If you’re searching for unique and unusual Christian names for your daughter, you can consider some orthodox saint girl names. These names have religious roots and have long been popular in Eastern Orthodox Christian communities. For example, St. Junia was the patron saint of a country in Africa, and St. Cuthbert, a hermit, was known for his love of animals.
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St. Junia is a woman
While many orthodox Christian denominations recognize Junia as a female apostle, modern commentators cite her as a man. Junia is the only woman mentioned in the New Testament who is also an apostle. It’s difficult to imagine a woman taking on such a role, but Junia must have had significant claims, such as seeing the risen Christ. She may also have held a leadership role prior to her apostleship.
Known as the Myrrhbearer, St. Joanna the Myrrhbearer is also an important woman in Orthodox tradition. She is considered the first woman in Europe to be baptized. In fact, St Paul’s main commemoration is on September 26, a day that marks her baptism.
St. Cuthbert was a hermit
Cuthbert was a hermit who lived in the seventh century. He had a gift of prophecy and second sight. He once traveled by boat to Scotland. He trusted God to provide for him and his needs. He also had great power over demons. His miracles included casting demons from a distance.
Saint Cuthbert was born in Scotland and later became a hermit on the Isle of Farne. During his life, he protected the birds from being hunted and shared meals with them. This made him the patron saint of otters. In fact, the hermit often stood waist-deep in the North Sea during his prayer vigil. When he needed warmth, otters would come up and bathe his feet.
St. Isidora is a Brazilian religious leader
In July of this year, a group of people invaded the property of an 84-year-old Brazilian religious leader and forced her to destroy her religious shrines. They also set the remains of her temple on fire. The elderly religious leader is now being forced to find other places to worship.
Her life is described in several ancient texts, but the Lausiac History is the most commonly referenced. It was written in 419 by Palladius of Galatia, a chamberlain of the court of Theodosius II. The history contains mentions of St. Isidora, as well as many other details about her life.
St. Bartholomew is an English saint’s name
The English saint’s name is derived from the Greek name Bartholomew. The name means “son of Talmai,” which means “son of the king.” Bartholomew was a scholar whose focus was on law and the prophets. His birth place was the city of Cana in Galilee, the location of Jesus’ first miracle, and he was one of the apostles, witnessing Jesus’ three-year ministry and the movement that followed his death.
Bartholomew is one of the twelve apostles and is mentioned by name in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. However, in the Gospel of John, Bartholomew is not mentioned by name. It is not known what happened to him, but we know that his companion was named Nathanael, which makes it possible that Bartholomew and Nathanael were the same person.
St. Irenaeus is a Greek saint’s name
The Greek Saint Irenaeus was born in western Turkey and later became a bishop in the western Church. He was known as an ecumenical thinker and outstanding theologian who was martyred in Gaul in the second century. His life bridged East and West and helped to prevent schism in the early Church. His name comes from a Greek word meaning peace.
Irenaeus lived in the Greek-speaking East and most likely came from the city of Smyrna. He was likely the student of St. Polycarp, a martyr and an apostle connected with St. John the Apostle. He lived during a time of increasing conversion within the Roman Empire and spent time in Rome, where he studied under St. Justin Martyr.