean the same thing as the kumstvo.
Another reason is the historical significance of the word. It is connected to some of the most important events in Serbian history. For example, the first rebellion against Turks took place on the Feast of the Cross. After the Communist takeover of Yugoslavia, the Serbian Orthodox Church found it difficult to survive.
Crossing yourself the same way as all Orthodox Christian
If you’re an Orthodox Christian, you’re probably wondering what’s the most common way to cross yourself. There are actually several, and they vary in complexity.
One of the easiest and most effective ways to do it is to bow before the priest before you receive Holy Communion. This is also a good time to make the sign of the cross. It is also acceptable to kiss the feet or hands of the saint or gospel book.
Another way to do it is to make a large sweeping motion with your hand. However, this isn’t something everyone does. In fact, most Orthodox Christians keep it simple.
The best thing about the Orthodox method of crossing yourself is that it doesn’t offend others. They have never been accused of being a hypocrite. Some of the reasons are that they understand that God is the Lord of all, and that it’s a good idea to not be self-righteous.
The Seven Ecumenical Councils
In Eastern Orthodoxy, only seven ecumenical councils have been recognized. These are the Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Nicene, and Chalcedon Ecumenical Councils. While many of the Eastern Orthodox churches follow only two of the Ecumenical Councils, others believe that all of them are valid.
The Third Ecumenical Council was held under Emperor Constantine V. He recognized the divinity of the Virgin Mary, the mother of God, and the divinity of the Holy Spirit. It also condemned Arius’ view of the Son’s inferiority. This Council also prohibited the making of icons.
Photios, the Great was a high-ranking official in Constantinople. He had an uncle, St. Tarasios, who presided over the Seventh Ecumenical Council in Nicea. However, Photios was deposed by a new Emperor, Leo, for personal reasons.
The Battle of Kosovo and St. Lazar
The Battle of Kosovo is a major battle in Serbian history. It occurred in 1389 and was fought between Serb forces and the Ottoman Empire. Although there are some later events that raise questions about the Battle of Kosovo, it remains a key event in Serbian history.
The battle was a military defeat for the Serbs. After the battle, the Ottomans retreated to Turkey. However, the battle was an important step in preserving Serbian culture during the Ottoman rule. This is reflected in the epic cycle of Kosovo, which became the longest of all Serbian epics.
A major motivating force in the Battle of Kosovo was religion. In the aftermath of the Battle of Kosovo, the Serbian Orthodox Church played an important administrative role under the Ottomans.