God sends tests your way as a test of your strength in managing Goliath-sized challenges that could appear once you find your true calling – such as adultery, bribery and money handling issues.
Articles are words that form part of speech and indicate definiteness. Discover their definition, types and how to use them correctly.
Table of Contents
1. Temptation
Temptation can be defined as any short-term desire that threatens long-term goals, as well as any act which induces someone into performing such acts by manipulating curiosity, desire or fear. More often than not, temptation involves the use of cunning, deceit or lies to induce someone into doing something which conflicts with their moral or ethical standards.
No one should feel guilty for being tempted, but giving in to temptation can be. How we respond will determine whether it constitutes sinful behavior; for example if you come across a wallet containing hundreds of dollars on the street it could tempt us to keep it for ourselves but returning it would not count as breaking any laws or breaking a promise if there was one made against another individual; similarly if tempted to steal from a store but decide against doing so may also not count as sinful actions.
The Bible warns us about temptation, especially as represented by Satan’s efforts to test God. Satan asked Jesus to jump off of the pinnacle of the temple and trust angels to catch his fall; however, Jesus used scripture and reminded Satan that He promised protection to His children.
Bible is filled with numerous examples of temptation, from King David being persuaded to conduct a census and break God’s promise that He would provide for Israel (2 Samuel 24) to Daniel’s enemies being persuaded by Satan to compromise their principles by praying to an idol while being cast into a lion’s den (Daniel 6).
Understanding that you will encounter temptation is crucial, even after accepting Christ as your Lord and Savior. One way you can prepare yourself for these times is by spending regular time reading God’s word and praying. Although temptation will still come your way, doing this will provide strength to overcome it. By keeping focused on what Jesus has done for you instead of yourself you’ll less likely be tempted by anything temptative that arises – less time will be wasted indulgence lusts and desires!
2. Miracles
Most religious traditions use miracles as proof that their god is real, as events that appear outside the normal course of nature and cannot be explained using present naturalistic explanations are seen as evidence that a god exists. Hume however was critical of this argument as too broad of an interpretation can make miracles harder to recognize as true miracles – he defined miracle as any event which violates laws of nature but cannot be repeated – making it nearly impossible for an event to qualify as miraculous.
Hume also noted that for any event to be reported and witnessed by multiple witnesses, making its likelihood extremely unlikely and, if it did take place, compelling proof would need to exist that could not be explained away by other means such as fraud, delusions, greed or alien technology – an extremely hard thing for rational people to produce; hence why many do not believe in miracles.
Swinburne disputes this interpretation of Hume’s argument. According to him, historical proof of miracles should include not only testimony but also studies into effects and experiments that cannot be duplicated – something which makes testimony alone much less persuasive. This would make the evidence much stronger.
This approach to miracles represents an immense advancement over traditional logical arguments based on natural law. Sceptical critics have often attacked miracles defined as violations of natural laws; by contrast, more general definitions that encompass extraordinary events have proved less controversial and more beneficial in understanding miracles.
Arguments both for and against miracles have long been debated by philosophers over time, making the topic impossibly complicated to cover fully here. Though we cannot cover every argument here, four are especially notable; Hume’s first argument that believing in miracles is irrational as presented in Part 2 of “Of Miracles” by David Hume has been well documented by scholars over time and criticized both by believers and nonbelievers alike.
4. Tests
One of the most daunting tests God can put you through is one that occurs just as you’re about to enter your true calling for Him. If you can pass this type of examination successfully, God will continue moving you deeper into your divine destiny; but should it fail, His hand won’t move any further with it.
God may also put you through a test to see if you can remain free from serious sins such as adultery, fornication or financial misappropriation and misuse. Many prominent ministers have fallen prey to these dangerous habits which have put their ministries and ministry careers in jeopardy.
One of the most powerful and dramatic examples of such tests was one administered by God the Father to Jesus Christ himself after He received His Holy Spirit baptism. Right away after His baptism, He sent Him out into the desert setting so the devil could test Him directly and personally. If Jesus can pass this severe and challenging test successfully, He can then perform all sorts of miracles for people while fulfilling His true calling; but if He fails it then His ministry would likely be demoted until He can pass such crucial and critical tests later on in his ministry career.