Eastern Orthodox saints have a great influence on the Christian world. Some of the greatest spiritual writers of the Christian East include St. Isaac of Nineveh, whose writings continue to have a powerful influence on Orthodox spirituality. His influence is also evident in the works of contemporary writers, such as Fyodor Dostoevsky. In a remote forest in Russia, St. Paul of Obnaras lived his life in isolation. He was known to feed birds with his hands, and he even mixed with bears without aggression.
St. Anastasius
Among eastern orthodox saints, St. Anastasius is one of the most well-known. In his writings, he deals with both pastoral issues and spiritual issues. In his Tales of Miracles, he describes a series of supernatural occurrences that are meant to strengthen Orthodox faith. He also writes many homilies, some of which critique the behavior of Christians in the church.
During the Byzantine era, the Eastern Church was largely aligned with the Roman Empire, which later sought to compromise with the Monophysites, claiming that Christ had two natures but only one will. However, this position proved to be problematic and led to the persecution of many Orthodox Christian martyrs. Despite the difficulties of the time, St. Anastasius’ quote shows that suffering can lead to victory in spiritual life.
St. Joanna the Myrrhbearer
In the Eastern Orthodox tradition, Saint Joanna the Myrrhbearers is a Christian saint who was one of the women who carried the myrrh on the Last Supper. This is celebrated on the Sunday of the Myrrhbearers, which is two Sundays after Pascha. Similarly, the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod also recognizes Saint Joanna as a myrrhbearer. It is celebrated on the third Sunday in August.
Joanna was married to Chusa, the steward of King Herod. She followed the ministry of Christ, and she is mentioned twice in the Gospel of Luke. She was one of the Myrrhbearing Women and was also present at the tomb of the Lord on Pascha morning. Among other things, she is also regarded as the first woman to recognize that Christ was indeed alive after His death.
St. Gregory the Great
St. Gregory the Great is one of the eastern orthodox saints who fought against heresy. He was a wise theologian who explained revelations to the people. He claimed that God gave revelation to mankind for its benefit. As a young man, Gregory could have a distinguished secular career, but his deep yearning was for asceticism.
Gregory’s sermons and writings have inspired and influenced many Christians for centuries. He believed in the power of offering Mass to the dead. He was one of the first popes to use the term “Servant of God.” He also reformed the structure and content of the Mass. Many consider him to be the most influential pope of the 500s to 1000s.
St. Junia
This book contains 300 quotes from fifty Eastern Orthodox saints. These saints hail from different parts of the world, including Egypt, Syria, Russia, and Montenegro. It also features sayings from modern Western Church saints from France and Italy. This is a great resource for anyone who is looking to deepen their spiritual experience.
St. Junia is most famous for her lifelong devotion to prayer. She helped countless people and drove out demons. She also cured the blind and made water flow from barren earth. Her relics have a powerful healing power. Some of her best-known miracles are listed below:
Her life story is an inspiration to many. She helped introduce the Christian faith to a pagan country through her faith, prayers, character, and spoken testimony. Her actions and achievements have earned her the title of “Equal to the Apostles” in the EOC. She even has her own hymn, called Troparion. And she was the first woman to be baptized in Europe.