How Many Sons Did God Have?

Many Christians interpret Genesis 6’s mention of “sons of God” to refer to kings or rulers. Others point out that in New Testament terms like this refer only to angels, Jesus and believers – making the “sons of God” reference inaccurate.

The first theory proposes that God sent down sons, known as Nephilim, who married women and produced giant offspring before the flood occurred – this would explain why there were so many giants around before.

Adam and Eve

The Bible recounts Adam and Eve as God’s first humans created, living happily until their disobedience led to consequences in Eden’s Garden of Eden. Their story serves as evidence that humans originally formed one family unit; all individuals can trace their roots back to this original pair.

Cain killed his brother Abel shortly after they were expelled from Eden and soon after had several sons with his partner Eve, including Seth according to Jubilees. All these sons eventually had daughters as well; there are three theories regarding God’s sons based on a reading of Genesis 6.

Christian Gnosticism described Adam and Eve as Protanthropos, an hermaphrodite male-female being that was considered higher than Cherubim and Eternal Angels but lower than God the Divine Being. According to some rabbis, Adam and Eve became estranged after eating from the Tree of Knowledge which would have allowed them to stay forever in God’s Garden of Eden.


Cain committed the first murder after Adam and Eve left Eden, murdering his brother Abel and being exiled from the land, raising crops while living nomadic life, building cities, making musical instruments, as well as creating cities of his own through creating cities of his own with his descendants becoming farmers, smiths, city builders and craftsmen themselves.

Many Christians have long been baffled about where Cain obtained his wife. Since Adam was the first human and Eve was called “the mother of all living” (Genesis 3:20), it’s hard to conceive of any pre-Adamic race from which Cain could have found one of his wives.

One theory suggests that God mated his sons with human women and produced the Nephilim, explaining why the Bible describes large, violent men. Unfortunately, this theory falls flat as God was neither human nor angelic in origin and thus not likely responsible for creating these large creatures.


The Bible doesn’t specify when Seth was born, but it seems likely that he arrived after Cain killed Abel and Eve viewed Seth as God’s gift to fill his brother’s absence in their family unit.

Re was one of the four gods comprising Egypt’s ancient Pantheon; along with Amon, Re and Ptah. At first in Egyptian history he was believed to bring chaos and other disasters, while later seen as god of foreign lands, deserts, and all things red.

Seth experienced an unexpected midlife transformation. Perhaps new myths were needed to explain Egypt’s evolving political climate, or maybe just jealousies of Horus had him change drastically in personality; whatever the cause, Seth became consumed by jealousies and deeds of malice in his battle against him – becoming known by Set and Sutekh; also serving as Osiris’ counterpart, while representing chaos, storms, earthquakes and foreign lands while associated with red.


The Bible chronicles Noah, an upright and righteous individual favored by God who built an Ark at His behest to save both himself and all life from a global flood he sent upon Earth as punishment for mankind’s sinful ways.

God then made a covenant with Noah and all living creatures on Earth that He would never again destroy them with flooding; He set up a rainbow as a reminder of this promise. Additionally, He renewed His commands from creation’s inception, including permitting men to eat meat while warning against murdering one another.

The Bible describes some of Noah’s children marrying Nephilim women, producing giants known as men of renown. What was the significance of these unholy marriages and are these giants descended from fallen angels?


Abraham, the founding figure of Christianity, Judaism and Islam is one of the most noteworthy biblical characters. He was the first to recognize there can only be one God of heaven and earth and thus gave rise to monotheism.

Abraham demonstrated exceptional levels of faith and obedience to G-d throughout his lifetime of hardship, suffering, and sacrifice. Following a call directly from Him, he left home and family behind following His call; being rewarded with land, descendants, and an intimate relationship with Him as his reward.

As Abraham faces more hardships, including having to sacrifice Isaac, G-d instructs him to take Isaac up a mountain and offer him as sacrifice; just before Abraham is about to use a knife on Isaac however, an angel appears and intervenes and spares his life – ultimately leading up to Abraham dying at age 175 and being interred at Machpelah Cave in Palestine.


Isaac, the second patriarch, is most recognized for being Abraham’s chosen son through whom God would continue His covenant lineage. Isaac also stands out for his unwavering faith during difficult times and for giving birth to the concept of future hope among Jewish people (Genesis 22:1-18).

He was an outstanding son who diligently prepared a successor and instituted long-lasting values. He remained true to his father’s teachings and believed in one true God despite living during an age when idol worship, pagan practices, and false deities were prevalent.

Isaac’s life stands out as an exemplary one when his father asked him to sacrifice himself on Mount Moriah. Isaac allowed his father to bind and raise the knife without protest or throwing a tantrum, showing great trust and submission in this moment, showing a servant heart. Isaac serves as an inspiring model for all Christians today.


Jacob or Ya’akov (Hebrew:; Arabic: yqb, “he holds the heel”) was Isaac and Rebecca’s second son and was responsible for giving birth to one daughter and twelve sons, known as Israel’s 12 Tribes. Jacob had two primary wives in Leah and Rachel as well as Bilhah and Zilpah as concubines.

Rebecca received a prophecy during her pregnancy that her twin sons, Esau and Jacob, would come into conflict but that Esau would sacrifice himself in service of Jacob – something which proved true as Jacob employed deception and schemes to gain God’s favor for himself.

Once Jacob emerged from his wrestling match with an angel at Peniel, he was given the name Israel; this term means’struggles with both God and humans.’ Although Jacob may have deceived Esau to obtain the birthright by trickery, his deed is seen as forefather of all Israelites as it earned Him favor – setting an exemplary example of perseverance, self-control and courage in him as well.


Joseph is one of the most celebrated patriarchs. The Bible chronicles his trials and victories as saintly acts that deserve our respects; additionally he was adopted father of Jesus Christ whom is honored by Eastern Orthodox churches on Holy Forefathers Sunday with commemorative icons.

Joseph stands as an inspiration in rabbinical literature. Many rabbis regard him as an echo of his father Jacob; many events in Joseph’s life mirrored those in Jacob’s. Like his father, Joseph endured mistreatment at the hands of his brothers but over time forgave and supported them all despite their mistreatment; unlike their rapacious brothers he never took anything that did not belong to him and is therefore considered a model of chastity; according to Genesis’ blessing he is said to include Messiah among his descendents.


Benjamin is often associated with being the youngest child of a family, making it an appealing name choice for baby boys. With its biblical origins and timeless sound, its timeless appeal also dates back centuries as evidenced by notable statesmen, diplomats, scientists and writers bearing this name throughout history.

Benjamin’s territory corresponded to that of Ephraim’s hill country and, according to Joshua, extended from Jericho on its western border all the way around lower Beth-Horon and lower Beth-Horon on its eastern edge, as well as along a main north-south highway that ran through its territory.

While Israel had chosen David as its king, Benjamin still held some animus against him as the successor to House of Saul (ii Sam. 19:17-21). Perhaps because of this animus towards David from Benjamin, when Solomon expanded his empire to include Benjamin it maintained a distinct territorial unit within it that eventually became one of its administrative divisions within kingdom.

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