The Bible shows us that God does not fear our questions about why they are suffering, as seen through Job, David and Jesus all asking why.
Problems arise when we ignore or succumb to our doubts, using them as an excuse or crutch instead of channeling them toward true faith. Doubt can be used either for good or ill; either way it has great power.
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1. It’s a sin
Many people believe that questioning God is sinful, but this is far from the case. Scripture contains numerous instances in which people questioned their Lord without offense or anger from Him. Habakkuk provides one such instance – with Habakkuk asking Him why evil exists while at the same time offering answers about when justice will come; Job, Gideon, and Abraham were other godly examples who struggled with their faith but still remained faithful to their Lord even when circumstances didn’t make sense to them.
Spiritual matters often leave people confused. No matter your religious persuasion, understanding God’s vast universe will always leave questions unanswered – and wondering “why” may become part of your everyday experience.
While doubt can sometimes be beneficial, it can become detrimental if it becomes an obsession or replacement for faith. Doubt can lead to rebellion and disobedience – ultimately leading to your salvation being compromised if it becomes an ongoing process.
To prevent this, it is vitally important to recall that God has revealed Himself to His followers ever since they existed. Through written Word, miracles, signs, sacrifices, prophets and messengers He has provided assurance that He exists as well as that He is loving, sovereign God who knows everything that exists. In these ways He has made clear He exists – making clear He knows it all too!
So if you are experiencing difficulty in your faith, don’t be afraid to ask God questions – just make sure it’s done with an attitude of submission and in the knowledge that He knows best and always has your best interests at heart. Never confuse questioning with accusing Him of wrongdoing as this could only come from true believers who understand His nature (Romans 1:24); nonbelievers cannot question His sovereignty or character due to not understanding who He really is (Jude 5:10 says so).
2. It’s a sign of rebellion
Questioning God is both sinful and rebellious, because it fosters suspicion of authority and character which ultimately leads to doubt. Questioning those in authority can even lead to spiritual blindness leading to eventual apostasy.
The Bible warns us against rebellion against God as being highly destructive to life and soul, yet many Christians remain confused about what exactly constitutes rebellion. There are two basic forms of rebellion: submission and disobedience – with submission being an act against God while disobedience being against man’s authority.
Remember that God is in control of everything, including our suffering. He knows what is best for us and won’t allow anything that might hurt His children to happen. Because He is good and just, we can entrust all our worries in His hands.
At times of hardship, it’s natural to question why. Job, David and Jesus asked themselves these same questions but received different answers from God – He didn’t provide easy solutions, but assured them He knew their situation and everything would work out in their favor.
Sometimes we feel attacked by Satan; whether through sickness, finances, or other circumstances. When this occurs we can become discouraged and feel as if God does not care for us – yet it’s important to remember He always will be.
As important, it’s essential to remember the value of prayer is never outgrown, providing comfort and strength during difficult times. Additionally, seeking out others as prayers partners may often offer insight that we don’t see ourselves.
Young Roddy recently unveiled a brand new single entitled “Never Question God” featuring Curren$y from his forthcoming album Plan of Attack. Check out its official music video below!
3. It’s a sign of disobedience
Disobeying God is a serious act, which He will punish severely. According to Romans 3:8, no one who does what is right in God’s eyes and finds justification before Him except those who obey his law and love Him (Romans 3:8). We may struggle to comprehend why certain events take place but must remember that He sees the big picture; He knows what will work out best for those who love Him, so trusting in Him while remaining true to our calling will help guide us through any difficulty that comes our way!
Keep in mind that when God sends a sign for us to follow, it will be obvious and tell us exactly what he desires from us. For instance, if we ask Him if it is time to bid on a house and the next day it has been taken off the market without us bidding, that would be an obvious indication from Him that now isn’t the right time. When approaching Him in humility with sincerity & prayerfulness in mind, He won’t send confusing signals that obscure His will further or make hearing Him more difficult & hard for us to hear Him hear Him better & hear Him better & hearing him directly.
Questioning God’s sovereignty and attacking His character only hardens our hearts against His truth. It’s important to remember that faith is a relationship and we should keep talking to Him about all aspects of life – He’s always available and happy to listen and answer our queries!
If you find yourself questioning God over certain events that happen in life, seek His guidance through prayer or an established spiritual leader. Ask Him to open up your eyes to His perspective and show you the world from His eyes; this will allow you to trust that He is sovereign yet loving in working everything out for our good. If your faith seems fragile or lacking altogether, examine where you may be disobeying His commandments either intentionally or subconsciously in your daily activities and start repenting, changing behaviors, and recommitting yourself back into his Lordship before asking God for His guidance in repentance, repentance and commitment efforts can start being undertaken recommit yourself back into God’s Lordship once again.
4. It’s a sign of failure
At times we all experience doubt about God and His word (e.g. “How can I know the Bible is truly inspired?”). Or we might struggle with emotional doubts like, “Why do I seem to suffer more than others?” Doubt can be very dangerous as it keeps us away from following His plan for our lives.
Questioning God can be seen as a sign that you haven’t quite heard from Him and are uncertain that His guidance is being observed by you. Doubt can make hearing Him difficult, however; practicing listening for His voice and obeying His character and commands will help you learn how to discern whether He’s leading or not. The sooner this process starts working for you, the easier it will become to follow Him.
The enemy thrives on distorting our faith and keeping us off of God’s path of righteousness, including by telling us we’re failures. However, that’s simply not true; life will always present challenges we cannot manage alone and that’s okay – trust God’s direction instead of trying to do everything perfectly ourselves. Scripture offers plenty of stories of characters who failed miserably but still relied on God. If failure feels like sin to you, read about Abraham and Isaac for inspiration on how failure is not sin and that God remains with you no matter what comes your way!
Next time you feel yourself being drawn toward doubtful thoughts, try this trick: imagine that God is the director and you’re living out a movie of your life! How would you act and react in certain situations? If it helps suspend disbelief, seek advice from wise Christians or join a Bible study; otherwise remember God wants to talk with you daily – He wants to listen and direct. Don’t be shy to ask Him questions – He knows your heart well, will never abandon or abandon you and is your loving Father!