Orthodox saint baby names are a nice sounding choice for babies. They can be used to honor a saint or family member who has passed on. Here are some examples. Read on to find out more about these lovely names. Let’s explore the meaning of each one. Then, decide which saint is best for your child.
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St. Anastasia
Anastasia is a divine name, a name of beauty and kindness. She is fair and compassionate, able to avoid quarrels and settle contentious matters and is ready to make any sacrifice for peace. Her ideal partner is a strong and courageous man.
The name Anastasia was originally Greek, and is the feminine form of the Greek name Anastasios. It was a popular name for Greek Christian boys during Easter. The name was later popularized in Russia, and was linked to a 4th century martyr, Anastasia of Sirmium. She was revered as a healer, a deliverer of potions, and a protector from poison.
Anastasia was born into a Christian family, but was given in marriage to a pagan. She later mastered medicine and was known as a “patterner.” The story tells of a priest, Ulpian, confronting Anastasia and offering her gold or torture instruments. The pious Anastasia chose the latter and the priest went blind without touching her.
St. Therese
If you’re looking for a baby name with an orthodox Christian meaning, consider St. Therese. The saint was a young girl who was very special in her family. But as she grew up, she became a selfish person. For example, when her older sister outgrew her dolls, she took one, but St. Therese took the whole box. As she grew older, her fervor for the spiritual life became a symbol for her own spiritual journey. At age fourteen, she had a conversion experience.
Therese Martin, also known as Saint Therese of Lisieux, was born in 1873 in France. Her parents were very holy people. Zelie Martin, her mother, had discerned religious life before her marriage to Louis. The couple had nine children, five of whom survived to adulthood. Sadly, St. Therese’s mother died of breast cancer when she was only four years old, so her father took care of her. They moved to the town of Lisieux, France, where St. Therese spent her early childhood hiding between the wall and bed.
St. Barbara
If you are looking for a saint for your child’s name, consider St. Barbara. Her story is one of courage and perseverance. She became a Christian after her father’s return and was tortured by him. She was beaten with iron claws and tortured with torches. She was also beaten by the governor, who sentenced her to death by beheading. However, despite her ordeal, she held on to her faith, and the Lord appeared and healed her wounds.
Saint Barbara was an early saint in the Orthodox Christian Church. Her feast day is December 4th. She is also the patron saint of artillerymen.
St. Gertrude the Great
Gertrude was born in 1256 and received into a Cistercian monastery at age five. She studied philosophy and literature. She was a visionary and had many encounters with Jesus. When she was 26, she had her heart symbolically united to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. She wrote many prayers and promoted devotion to St. Joseph, St. Mary, and Jesus’s mother.
Gertrude was particularly charitable and showed compassion for souls in purgatory. She was also a gifted person and prayed for privacy from others to receive spiritual gifts. She received the gifts of prophecy and miracles and wrote five books on spirituality. She died on November 17th, 1301, or 1302, and is the patron saint of the West Indies and travelers.
St. Boniface
If you’re looking for an orthodox saint baby name, St. Boniface may be just the name you’re looking for. This saint was born in Germany and devoted his life to preaching the Word of God. Despite his dire circumstances, he was able to convert many of the pagan residents of his time to the faith.
St. Boniface was also a martyr. He died in Egypt, along with more than two hundred others. Of these, 70 were women. As you can see, this is a name that can be a unique and wonderful choice for a little girl.
Latinized form of Greek name Eriakos
The Latinized form of the Greek name Eriakos means “a sailor.” Eriakos was the name of a scribe who lived in Athens during the 7th century. He was also the name of a constellation and the guardian of a sacred spring near Thebes. Drakon was also the name of a giant dragon that ravaged Lydia. Another Latinized form of the Greek name Erios is EFREM, which means “half-god” and is a variant spelling of the Greek name Eriakos. This name has also been used by a German saint.
Other uses of the Greek name Eriakos include Chrysanthos, which is a masculine creative name. A company that makes ceramic glazes called Chrysanthos is named after the eponymous Greek god, Chrysanthos. These glazes are made in China and are available in the United States for fired pottery pieces. Chrysanthos also means “golden flower.” The Greek name Chrysostomos means “golden mouth,” and was a common epithet for persuasive speakers in the ancient times.
St. James the Greater is the patron saint of Egypt
In orthodox saint baby names, St. James the Greater is a popular choice. His relics are located at Compostella, which became the most important pilgrimage site in the West after Rome. His life is also celebrated in Egypt. His feast day is July 25. He was the son of Zebedee and Salome and was the brother of St. John the Apostle. In ancient times, he preached the gospel in Spain and was the patron saint of laborers.
A legend says that St. James the Greater saved a boy who had been unjustly hanged. When the boy’s father heard about this miracle, he was eating. However, he dismissed it as nonsense. However, later on, while preparing a feast for his family, the boy heard a voice in his sleep. Upon hearing this voice, he hurried to the Church and accepted the Orthodox faith. He later settled in Chozeba.
St. Charles Borromeo is a saint-inspired name
The name St. Charles Borromeo is a popular choice for boys, because of the saint’s devotion to God. He was an unwavering champion of the faith and a staunch defender of Holy Mother Church. His tireless effort for the Christian faith led him to suffer many insults and slanders, yet he remained unfaltering in his dedication to God. He endured all his sufferings as mortifications, purifying his soul of any impurity, and ultimately brought him closer to God.
Borromeo is one of the most important saints of the Counter-Reformation. His life and death made him a model prelate and a role model for many Catholics today. Borromeo was born in the castle of Arona near Milan, to an aristocratic family. He was confirmed as a saint by multiple witnesses during the canonization process.
St. Matthew is a saint-inspired name
Matthew is a well-known and revered Christian saint in many churches. In the Catholic Church, his feast day is on September 21, and in the Greek Church, it is on November 16. He is also commemorated on June 30, along with the other Apostles. It is unclear what kind of martyrdom Matthew underwent, but many sources state that he died by burning.
Matthew was a disciple of Jesus. He is also credited with writing the Gospel of Matthew. Matthew was also a wealthy man. He was also credited with hosting a dinner for Jesus at his home, along with his many disciples and other “sinners” (perhaps non-observant Jews).
St. Nicholas is a saint-inspired name
Saint Nicholas was a beloved figure to Russians, and his image has been a part of their folklore. Many Russian villages have churches dedicated to him. His image is often portrayed holding a Gospel. This saint was revered by peasants, and his intercession continued even after he left the land. His intercession was most noted in ancient Kiev, where the wonderworker Nicholas rescued a drowning infant. The infant was then placed in the church of Holy Wisdom, where the child was saved by Saint Nicholas.
Saint Nicholas’ feast day is on Dec. 6. He is revered as a great gift-giver. In the 4th century, he was the bishop of Myra. His generosity helped save the lives of many children. His story has inspired the story of Santa Claus. He is also the patron saint of children.