Introducing counting with snacks can be an engaging way to teach your child. Try providing Goldfish, gummie bears or pretzels as snacks to count out and have them count out individually.
Children learn that no matter how they arrange the objects in a set, their number remains the same – this concept is known as conservation of quantity.
Table of Contents
Genesis 1:27
Even though there may be much discussion surrounding specifics of the Bible, one fact stands firm: God created mankind in His image and likeness (Hebrew: Adam). This fact illuminates both humanity’s unique characteristics as well as God’s plan for humanity’s development.
It also explains why the Bible doesn’t endorse evolution as an explanation for everything; in fact, it teaches that evolution is false and that God alone is responsible for creating everything within this universe.
Some have taken the phrase, “without form and void,” to mean that Earth was never always devoid of form and void; rather, Satan caused this condition through his destructive activities. But this interpretation misses the point as “tselem,” the Hebrew term meaning “without form” or “without shape”, is far too generalized a phrase to suggest such interpretation of Genesis 1:27 as Jesus explicitly refuted this idea by saying God created male and female humans (1 Peter 2:18).
Genesis 2:23
God understands that man was not meant to live alone and so He creates women from one of his ribs as companions for him and as reflections of Himself bringing unique qualities that enrich humanity as a whole.
Genesis 2:23 has long been understood this way, supported by passages like Peter and Jude that mention these “sons of God” as they relate to Noah’s flood. Unfortunately, however, sons of God can also refer to angels; therefore this interpretation presents several difficulties.
These fallen angels may have rebelled against their Creator just like Sodom and Gomorrah did, yet were spared destruction during Noah’s flood; rather, they have been imprisoned until their day of reckoning arrives.
Genesis 3:20
God gave Adam’s first wife Eve as her name was intended to represent life – something He would address further throughout Genesis 4 through Noah’s family tree.
Once Adam and Eve had broken God’s laws in Genesis 3, He quickly recognized their sinful actions. As punishment He issued three curses that still have an effect today: making them work for their food, cursing the ground as a source of toil and pain, and cursing life itself – these consequences were severe indeed; but God showed his mercy by not simply forcing them out of Eden immediately but offering an opportunity for repentance instead.
Genesis 5:4
Genesis 5 then continues with a genealogy of Cain and Abel, emphasizing God’s blessing of life and fertility to those who walked with him, while serving as a reminder that sin can cause death.
This passage is often misunderstood, leading many people to assume it refers to Nephilim, monstrous giant offspring from fallen angels and humans that many people assume to exist today. Unfortunately, however, such interpretation is unfounded in biblical evidence.
It may more likely refer to human offspring. After all, in earlier generations people lived long lives with high fertility rates; therefore they needed children to expand their families and care for them in old age. Furthermore, women often struggled with infertility and sought surrogates; hence Abram having Hagar as part of his cultural expectation rather than divine commandment.
Genesis 6:1
One popular interpretation of Genesis 6:1 is that “sons of God” refer to fallen angels who mated with women to produce Nephilim. This interpretation aligns with other references of “sons of God” being angelic beings (cf. 1 Peter 3:18-22; 2 Peter 2:4-10; Jude 5-7).
One possible interpretation is that “sons of God” refer to descendants of Seth who intermarried with Cain’s daughters to produce offspring with lower fertility and shorter lives; consistent with God punishing sin through intermarriage and social collapse. While neither theory can be definitively proven from Scripture alone, both have compelling support.
Genesis 7:1
No matter our beliefs, biblical expectation dictates that all fertile couples will desire children. While not explicitly stated, many references indicate this expectation in various places of the Bible. The reason may not be spiritual but cultural; after all, children provide vital means of expanding family holdings and guaranteeing future generations of family members.
But God also created humanity, and their wickedness grieved Him greatly. Out of regret He decides to wipe them out. He instructs Noah to build an ark and take along family members as well as representative specimens from each species into it before flooding occurred and killed everyone except Noah and his family – this biblical passage emphasizes obedience as it states Noah “did all that the Lord commanded”. This clearly emphasizes obedience over rebellion.
Genesis 8:1
Biblical times portrayed children as an opportunity to expand a family’s holdings and provide for parents in old age. Due to this expectation, many couples found it hard to conceive due to infertility – often leaving women feeling lost without an immediate family of their own. Abram and Sarai found themselves both unable to have children on their own so, in desperation, Abram arranged for his handmaiden Hagar to become their surrogate mother instead.
Genesis 8 begins on a hopeful note by declaring that God remembered Noah. However, this does not imply that He forgot him; rather He remembered him in much the same way He remembered all the animals in Noah’s ark. Immediately afterwards in verse two He caused all fountains of deep to close up, thus ending flooding waters and drying up land surface.
Genesis 9:1
Genesis begins its next section with God blessing and charging Noah’s sons to multiply and fill the earth. It marks the third time God enjoins humanity to produce more people who can fill its expanse.
This verse is perhaps best-known for its allusion to Nephilim, monstrous offspring born of fallen angels and humans that predominated in ancient Judaism and early Christianity (cf. 2 Peter 2:4 and Jude 6). This interpretation was most popular within these traditions (see also 2 Peter 2:4 and Jude 6).
Shem fathered Arpachshad and Shelah; Shelah went on to father Eber for 343 years; Peleg fathered Reu for 32 years before fathering Serug for 30 years, who in turn fathered Nahor for 29 years before fathering Terah; this is how generations proceeded post-flood.
Genesis 10:1
Genesis 10 begins by detailing the descendants of Noah’s three sons–Shem, Ham and Japheth–and their descendants in terms of families, languages and nations.
Shem is the first family that comes to light. His lineage can be traced back to Elam, who founded the Persians; Asshur who founded Assyrians; Arpachshad who is unknown; and Lud who became father to Lydians.
Nimrod was a powerful hunter who lived before God. He created Babel, Erech and Accad in Shinar; Nineveh Calah Resen he built as well–this would eventually become his kingdom. Nimrod was both powerful yet arrogant ruler whose name became proverbial among Moses’ contemporaries much as we might say someone is “like Stalin.” Nimrod asserted himself against Him.
Genesis 11:1
Genesis 11:1-9 chronicles one of the Bible’s most striking acts. Prior to this story, all humanity shared one language and culture, but they decided to construct a tower that would make them “very great.” To stop their plans from succeeding, God dispersed their languages throughout the earth – an event now commonly referred to as The Tower of Babel.
Few scholars suggest that Seth may have intermarried with Cain’s daughters. This suggestion is supported by several rabbinic sources, such as St. Clement’s letters or Ethiopian Orthodox Bibles published today.
However, this interpretation conflicts with biblical commands to multiply and reproduce, as well as with Genesis 11’s eschatological implications. You can subscribe here! This article originally appeared in ATLAS.