Can Orthodox Saints Be Married?

can orthodox saints be married

Some people wonder whether Orthodox saints can marry and have children. Here are some examples, including the wives of St. Cyril of Alexandria and St. Basil the Great. If you want to be like these saints, you must give up your worldly desires and take up the life of a priest. Orthodox marriage is a partnership between husband and wife. This means that the husband is not the supreme authority in the home, he is responsible for the care and protection of his wife. He must also respect his wife’s body and mind, as the church does.

St. Andronicus

Athanasia and Andronicus lived during the fifth century. They were devout Christians who divided their earnings in three parts and gave one-third to the Church and the poor, while keeping one-third for their family. The two eventually separated for monastic life, but they were reunited during a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, where they entered a monastic cell. St. Justin the Martyr appeared to them at their graves.

Andronicus was a kinsman of St. Paul, and had been a prisoner with him at some point. He also became a follower of Jesus Christ prior to his conversion on the Damascus road. These icons are crafted using old techniques and traditional materials. They feature the seal of authenticity and the artist’s signature.

St. Cyril of Alexandria

In addition to being a renowned bishop and theologian, Cyril was also an outstanding writer. His early writings include commentaries on the Old Testament and a thesaurus. He was also known for his discussion of the gospels, and his early writings are still among the most widely read among Orthodox Christians.

The most important aspect of Cyril’s theology is his belief in the image of God in man. He considered this doctrine to be the center of all spirituality. This image was the source of happiness and dignity for man. He described this image as “six facets,” and said that it was present in man’s primeval creation. But sin spoiled this beautiful image, destroying it.

St. Basil the Great

Some claim that orthodox saints are not allowed to marry, but the Coptic Orthodox Synaxarian records that an early Patriarch of the Church of Alexandria was married. This confirms the tradition of the Orthodox Church during that time. Others believe that a married bishop is a schismatic and therefore not eligible to be a bishop.

According to the Orthodox Church, marriage is a sacred sacrament, which unites a man and a woman before God. It binds them together spiritually and physically. In addition, it draws the two individuals into one holy family. It dates back to the Garden of Eden, when God created man and woman as complementary and equal creatures. Saint Basil the Great says that marriage is a natural act and must be performed under the Church.

St. Basil the Great’s wife

Basil the Elder was born to a Christian family of good birth. He fought for the faith during the persecutions of the emperor Maximinus Galerius, spending many years in the wild mountains of Pontus. He was a noted rhetorician and lawyer. He later married the daughter of a martyr, Emmelia, in Caesarea. The couple had nine children, five of whom became saints.

Basil was born to a wealthy and respected family in the 4th century. He was raised by his elder sister, Macrina. His father died when he was young. His mother took him to the estate of the elder Macrina, where he admired the bishop Dianius. She eventually encouraged Basil to devote his life to Christ.

St. Nicholas

Orthodox Christians recognize the importance of marriage in the spiritual life and consider married men and women equally worthy of the priesthood and the holy order. In their apostolic writings, the Church affirms the virtues of marriage and celibacy. The writings of St Clement of Alexandria affirm that both marriage and celibacy serve different purposes and are equally valid in true living spiritual life.

In fact, Orthodox Christians often agree to abstain from sexual activity with a spouse for a period of time. This can be for spiritual or worldly reasons. This has been known to happen in the lives of many Orthodox saints.

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker’s wife

If you believe in the miracle of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, you can be married by one of the Russian Orthodox saints. This Russian saint is said to have had a vision of the Lord and Mother and was told that he would be God’s chosen one. Since then, his name is frequently prayed in the Orthodox Church. However, the miracle of marriage is not the only miracle Nicholas performed. The story of his miraculous cures is well-known.

Nicholas the Wonderworker was born in Asia Minor to parishioners who were devoted to prayer and devotion. His parents’ deaths left Nicholas a large inheritance which he decided to give to charity.

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