How the Reformers Reacted to Orthodox Worship of Saints

do orthodox worship saints

In this article, we will discuss the various topics surrounding the orthodox worship of saints, from Theosis to the Communion of saints. We will also discuss the reaction of the Reformers to the practice of veneration of saints. In addition, we will look at what overscrupulous worship looks like and how it was reacted by the Reformers.


In Eastern Orthodox worship of saints, the process of deification is linked to the sacraments. These are the means through which the Holy Spirit transmits deification to man. Similarly to Mormonism, the Orthodox believe that deification can be attained through interaction with God. Practicing the sacraments fosters a relationship between God and humankind, and personal worship practices ultimately foster theosis.

Orthodox Christians worship saints as holy men and women who have lived a life of holiness. These holy people have been sought out by ordinary people for help, advice, and prayer. Theosis is a powerful concept in Orthodox worship of saints. The Christian gospel is full of examples of saints who have been transformed into gods. Even the early fathers of Christianity have referred to saints as gods.

Theosis is defined as union with the energies of God. However, the Orthodox Church does not know God’s essence, but it believes that this union is real and true. This union is not pantheistic; rather, it is a union of divine and human characteristics. According to the Orthodox Church, theosis is the ultimate fulfillment of human life.

Communion of saints

The Communion of saints is an important part of Orthodox worship. Each saint has his or her own calling and characteristic, but all have one thing in common: they all lived in the world and reflected the light of Christ. These people often lived heroic lives, and many of them were known for their contributions in specific areas.

Orthodox worship differs slightly from Catholic worship in several ways, but Catholics visiting Orthodoxy will find a lot of similarities between the two. For example, both traditions use the seven sacraments, and believe that the presence of Christ in the Eucharist is real and not symbolic. They also believe in the apostolic succession of bishops and priests, with current priests and bishops being ordained through the line of their predecessors. In addition, both religions make use of candles during worship.

Orthodox Christians also believe in the unity of heaven and earth. The Church is not merely a group of people or a building; it is an entire community of believers. The Church is made up of both heavenly and earthly realities, with the visible Church being a manifestation of the latter. During the Eucharist, the body and blood of Christ are shared among Orthodox Christians.

Reaction of Reformers to orthodox worship of saints

The Protestant Reformers have been known to attack Orthodox Christian worship of saints and icons. These reformers believed that the veneration of religious artifacts was idolatrous and should be eliminated. Orthodox Christians, however, argue that they are not worshipping the icons but praying to the saints and Mary in them. They also attribute to these images a spiritual power.

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