God does not exist within time or an age frame. Therefore, there is no point asking how old He is.
Asking an eternal woman her age would be like asking a scientist when an object first came into being. Both will know their answers.
God does not have an age, as revealed in Scripture. He’s eternal and this also applies to Jesus; when He entered time through his Incarnation – yet never lost his divine nature – neither did His divine nature change.
Old and New Testament references of God refer to His eternal nature by using terms like eternal, immortal and “Apollo and Omega.” These statements indicate His continued existence (Isaiah 44:6; Revelation 1:8; 22:13). This shows He will always exist and won’t ever end His existence on this Earth.
But the Bible doesn’t provide us with an exact age when He created the universe; nor does it use any dates like BC or AD which are artificial conventions based upon Jesus’s birth date.
So how can we know God’s age? Unfortunately, we cannot. It would require knowing someone older than yourself in order to establish this knowledge; in other words, another individual with which you would need a relationship would need to exist as well as knowing them personally in order to establish any such information.
God exists outside time and has no need or desire for interaction with any entity in the universe, making it unreasonable to ask how old He is as this would indicate that He may have limited lifespan or need interaction.
Therefore, some creationists believe the question “how old is God now?” is an inappropriate one to ask; they compare it with asking: “What does the color blue sound like?” (colors cannot be audibly perceived). Furthermore, Scripture shows us that He remains timeless – thus making no sense in trying to categorize Him with anything that may age over time.
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The Bible portrays God in many different ways, one being that He does not age. Eternity and its synonyms such as forever and everlasting appear frequently as descriptors for God’s existence; this helps us see how His nature differs from that of the world around Him. Understanding this concept helps us see why believing that there will always be life after death is such an essential concept to understanding His nature and being.
Eternity comes from the Greek term for “without end.” It can also be understood as a state without restrictions or bounds; an example being how God exists as three distinct Persons at once in His Trinity. Additionally, eternity allows Him to interact freely with humanity through relationships without boundaries or limits.
Old Testament readers are often misled into thinking eternity refers only to timelessness or everlastingness; these translations obscure Biblical teaching that God is eternal and reveal His unchanging character through Scripture references alone. To fully appreciate God’s eternity it’s essential that they read these references as part of a larger biblical picture, rather than believing a translation is accurate and translating one Hebrew noun for eternity into another – this obscures His true nature!
Some have attempted to determine God’s age by comparing Him with the creation process. For instance, they assert that His seven day creation of the universe must mean He must be older than any material object created during an shorter timeframe. However, this argument is flawed as it relies solely on scientific methods. To accurately calculate an object’s age using scientific techniques such as growth rates, radioactive decay and light speed calculations. If these elements weren’t present at the initial creation, then it would be impossible to ascertain an object’s age. Likewise, if God created our universe with an explosion like Big Bang, comparing His age against human development or light speed is impracticable.
God’s age can be hard for us to comprehend, since He’s unlike anything we know in the physical universe. He’s both eternal and infinite at once while at the same time fully human – his incarnation being what makes Christmas such a celebration! However, this doesn’t change his status as God; He remains God throughout history.
The Bible does not give an exact date of creation for one simple reason: it does not matter. Instead, terms like BC or AD were established by man-made conventions based around Jesus’ birth; therefore the date does not matter at all. What it does tell us, though, is that Jesus is one of three eternal Persons within the Trinity who has always existed despite entering into time via taking human form – his divinity never bound by time constraints!
However, it should be noted that although God is not bound by time, He does create and manage it in many ways. When He created seasons, days, and years (Gen 1:14) He ensured they “matured” for an appropriate length of time and used sun and moon as signposts of passage of time for us humans to mark those times and mark how much has passed since their creation. Furthermore He is described in several places of both Old and New Testaments as both Alpha and Omega–the first and the last–to illustrate his power over us mortals!
Asking how old God is is an irrelevancy; He does not belong in the category of things subject to time, so He does not have an age. Asking what age God is is similar to asking what sound orange makes (colors cannot be audibly perceived).
This article was taken from Answers magazine and updated. For more information, check out their latest issue which features ten evidences for a young earth, powerful biblical perspective on political activism, and new Dead Sea scroll research.
As God is eternal, He cannot physically age; yet the Bible records several instances in which He appeared as a human to communicate with His people during brief appearances in Old Testament times and set an example for future appearances of Him appearing physically to talk to them directly. Jesus himself was born B.C.E (before Christ Era), died aged 33, so using that date we could estimate His current physical age at 2056 years.
There are various schools of thought on the age and nature of God. Some contend He has always existed without having physical form, an argument supported by early Jewish, Christian and Muslim theologians; however this perspective fails to provide adequate explanations as to how He interacts with people today.
Another opinion holds that God is everlasting but experiences temporal succession – meaning He did experience the first century prior to experiencing the twenty-first. This theory is further supported by biblical accounts of creation where He creates everything in six days!
Some believers hold to the belief that God created the universe with an apparent sense of age, suggesting it had already matured when He created it. While this view isn’t widely held among Christians, it could help explain why Scripture doesn’t mention a time before creation.
There are those who believe there is no answer to the age of God, suggesting He exists solely within our minds and imaginations; that He exists just like philosophical or religious thought itself. Critics have noted this position could allow any number of theologies to have multiple versions of “gods”, all equally valid.