Having a Greek Orthodox wedding is something many people dream of. This is because the ceremony is very special and memorable. However, there are certain requirements that need to be followed so that the wedding can be performed in a proper manner.
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Requirements for the wedding party
Whether you are Greek Orthodox or not, there are requirements for the wedding party that you need to be aware of. You should not begin planning for the big day until you have consulted with your parish priest. The priest will then advise you on the various requirements.
If you are Greek Orthodox, your wedding ceremony must take place in an Orthodox church building. The ceremony lasts about 45-60 minutes. Before your wedding, you will be required to cease all sexual activity.
You will also need to obtain a civil marriage license from your city. This license will need to be signed by your priest. It should also be signed by two other witnesses. You may also need to provide proof of your age.
You will also need to hire an organist to play classical music during your wedding. You can also ask your priest to recommend someone who can play an electronic organ.
In addition, you may want to choose a Koumbaros/Koumbara to act as your official sponsor for your Greek Orthodox wedding. The Koumbaros/Koumbara can be a couple or a single person. However, you will need to make sure that the person is Orthodox in good standing. They must also have been baptized in the Holy Trinity.
You may also want to choose someone to be your Best Man or Maid of Honor. You may also want to invite a non-Orthodox person to be a part of the wedding party.
Requirements for the priest
Getting married in the Greek Orthodox Church requires that you meet certain requirements. Among these, you must be in good sacramental standing. This means that you must be baptized in the Church and have not been cohabiting. If you’re planning a second marriage, you must also have your marriage blessed by your Diocesan Bishop.
In order to get an ecclesiastical license to marry, both the bride and groom must present baptismal certificates. A civil marriage license must also be obtained from the city. The marriage license must be signed by both the bride and groom, and the priest must sign it as well.
In addition to meeting these requirements, you must also choose your date. The Greek Orthodox Church has set aside certain dates for marriages. If you plan to get married on one of these dates, you must contact your parish priest and schedule an appointment.
Before your wedding, you and your partner will need to participate in pre-marital counseling. This is necessary for both your emotional and physical well-being. You will discuss the spiritual and moral issues of marriage, as well as the social and emotional aspects of married life.
You will also need to choose a Koumbaros/Koumbara. Koumbaros is a member of the Orthodox Church in good standing, who will stand as a witness for the Orthodox Church during the ceremony. In addition, you must be baptized in the name of the Holy Trinity.
Requirements for the’sponsor’
Those who are interested in an Orthodox marriage outside of the Church need to be familiar with the sacrament of marriage. This is an opportunity to make a lifelong commitment to your Christian faith. It requires couples to prioritize their sexual uninon and to dedicate themselves to prayer and spiritual preparation.
The Greek Orthodox Church has explicitly stated guidelines for the sacrament of marriage. These guidelines are an important part of the sacrament itself. They are also official canons of the Church. They are designed to help Orthodox Christians know what is expected of them and what they can expect from the Church.
For a Greek Orthodox wedding, the priest has a major role. He is responsible for assisting the couple with questions regarding the marriage and assisting them with obtaining ecclesiastical paperwork. He also has the responsibility of ensuring that the sacrament of marriage is performed according to Orthodox tradition.
The best man’s role is also important. He must be a member of the Church and in good standing. He also must have a letter from the priest of his parish.
The sponsor of an Orthodox wedding is a devout and devoted Orthodox Christian. He must also be able to recite the Nicene Creed in Greek. The sponsor’s role also ties into the sacrament of baptism. He is the person who baptizes the first child of the couple.