Examples of God Working in Your Life

examples of god working in your life

Many have experienced God’s hand at work in their lives, providing for all of their needs while answering prayer directly.

Miracles and healings may provide evidence of God’s work in their lives, but what about during tougher times? Are there still ways God is at work in their lives?

1. God’s Presence

Realizing God’s presence is an unforgettable feeling that can alter every aspect of your life, instilling confidence that with Him in your corner the battle can be won easily. Unfortunately, however, sensing His presence may not always be easy due to our busy lifestyles and not taking enough time for prayerful conversations with Him.

To be able to hear God, we need to remove ourselves from all the noise and activity around us in order to hear his voice clearly. Jesus himself led by example when He often went to a quiet place to pray (Mark 1:35) rather than simply sitting before a fire or heading to coffee shops nearby – instead he got up early each morning and ventured outside, spending his time solely focused on prayer.

When we experience God’s presence, it may feel as if His power fills a room, or more intimately like we are looking into his eyes directly. While He is present everywhere at all times and distinct from His creation, yet infinitely great yet accessible through His abundant goodness and love (Romans 2:13-17).

Experience God at large events like prayer meetings or evangelistic services, but also sense His presence while reading His Word; perhaps when reading an old verse that resonates deeply within your heart with conviction, inspiration, or determination. Additionally, His presence can also be felt while sharing time with believers or enjoying natural beauty like sunrises and sunsets.

2. God’s Purpose

God created you for an important mission – one of His great purposes for your life is unselfish love! God made it a priority that your spiritual family focuses on showing each other unconditional love – including past, present, and future believers who may not share your blessings or talents. Unselfish love is essential in fulfilling God’s purposes for your life!

God has blessed each individual with their own specific mission in life; you can discover yours by reading Scripture and seeking spiritual guidance. Eventually He will show you your calling step by step if that’s how He wants it.

Your purpose may simply be worshiping God in everything that you do; however, fulfilling it also means serving other people – for instance teaching others about His grace and forgiveness or volunteering at food banks, nursing homes or writing blogs spreading His message of peace.

God provides strength and resources for any ministry or service you may undertake, just make sure your focus remains on Him rather than obstacles or discouragement you may face along the way. Nehemiah faced an intimidating task at hand but knew his God would assist him in overcoming them all.

Additionally, you can find support from fellow believers who are walking in God’s will by attending church and becoming involved with small groups. Furthermore, joining a prayer team allows you to join other like-minded individuals praying together.

3. God’s Answers

God works through his word, which is filled with promises and wisdom. He answers our prayers when they’re most needed and provides the assistance we require in times of trouble.

In our fast-paced world, it can be hard to wait patiently for God to respond. We want everything done the way we think it should happen, but the Lord works according to his plan – He knows exactly what we need before we even ask and knows how best to provide it. Therefore, it is vital we learn trusting him even when it seems he is not answering our inquiries immediately.

At the core, we must remember that God is sovereign over all things and is good in every aspect. He provides sustenance and nourishment for every living thing on this Earth – down to every sparrow! He does so because He loves us and wants the very best for our lives (Romans 8:28). Even though some events in our lives may seem unfair or difficult, we can trust in His plan that He will redeem them all for our ultimate good.

As we seek God and obey his word, we will notice his power at work in our lives and the world around us. Through this path we can share hope to others, showing that his presence, purpose, and power is part of daily life. By placing Him first in our lives we can show others His unconditional love and guidance as they see ours flourish; those impacted by us may then feel inspired to follow and believe His promises too!

4. God’s Strength

People often associate God with powerful men such as Samson or Joshua or mighty kings; but He can be found anywhere! In fact, scripture contains numerous stories of underdogs whom He used for His glory – Gideon in hiding in a wine press and Samuel in death were both examples of this strength being demonstrated through weakness; Jesus even saw this strength exhibited among His disciples like Peter who denied Christ three times and James and John who couldn’t stay awake in Gethsemane Garden.

God demonstrates His mighty power by performing miracles to deliver His people from slavery and into their promised land. He parted the Red Sea so His people could walk through it. He destroyed kings and armies so as to deliver His people. Additionally, His strength is revealed in providing food and water to His children.

God demonstrates His might most powerfully when He rescues and sustains believers who rely on Him. God provides strength in any situation or challenge we may face, helping us stay true to faith no matter the odds.

If you want to experience more of God’s strength, take an example from those who were strong in Him and put your trust in Him. Remember that those who were strong in the Lord dedicated themselves to following God’s word and trusting Him alone; these individuals didn’t try pleasing God for personal gain but rather wanted to follow the example set by Jesus who lived selflessly by seeking blessings of God for others just like He did.

5. God’s Love

Experience of God’s love can transform everything. It gives us faith when others betray us and makes us lean more on Him even during difficult times. The stories in the Bible demonstrate this love clearly – for instance Boaz’s unwavering commitment to Ruth was an outstanding reminder of this truth, while Prophet Hosea’s marriage to Gomer shows His incredible unconditionality (see Hosea 13:4).

God’s love is not only unwavering; it is also holy. As an all-knowing Creator who cannot tolerate sin, He shows His holiness by disciplining His children and sparing them from destruction by sending Jesus (see Hebrews 12:6-10).

One of the most famous verses from Scripture highlights God’s primary attribute of love as revealed through Christ: 1 John 4:8 “God is love”. This truth motivates all He does and was the motivation for sending Christ as our savior.

God shows his love through us by making others feel at home in our communities and churches, or simply showing kindness when out and about. Simply welcome someone into church or make someone feel valued when out and about! Love can take many forms; from opening doors for others and smiling when passing them in the hallway to providing homes for families in need or providing opportunities to aspiring entrepreneurs. Whatever form it may take, it’s essential that we make an effort to demonstrate our love for others – just as God loves us unconditionally – this is the true meaning of the golden rule: “Love your neighbor as yourself”. (Matthew 22:39b) Costi Hinn is pastor and president of The Shepherd’s House Bible Church and For the Gospel respectively, authoring several books including God, Greed, and the (Prosperity) Gospel as well as More Than a Healer. Currently residing in Arizona with his wife Christyne.

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