Films about orthodox saints are a great way to learn about their lives and faith. They can capture their special charism better than a biography. We’ve compiled a list of some of the most popular holy movies. Each is listed in order of release. Let’s begin with St. Joan of Arc.
St. Nektarios of Aegina
Despite his humble beginnings, the Greek Orthodox St. Nektarios of Aegina is a revered saint, especially by the Eastern Orthodox Church. His life story is one of perseverance, despite persecution. After being expelled from his native Alexandria, he returned to Greece, where he continued ministering to the marginalized. Eventually, he became head of a priest’s training school in Athens.
A major film project is currently in production about the life of Saint Nektarios. The movie is titled “Man of God” and will mark the 100th anniversary of his repose. It stars well-known Greek and foreign actors. It will be released later this year. The film is a biopic about St. Nektarios of Aegina, and will feature the life story of a true-life Greek Orthodox saint.
The movie was produced by Yelena Popovic, a Serbian filmmaker who is Orthodox. The director had always wanted to create a positive scenario for the Orthodox faith. She had no idea, however, that her film about St. Nektarios would lead to such a positive response.
In 1961, the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople recognized St. Nektarios of Aigina as a saint, and his feast day is celebrated on November 9.