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Isaiah 45:23 envisaging universal worship of Yahweh
Isaiah portrays God as a potter and a parent. Both are responsible for making the world and humankind. Yet, God does not question their work and they do not question Him. These images seem contradictory when compared to the concept of universal worship of Yahweh.
When Isaiah speaks of God’s judgment over the nations, he is speaking in terms of geopolitics. For example, Isaiah argues that the nations will fall within 65 years, and that God will judge them. Isaiah’s prophecy is therefore considered authoritative. Moreover, he encourages King Ahaz to test God by calling him “my God,” which suggests that Ahaz cannot call God his own. In addition, Isaiah shows that God will judge Damascus and Samaria.
Cappadocian fathers
The faith of the Trinity includes the concept of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. All three are divine and share the same eternal, unchangeable, majesty, and power. Likewise, each has a unique role in the world.
In this conception, God is three distinct individuals within one indivisible Being. The Trinity is the author of all things and is therefore the source of all good. In this view, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are three separate entities, but they are one in essence. Each of them knows the others, and their participation in the Trinity is the basis of being blessed.
Barth’s construal of the Trinity
Barth’s construal of the Divine Trinity is generally accepted within orthodoxy, but has several serious problems. First, it emphasizes the divine unity, which some consider a sign of modalism. Second, it breaks the temporal division between Christ in his glory in eternity and his servanthood in history. And third, Barth employs dialectical language to describe the One God.
Orthodox theology conceives participation in God as a participation in the divine energies. This participation is a gradual realization of God’s being. According to Orthodox theology, deification is a process of participation in God’s being.
orthodox saints’ views on the trinity
Orthodox Christians worship the Holy Trinity, the three persons of the Godhead. While all three are equal in essence and are indivisible, they are also distinct in their attributes. The Holy Trinity is a paradox. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are one but are also distinct in time.
The early Christians differed in their views of the Trinity. Later, the “catholic” movement emerged as a bishop-led movement that claimed to be the true successors of Jesus and the apostles. This movement contained many different views on the Trinity. Although the church recognized the Trinity, early Christian theologians did not believe that the Father and Son were three distinct persons.