How to Behave in Orthodox Church

How to Behave in Orthodox Church

how to behave in orthodox church

While visiting an Orthodox church, you should be sure to follow certain rules. This will help you avoid annoying the parishioners. For example, you should not take pictures inside the church. This will annoy churchgoers and can disturb them. You should avoid using a flash or making shutter noises while taking photos. You should also avoid arguing with parishioners. It is against the law to argue with someone inside the church. This is especially true in Russia, where there are laws against offending the rights of a believer.

Handshakes are superfluous unnecessary

Orthodox church practices prohibit handshakes and kisses. No one is allowed to talk during the divine service and no one may shake hands with the opposite sex. In the Temple of God, handshakes and kisses are completely forbidden. Instead, people should keep to the rules that govern their own behavior.

Kissing of women’s hands

Orthodox Christians kiss the hands of priests to reverence them. The hands of priests are used to handle the Body of Christ during the Divine Liturgy. They also prepare Holy Communion. However, kissing the hands of a woman is not a practice of the Orthodox Church.

However, there are certain times and places where kissing of women’s hands is prohibited. The most notable example is during the Consecration of Holy Gifts. While it is not permitted to kiss women’s hands in the Orthodox Church, kneeling and prostration are pious expressions that are considered acceptable.

Arriving at any point in the church

If you’re looking for a Christian church that honors its tradition, the Orthodox Church is the answer. These churches are the original churches founded by Jesus and continued by his Apostles. They emphasize the purity and accuracy of Christian teaching, and they have remained true to this tradition throughout the centuries.

When you’re at an Orthodox church, you’ll likely notice that the worship service doesn’t start until the blessing of the kingdom is made. Therefore, you should arrive early to prepare for the service and have plenty of time to pray.

Standing during the Divine Liturgy

In an Orthodox church, standing is considered to be part of the service. However, there are exceptions to this rule. Some Orthodox churches don’t have pews, and they will allow people who can’t stand for long periods of time to sit in chairs during the service.

While the Orthodox church doesn’t have a strict dress code, visitors should dress modestly. Men typically wear pants and women wear dresses. Women may also wear a scarf on their head.

Keeping crumbs from falling off the zapivka

In the Orthodox church, keeping crumbs from falling off the zapiwka is an important liturgical practice. It is performed at the end of the Liturgy after Communion. Zapivka consists of warm wine diluted with water, and is meant to wash the remnants of the Eucharist from the mouth. Traditionally, only those who have received Communion are allowed to partake in zapivka, but that has since changed.

In the Orthodox church, the zapivka and antidoron are served in trays with three metal cups on them. One of the cups contains pure wine, and the other two are filled with water and hot or cold. The tray is topped with a small plate. When the Bishop is present, a second prosphora is used for the Bishop’s zapivka. This prosphora is made from the same material that is used to make the Lamb. A red cloth napkin is used for both of these dishes.

Not entering the church during the Liturgy

The Orthodox Church observes certain rules regarding entering the church during the Liturgy. You must enter the church quietly, observing what is happening and not drawing attention to yourself. When the Epistle or Gospel is being read, you should wait until it is finished before entering the church and after it has finished, you should wait for the sermon to be finished.

When entering or exiting the church, it is customary to bow. This is to acknowledge the presence of the Lord and His presence in the Gospel. Then, you may enter the church and receive the Eucharist.

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