Orthodox quotes on prayer give guidance to the believer on how to approach prayer and what to do after completing it. These quotes range from the words of St. Isaac and St. Basil to the advice of St. Gregory the Theologian. Following these advice will lead you to a deeper understanding of prayer.
St. Isaac’s advice
If you need help with your prayers, St. Isaac can help you find the right words for the right times. This saint was born in Orleans, France in 1607. He spent much of his life ministering to the Native Americans and was even involved in the construction of the first Christian church in America. He was also a Jesuit and is known for his dedication to missionary work.
First, consider the spiritual law that St. Isaac outlined for us to follow when we pray. He wrote that we must be prepared to face temptations. We should pray with tears in our eyes and be prepared to endure trials. Only when we are prepared can we be bold before God and gain wisdom from the Holy Spirit.
Secondly, make sure to concentrate on each word in your prayer. Do not ramble on, but let the words sink into your heart. You should pray with awe and humility for God. You should never rush when praying. If you hurry through the words, you might feel powerful.
Third, it’s important to keep a positive attitude. When we are suffering, we are vulnerable to despair. Our mind must remain fixed on God and the saints. Otherwise, our heart may wander. This can be a dangerous thing to do. Isaac also warns against falling into a spiritual trap if you don’t pray with the proper attitude.
St. Basil’s advice
If you want to make sure your prayer is heard by the Holy Spirit, consider asking St. Basil for his intercession. He is a great theologian and was also the author of many liturgical prayers. Today, he is revered as a Doctor of the Church. In addition to his role in the Church, St. Basil is also a patron saint for monks, hospitals, and liturgists.
The venerable Basil wrote a guide to prayer, which is still relevant today. He describes the various aspects of prayer, such as how to be effective in your prayers. In the “Rule of St. Basil,” he explains how to pray effectively and when. Throughout his life, St. Basil spent a great deal of time in prayer, sharing his insights with the monks under his care.
As the father of monastic life in the East, St. Basil also fought against heretics and was called out of retirement to fight for the Church. He helped to stop the Arian heresy, and fought against the heretics. He eventually went to Caesarea to fight for the Church, and was able to successfully dissuade the Arians.
St. Gregory the Theologian’s advice
Gregory, a Cappadocian nobleman, was nicknamed the Theologian. Born in Nazianzum, he studied the Sacred Scriptures at the University of Athens. He also studied with St. Basil, who became his spiritual father. Both Gregory and Basil were called to preach the Gospel.
In 329 A.D., Gregory the Theologian (or Gregory of Nazianzus) was born in Cappadocia. He grew up in a family with a rich background and was trained to read and understand classical literature and Christian scripture. He became a priest and bishop of Nazianzus, and wrote several books on theology. His writings had an enormous influence on St. Jerome, who heard them and influenced them.
Those who have read Holy Scripture and pray are guided by a spiritual sense. Saint Gregory suggests reading Holy Scripture with a spiritual sense to understand what it means. He teaches us that God is a Spirit who works in hidden ways in the Old Testament and manifests His power in the human being.
Gregory of Sinai’s spiritual writings include a discussion of the role of contemplation and prayer. He describes spiritual contemplation as ‘hypostatic’ – objective and non-imaginary. The ‘hypostatic’ state of contemplation, he writes, ‘clothes the senses with the light of the mind. The mind becomes immersed in this light, and the soul is moved from its ordinary self to the highest level of dignity.