In orthodox Christianity, prayer is very important. It helps us overcome our temptations and improve our lives. Many orthodox saints have provided inspirational quotes on prayer. These quotes include: Meekness, Confession of sin, and Unceasing invocation of the name of God. By reading these inspirational quotes, you will have a better understanding of the importance of prayer in a Christian’s life.
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Invocation of God’s name kills all passions
The commandment against the invocation of God’s name was most likely intended to prohibit the use of the sacred name to make threats or curses, not to prohibit it in all situations. However, it has been interpreted as a prohibition against the use of the holy name in all but the most solemn circumstances. The ancient tradition of the Mishnah, a collection of Jewish writings and traditions dating back hundreds of years, says that the holy name should be used only in the Temple in Jerusalem and in the priestly blessings of the crowds on Yom Kippur.
Meekness is a virtue rooted in the faith that God is trustworthy. It is the quality of being quiet before God, willing to give up your way in faith, and to trust that His will is best. A meek person knows that life is complex and will be difficult, but they don’t let their fears or frustrations get the best of them.
Meekness is a spiritual virtue related to temperance, the ability to moderate the excesses of the sensible appetites. It is deeply strengthened by the Gift of Piety.
Unceasing invocation of God’s name
Unceasing invocation of God’s holy name is a practice that the Orthodox saints practiced. They believed that prayer is an expression of the soul’s communion with God. This practice is also known as the Jesus prayer. This prayer is a type of mental prayer, or “prayer of the heart.” The prayer words have theological meaning and focus on the name of Jesus.
The practice of invocation of God’s name should be performed every day. The best place for the prayer is a quiet, secret location. The posture is not critical, but the best posture is one that affords physical quiet and inner concentration.
Meekness in the face of afflictions
Meekness in the face of afflictions is an essential virtue for Christians. It is the foundation for all the other virtues, such as faith, hope, and charity. These are all eternal attributes that are mutually dependent. Meekness is the initiator, facilitator, and consolidator of the other virtues.
Christian ascetic Venerable Cyrus exemplifies meekness in the face of afflictions. He did not wish to seek revenge against his persecutors. Instead, he derived benefit from his persecutors’ insults, and he accepted them as the greatest good fortune.
Meekness in the face of enemies
Meekness in the face of enemies is the hallmark of an orthodox Christian. It consists of praying sincerely despite sufferings and enemies. The meekest of us do not become angry with others, nor do we become enraged with God, but we remain steady and firm. We should not become angry with others because this will only cause us to fall into temptation. Instead, we should turn our anger into prayer and do acts of love for everyone, even the enemies of God.
One of the most illustrious examples of this virtue is found in the life of St. Basil the Great. In his book, Conversations, Chapter 20, he writes: “When you see a neighbor in sin, do not judge him or her; you will lose the grace of God.” This is a powerful example for the Christian. Meekness in the face of enemies, even in the face of enemies, is essential to the pursuit of spiritual growth and spiritual fulfillment.